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Sudan Tribune

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44 Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia fly to US

June 20, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — As world on Saturday celebrates and acknowledges world refugee day, Ethiopia’s Administration for Refugees and Returnees Affairs(ARRA) announce that a first group of 44 Eritrean refugee have flew this week to the United States, as part of ongoing resettlement operation, after years of exile in Ethiopia.

The Eritrean refugees are part of the 6,800 Eritrean refugees, America pledged to receive.

Ethiopia’s ARRA, an implementing partner of the UN high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), said that an additional 4,000 Eritrean refugees are finalizing preliminary process for their departure to the United States.

The resettlement operation is being carried out in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNHCR and the Ethiopian government.

Countries across the World today are marking world refugee day for the 42 million uprooted people world-wide with the theme “Real people, real needs”- refugees are individuals with real needs, just like you and me.

Ethiopia currently shelters some 110,000 refugees from neighboring countries of Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan and Kenya.

Refugees residing in over 10 camps in Ethiopia since yesterday have been marking the day on different programs.

The government of Ethiopia in collaboration with international organizations have returned tens of thousands of refugees back home and also resettled a lot to a third country.

Accordingly, some 36,000 southern Sudanese refugees, based on their consent are repatriated home during the past 3 years. Furthermore over 4,500 Eritreans were resettled to western countries.


1 Comment

  • Jabeessa

    44 Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia fly to US
    What is wonder if Eritreans flew to US? What special thing they have gained and would gain except being called REFUGEES? Anyoen tell me? People, especially Ethiopians think of your sisters and brothers who are refugees all over the world. Go down to Kenya (Kakuma) refugee camp and you will see a thousends of refugees from Ethiopia, who on one hand fear for their life to come back to their country, and lack an opportunity to fly abroad and relocated. We hear always that Ethiopian government is generously sending Eritreans abroad. What a heck is this? What if Eritreans live in Ethiopia? Isn’t this country their country? Have we (people) allow them to leave us in the first place? Was it our consent to call them separately Eritreans? It was and indeed is the will of two bullies, Meles and Isaias. They alone have accepted the title Eritrean people and country. We do not want to recognise Eritrea as a contry. Not now! Not tomorrow! We believe and understand Eritrea is one part of Ethiopia. And believe me, that will be realized again even if seems imossible for now.
    Death for tyrants!
    And for those who lose their right to exist in their country and living scattered all over the world, call them Eritreans and or Ethiopians, the day will come. The day that you see your beloved ones by your necked eyes. The day that suppressors and oppressors leave the place for one and the last vacating the post for good and farsighted leaders.
    Keep this hope in you!!

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