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Sudan Tribune

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Nasir county figures question whether UN relief barges hid ammunition

June 15, 2009 (JUBA) – The UN relief barges ambushed last Friday on the Sobat River were carrying hidden ammunition, insinuated a statement stemming from the Nasir County Community in Juba, South Sudan.

Over 40 people may have died in the attack, in which armed civilians of the eastern Jikany Nuer attacked a UN World Food Programme barge convoy guarded by SPLA soldiers. So far 16 boats have returned to Nasir, all without the food they were carrying, according to Michelle Iseminger, the head of WFP’s Juba programme. UNMIS peacekeepers report that 5 boats may have sunk, while WFP Juba Logistics heard that 4 had sunk.

The boats were on their way from Nasir to Akobo, after having been blockaded in Nasir until south Sudanese government officials negotiated their departure on Friday. The United Nations says that the 27 barges were carrying humanitarian aid and Iseminger calls the development “a massive blow for the operation” of getting food into Akobo, where WFP last distributed a 15-day ration for displaced 16,000 people in April.

Lou Nuer, residing in Akobo, and eastern Jikany Nuer around Nasir, fought a war between 1993 and 2004, in the wake of a split within the dominant insurgency in the south. Among many peace conferences during that period and subsequently, one was conducted in Ulang County around March this year. The conference did not forestall bloody attacks, including one by Lou fighters at Torkech in which 75 people were killed or drowned while trying to flee.

Reflecting the distrust and animosity between the Lou and Jikany, the statement today from the Nasir representatives in Juba questions whether the barge convoy had another agenda other than feeding the displaced Lou civilians.

“When the local authority tried to inspect these boats, they were refused to inspect three boats and this raised doubts that the three boats might be carrying harmful objects, possibly arms or ammunitions. After learning this, questions about who owns these boats and under whose responsibility arose,” it says.

“It was later discovered that the boats were under direct responsibility of Dr. Riek Gai Kok, the Presidential Advisor to the President of Republic, Omar Hasan Al-Bashir. Other sources which are yet to be confirmed revealed that 18 of these boats were sent by UNHCR,” they state.

Furthermore, the letter questions why SPLA soldiers were accompanying the barges rather than UN peacekeepers serving with UNMIS.

But the authors affirm the history of their loyalty to the cause of SPLM/A, saying “We gave everything without reservation ranging from human beings, livestock, and food including free firearms during Anyanya (I) rebellion when guns were rare commodities to find by which to prosecute the war. Our man once Alternate commander John Jok Mundit was the one who received late Garang with his family and hosted them in his house in Ethiopian town of Thiajak or Adura.”

“Mandeng village twenty miles south of Nasir town is the first place where SPLA gunned down the first two Airplanes in 1983. Late Lt General Stephen Duol Chol was the one who helped in uniting Anyanya two and SPLA in 1987. He fought gallantly all through during the SPLA struggle till the time of his untimely death in 2007,” recalls the document.

Then the letter asks, “With these wonderful contributions, why SPLA is still conspiring against our people?”



  • Joseph

    Nasir county figures question whether UN relief barges hid ammunition
    I comment on this issue before two days that it was not food alone three boats carrying bullets and guns. If this is Riak Gai then that is NCP games.
    But shame on unknown SPLA who are doing sexual abuse, burning houses and killing civilians.
    Kindly advising politician and senior SPLA official to stop this bloodshed.

  • junub

    Nasir county figures question whether UN relief barges hid ammunition
    It could be true the ammunition barge might have been included among UN relief convoy to Akobo, which I think the person behind this plans could be Riak Machar but not Riak Gai. I said so because Riak Machar has no good but the dirty game to play against Southerners since he know he is going to lose his postion next year. Riak Machar is trying to portray Riak Gai as one behind the scheme because he is an NCP member. No blame to Jikany Nuer despite what because the Torkech massacre by Lou Nuer have saddened everyone.

  • ghetto

    Nasir county figures question whether UN relief barges hid ammunition
    It was a mistake to bring back Gatluak Deng for governorship in Malakal. Everything was right when Dak Dup was govenor of Malakal because he is from Gajaak. It is insane when one condones criminal act like what happened in those boats. If splm is capable and competitive as party in power for Southern Sudan, investigation should be started in Gatluak Deng office, security in Malakal, all the check points before barges arrived in Nasir, Nasir commissioner office, security in Nasir, Gathoth Mai (chief of staff in spla). Not far, it was consperacy and set-up to rob these barges and killed people.The question would be why officials in Nasir gave these barges green light to go to Akobo? Hours later boats were attack. Could that be foul play? Commissioner of Nasir would have the answer. It was hoax and lies to say guns and ammunitions were in those boats.

  • Thokidine

    Nasir county figures question whether UN relief barges hid ammunition
    Dear All,

    It is really amuzing for SPLA soldiers killing its own citizens. Nasir could be considered as a great historical place known every where because it hosted every formed government. In 70s it hosted the Anya-Nya, 80s it hosted SPLA and 90s it hosted the so called SSIM. What goods a county like Nasir could do if all these things were in vain??

    I fully understood now that our government (GoSS) is a failed and corrupt government that will never do goods to us. Here is some question to be responded by any one who see himself capable of answering.

    Q1. Why is there more tribe/clan fighting while we have a government (GoSS)?????????

    Q2. Why is it so easy for President Kiir to flight from Juba to Malakal to settle only dinka clan problem (Attar and Khorflus clan) then flying to Jonglie to solve the trible fighting between Murle and Lou Nuer, then to upper Nile to solve the problem between Dinka and Shilluk?????

    SPLA, SPLA, i don’t think those soldiers killing Nasir citizen are the real spla forces that had been served by with walwal, kop and liac of that river. they are the grabe and bribed soldier who went for looting and joint the army because of money. Nasir had killed thousand of people to get it out of arab, thousand of cows, goats and sheep had been fed to the real spla soldier fighting for the welfare of the citizen. There is not point for Nasir citizen to stikes against its own government that they have hosted a decades but something must be running against the scene.

    I know SPLA high commanders are bribe lover who can easily be fooled by money. Why fighting civilian when they really know the source of the problem (Riek Gai)Nasir civilian had never ever made any attempt on UN boat since then why today????. You fool SPLA leaders including your president, watch out, it is not the strongest SPLA led by that powerfull men (Garang and Nyuon). it is your weak and corrupt SPLA that is nearly falling. Mind you SPLA can break any time any where and it has already been started by H.E. Dr. Lam Akol. Some one else will follow if you keep practising your bad behavoir against civilian by killinf them, raping their women and daugters. DUMN TO SPLA AND ITS LEADERS. MAY GOD PUNISH THOSE RUNNING FOR MONEY THAN FOR WELFARE OF SOUTHERN SUDAN

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