Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Cattle raider suspected in wounding of SPLA soldier in Rumbek East

By Manyang Mayom

June 30, 2009 (RUMBEK) — A member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) was shot by a suspected cattle raider in Rumbek East County of Lakes state on Monday early morning, sustaining a wound to his foot.

Rumbek East County Commissioner Mabor Mayen Wol
Rumbek East County Commissioner Mabor Mayen Wol
Abraham Aniim, age 28 years old, was part of a forcibly recruited unit (commonly known as Derdar). He was shot in the early morning on Monday in Pacong Payam, said an official

Lying on his hospital bed at Rumbek state hospital, Aniim confirmed to Sudan Tribune that he was shot in the morning while heading for the jungle toilet.

He said, “I was walking alone going to the toilet in the forest in the morning at 5 am and I saw a man wearing a non-military uniform carrying an AK-47 gun. I did not confront him and shortly the man opened gunfire on me and actually I fell down crying and he pressed on to end my life. Then I also started defending myself and I fired out two bullets and immediately he ran away.”

In the incident, Aniim was wounded in his right foot and now is admitted at Lakes state hospital surgery ward under serious sweat.

The soldier identified himself as one of the SPLA soldiers brought to Lakes state to carry out the forcible disarmament campaign in all eight counties of Lakes state.

Similar incidents occurred in 2007 to 2008 in Rumbek East when cattle raiders carried out slayings on SPLA soldiers. No charges were ever brought over these crimes.

According to a county official in Rumbek East, the commissioner is hunting for the suspect who shot Abraham Aniim. If the man is found then he will immediately face justice, promised the official.



  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Cattle raider suspected in wounding of SPLA soldier in Rumbek East
    Cattle raider shotting at SPLA!!

    What a good history in Rumberk. How can SPLA allow civilian to shot at them? whose mistake is it?

    Rumberk is another Iraq and am sure very soon Suicide bomb will start to exploit there.

    Brothers in Rumberk be very careful otherwise you are going to finish.

    Wish good luck!!

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • agar

    Cattle raider suspected in wounding of SPLA soldier in Rumbek East
    It is very ironic to had it that the person was been shot by unknown man. we appeal to the government of southern sudan to do forcible disarment to all the cattle keepers, i can say Rumbek east is the field of gencide. you never walk alone from 5:pm to 3:am if you walk at that time you may be shot by unknown gunman, this is the worse the place in the lake state i strongly i gree with the government of southern sudan to used all the powers by available mean, we are tied of these cattle keepers they are cause of problems. we will encourage you to continue with your disarment by using force all the guns must be collected by force whether they don,t like or not. If a person refused with the gun to surrender the person may face possible charges either willbe taken to the new site to do the government job for about 4 years or may be sentenced for 4 yeras in jails without seeing his family, i think this is the only way our people convience.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Cattle raider suspected in wounding of SPLA soldier in Rumbek East
    To, Manyang Mayam

    Even though you are doing your work as journalist, take this advice of mine. “Do not Report hurtful and sensitive events”, remember Isaac Vuni was jailed just because of reporting the facts. I know you are within your own folks, but as far as i know them, they are Stupid ethnic group in South Sudan.

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