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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rumbek East County commissioner denies bias against sub-clan

By Manyang Mayom

June 15, 2009 (YIROL) — The newly appointed commissioner of Rumbek East County, Mabor Mayen Wol, dismissed a report that he is against the Thieyic sub-clan of Rumbek East.

Commisioner_Mabor_Mayen_Wol.jpgCommissioner Wol was incorrectly quoted in the Sudan Tribune on June 10 as saying in a 2004 statement, “Thieyic behaviors are like a frog making a croaking noise – the frog will not become silent until a person beats the water.”

The quotation came from a statement purporting to come from the new commissioner. But the official charges that there are some politicians who usually release incorrect statements about him rather than facing him directly, in order to provoke his much-loved community against him during the period of his administration.

“I am seriously looking for the person who released this statement and I must face a court with him or her later on if I obtain him or her, and then I will continue with him to court,” said Mabior, adding that this move would discourage liars from charging an official figure without evidence.

He also denied the allegation of corruption during his first term from 2000 – 2004, saying that the area in that period was only governed by the SPLM/A, whereas following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the powers were shared with other political parties.

After the treaty, appointment of the commissionership was based on local representation, so a native belonging to the area had to take over the post. According to Wol, this is the reason he was ousted from the post; he noted that no charges like corruption or abuse of powers were placed upon him.

The official said that he was recently appointed by presidential decree of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), though at first actually he rejected the decree for four days. Therefore the county community leaders came together to convince him to serve the county, without favoring his clan nor friends, ruling solely through justice.

Furthermore, Mabor Mayen Wol was welcomed in the home area of the sub-clan, Malek-Agok Payam of Rumbek East County, by mostly elders and children last week on his way to Rumbek East County headquarters where he would take up his office in Aduel on June 8, 2009.

He pointed out that he wed his beloved wife from the inhabitants of Malek-Agok.

“This system of pinning a person when a person is in power in Rumbek East County is really a very bad style,” he said, appealing to all politicians, students, intellectuals and elders of Rumbek East to face him directly if they have a feeling that ruling of the county is going wrongly, neither lobbying nor propagandizing in the media.

“Media are very dangerous tools that we as politicians should not rush in to use without reason,” he advises.



  • David Chiengkou
    David Chiengkou

    Rumbek East County commissioner denies bias against sub-clan
    I have never made a comment about the issues of the Lake state but I see today as an opportunity to give a bit of my thought about.
    People of lake state and their politician need to recognized that they one people and they need to treat one other with care. It is a worse thing for people of the same roots, culture and tradition who had live for centuries to marginalize it other or killing each other.
    It would be better if people can embrace their rich history and diversity then to listen to politicians whose their roles are to divide and rule. It inportant for the lake state to be a role model because Southern Sudan SPLM administration was established for more than three years before peace. it time to focus in development of the comunity then the destruction of the community. Please believe in your community and build southern Sudan.


  • Akolde Nhiak Jinub
    Akolde Nhiak Jinub

    Rumbek East County commissioner denies bias against sub-clan
    Dear Readers,

    Akolde N. Jinub was requested by Malengagok Community members to have this Press Release pasted. Here we go!

    Rumbek East County,
    Malengagok Payam,
    Lakes state – Rumbek
    June 12 2009

    H.E Hon. Mabor Meen Wol,
    Commissioner East County,
    Lakes state – Rumbek


    REF: Sudan Tribune Article: New Commissioner takes over in Rumbek East County, dated Thursday June 11 2009: 09:17 UT. As a concerned citizen and a member of Thuyic Community and on behalf of the Thuyic (Ming-Bul) community in the country and the Diaspora, I, Adulojohk W. Makuek here by condemn in the strongest possible terms the appalling comments made by Hon. Mabor Meen Wol on his route to the county headquarters’ in Aduel via Malengagok, as reported by Sudan tribune ref. above.

    Hon. Wol is not a new face in this county. He had served this very county in 2000-2005 and left a trail known of political blunders and failures that would mean political death in the normal political arena. Having seen the stun community on his re-appointment, Hon. Wol failed to conceal his motives and emotions about his subjects.

    It was apparent that Hon. Wol singled out Thuyic Community as his adversaries and was ready to start his predetermined confrontation even at the eve of his new era of power.

    On behalf of the intellectual community of Rumbek East county in general and Malengagok Payam in particular, I am bound to respond to this wanton aggression and irresponsible provocation of the power drunk Commissioner H.E. Mabor Meen Wol.

