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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Uganda calls for tough measures against Darfur violence perpetrators

June 19, 2009 (KAMPALA) – The Ugandan president Yoweri Musievini appeared to be pointing blame to Khartoum over the violence in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur, according to New Vision news portal.

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni (Reuters)
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni (Reuters)
Musievini speaking from Germany where he is on an official visit said that the international community needs to take tough measures against the perpetrators of violence in Darfur.

“Darfur is a real problem to Africa; the international community must find a quick solution. Africans are being displaced from their land,” Musievini said.

He also called for an end to ‘Arab chauvinism against African sovereignty’ in Sudan.

The Ugandan head of state made the remarks during his meeting with Germany’s subcommittee on East Africa.

It is not clear what prompted Musievini’s strong remarks. His government backed the African Union (AU) position against the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

However, Uganda’s position on the issue appeared ambiguous as Musievini said last March that he wants neither to “condemn Bashir” nor “condone his actions”.

He reiterated his position in Germany today saying that African leaders are not dismissing ICC accusations against Bashir but waiting on a report from a panel the AU established last February to look into ways to balance accountability with peace in Darfur.

The Ugandan president stressed that Africans are fair people who do not rush to judge others before hearing from both sides.

He revealed that he raised the Darfur issue during a meeting during the COMESA summit in Zimbabwe.

New Vision quoted Musievini as assuring the committee that a solution can be found for Darfur but that “Arabs should stop their hegemony over the Africans”.

The mainly black African tribes in Sudan’s western Darfur region took up arms against al-Bashir’s government in 2003, alleging decades of oppression and marginalization.

Khartoum responded with a military crackdown and has allegedly sponsored the mainly Arab Janjaweed militia, which is accused of committing atrocities against unarmed Darfur civilians.

The ICC accused Bashir of orchestrating an extermination campaign against the African tribes of Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa. However Sudan denied the charges saying it was suppressing an armed rebellion against the state.



  • Abuk D- Nhial
    Abuk D- Nhial

    Uganda calls for tough measures against Darfur violence perpetrators
    Kaguta ,
    My friend take away this simple thug (konny )who has been disturbing
    your lovable neighbors when visiting your country. Do believe that Southern Sudan is a strong shield that would rescue you very soon whenever you come across the best enemy as I dream.

    Make sure you deal well with all southern Sudanese in Uganda and I will remember you with your sons/daughters including your first lady Janet Museveni. I thank your defend Nyakarima Aruna for how brave he is, in 2004, I was studying in Kampal-Uganda till I completed my senior four with best awarded certificate from UNEB(U.C.E) and I could always hear how Aruna reacted with Kony in protection of his citizens. I later joined senior five but I didn’t completed it due to an urgent request from dad in Sudan.
    Now, I am neighbor to Barrack Obama in Chicago perhaps doing my graduation which I guess you will never believe.

    Nevertheless, I will do something for your Country if you continue favoring Southerners.

    Webali sebo.


  • Ajawuk Juma
    Ajawuk Juma

    Uganda calls for tough measures against Darfur violence perpetrators
    To Mr President,

    It is too late for you Mr dictator Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to see Darfur denocide as a really problem to Africa. There has been a problem in Sudan Since independent in 1956. This problem had its route in the Middle East as they always called Sudan party of the Arabs World which is totally wrong and their stupidity.

    Most Africans leaders views the problems in Sudan as domestic wars rather racial matter, and lack of sight whereby Africans are always fooled to turned against each others but forget to know that we are Africans!!!!

    I respected my dear people of Uganda and their local authorities for good welcoming they have done to us during our 22 years of struggle. As they truely called themselves God fearing Country.

    In fact, I don’t mean that all Ugandans were perfect toward Sudanese during their needy times but when you compare Uganda with others neighbouring countries where Sudanes took a refuge during civil wars, Ethiopia and Uganda were really best friends to us. And I still honour them for that.

    Remember my dear countrymen/women a friend indeed is a friend in needs. I hope Ugandans and Ethiopians must be treated as brothers whenever they step into Southern Sudan’s soil!!!

    May God bless you

  • emmanuel adol
    emmanuel adol

    Uganda calls for tough measures against Darfur violence perpetrators

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