    This abusive and confrontational stance of Hon. Wol is clearly evident in the statement he released in Malengagok. Quote page 2 of the above ref. paper news article.
    “Allegedly, Wol had released a statement against the particular clan of Thiec of Rumbek East, that Thieyic behaviors are like a frog making a croaking noise – the frog will not become silent until a person beats water.” unquote. http://www.sudantribune.com_article=31458

    With such wisdom, what a commissioner would Hon. Wol be? Can any good come out of such a shallow minded imposed commissioner?
    Let me call to the attention of Hon. Wol that, had it been any other real politician making statements of your kind, it would mean a political suicide. But for your case sir, your statements add to your credentials and that is the requirement needed by your masters. You have indeed secured your second term, since you follow your master’s agenda.

    Hon. Wol was given sanctuary in the SPLM State after his miserable failures and evil deeds during his first term in the office of the County. Hon. Wol never felt any remorse to his unforgettable administration. Being a big mouth politician, the SPLM feared loosing him to another political party as he would be more detrimental to the state, other than sending him to the East County by the SPLM state leadership.

    What a dis-service done to the East County by the SPLM State leadership?

    The above news article has released some information of how the first term of Hon. Wol was plagued with scandals.
    Please quote some Sudan Tribune; “Wol has already served as commissioner of the county for three years in the period of 2000 to 2004; he was removed from commissionership position on allegations of misappropriation of public resources and abuse of power”, unquote.

    Hon. Wol as he appears in his real colors should not have been privileged by a second term since Hon. Wol is a liability to the East County.

    The allegations of misappropriation of public resources and abuse of power are both unconstitutional and could incriminate Hon. Wol. But since he is doing the will of his masters, which is why he got re-appointed to his second term to complete the uncompleted secret agenda designed to victimize the (Ming-Bul) Thuyic community.

    Hon. Wol knew he wouldn’t be accepted by Rumbek East County community on his second return, so he began shading crocodile’s tears by remarking: quote, I refused for four days to take the position because there are mass of trouble here in Rumbek East, I didn’t want to become dirty again like other years that I had served you” unquote.

    Hon. Wol, you were indeed dirty and is currently dirty and always would remain dirty. Resign please and disappear from the political field. Because of your dirty ways, you are now contemplating malicious action against your targeted community.
    The Thuyic community is a peaceful community and branding them as trouble shooters is a clear sign of blackmailing the community to have a chance of looting their property. We knew that you were ordained for this mission.

    Hon. Wol shamelessly, you lifted up your walking stick to signal beating the water to silence the frogs. Shame on you! Your intentions are very clear as you have boasted in the same news article, quote “ I shall continue to work through baseline of Law, not favoring my clan, my mission will be justice and actually those who work against the law will face the law, but remember me – I am back again as Mabor of that time’ unquote.

    Hon. Wol, instead of talking about Alamtooc as your power base, you chose to talk about your clan, where is justice here sir? You rather chose your clan and this depicts you being narrow minded as you begin to utter statements confused and misleading as in your above quote. What justice Hon. Wol, if there was any justice and rule of law, that a criminal record we have surveyed wouldn’t have gone unpunished leave alone being re-appointed?

    Hon. Wol, if you were a real politician, I would have demanded your public apology and withdraw your unbecoming statements. But since you are on a payroll of the enemies of Alamtooc community, you will surely thrive as the saying goes, “in a country of blind people, one eyed person is always the king.”

    Hon. Wol you have been made to believe that saying. But let me give you this piece of advice, you have a mountain of your own problems, please attend to them and consider this saying with seriousness. The saying goes, “those who live in glass houses, should never throw stones.

    Not only did you deprive Thuyic (Ming-Bul) community of Malengagok of their share of participation in Lakes state Government of SPLM County position that you gave to Atiaba Payam, but you have also been a stumbling block to our Payam development opportunities. E.g. Our school construction that you chased off UNICEF contractors of 2004, slamming them of not putting up concrete structures. Till today, we have missed that opportunity because of your bad intentions about this particular community.

    This press release acts as a whip for those other politicians as of Hon. Wol caliber that people are aware of blunders and irresponsible statements. It is time that you need to be conscious of your deeds and statements as you govern and address your subjects wherever in South Sudan.

    God Bless us and Bless South Sudanese people in their diversity

    Thuyic (Ming-Bul) community in Rumbek East County and the Diaspora.

    Rumbek – South Sudan

    For contacts:
    Refer to:
    Aduoljohk W. Makuek, on [email protected]

  • Young Patriot
    Young Patriot

    Rumbek East County commissioner denies bias against sub-clan
    Mr commissioner should offer an apology to the people of Maleng-agok rather than engage in denial. We are fed up with your reckless public statements which equates you to other other illiterate politicians like the current inept governor of Lakes State.
    Apologize and that will make improve your credibility.

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