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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan Umma party sign accord with Darfur JEM

July 2, 2009 (PARIS) – The Sudan Umma Party headed by former Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi signed a declaration of principles with Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in the Egyptian capital today.

Ahmed Togot Lisan, JEM Secretary for Negotiation and Peace
Ahmed Togot Lisan, JEM Secretary for Negotiation and Peace
Many clauses within the surprise accord appear to contrast with the close relationship the largest Northern opposition party has maintained over the last year with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

In May 2008 the Umma Party signed an agreement known as “National Reconciliation Agreement” which largely outlines a number of fundamental principles that both sides share the same views on.

At the time, Al-Mahdi blasted other opposition parties and advised them to join the agreements “before it is too late”.

However, last December the Umma Party leader acknowledged the failure of the agreement blaming “hawks inside the regime and within the opposition”.

A copy of the accord sent to Sudan Tribune states that both parties “affirm their commitment to work for a united democratic and federal Sudan; a Sudan that is based on citizenship rights, respect of public freedoms including religious, cultural and political affiliations. The parties agree on commitment to upholding national institutions and rule of law”.

Furthermore, the two sides describe the legal status of government as “unconstitutional” after July 9th saying it creates a “constitutional vacuum that can only be addressed through a national government based on national consensus”.

The date signifies the deadline set by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) for holding the national elections, which were delayed twice until April 2010.

Opposition parties contend that missing the deadline makes the government consisting of the NCP and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) unconstitutional according to the CPA.

However, both NCP and SPLM have brushed aside the opposition demands and a presidential adviser said that such a challenge can be made before the supreme court.

The agreement describes the fifth census results as “disputed” and “cannot serve as a base for political actions”.

Darfur rebel groups and SPLM have rejected the census saying it was not conducted properly casting doubts over the transparency of the process. However most Northern opposition parties maintained silence.

The Umma party and JEM affirmed their support to UN Security Council (UNSC) 1593 which referred the Darfur case to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The ICC issued an arrest warrant last March for Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir. Al-Mahdi, despite his earlier support to the ICC, criticized the warrant saying it undermines the office of the president and the symbol of the presidency.

The former prime minister called for establishment of hybrid courts to try Darfur war crimes suspects but the ruling NCP rejected the initiative.

Both sides expressed support to the Doha talks between JEM and Khartoum and urged the implementation of the goodwill agreement they signed in February 2008.

JEM says Khartoum reneged on the agreement which includes facilitation of humanitarian work and release of their POW’s.

Hours after the issuance of an arrest warrant against Al-Bashir the Sudanese government ordered out sixteen aid groups working in Darfur region.

“The two parties appreciate the role of relief NGOs and voice their strong concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Darfur. They further call for guaranteeing security for NGOs and IDP’s, ensuring facilitation of NGOs, including those which have been expelled and enabling them to resume their humanitarian work in Darfur,” the agreement reads.

The accord also affirms the need for good relationship with Sudan’s neighbors saying it requires “lack of interference in affairs of other countries, cooperation and peace-full co-existence”.

Chad accuses Sudan of supporting Chadian rebels while Khartoum says rebels of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) receive logistical support and weapons from the Chadian army.

The agreement marks a new turn in the relations between the two parties which became strained after JEM attack on the Sudanese capital over a year ago.

The Umma party condemned the attack and called for enforcing justice against the captured JEM fighters. Al-Mahdi paid a visit to Bashir after the attack to express his support angering JEM.

The declaration was signed by Ahmed Togot Lisan, JEM Secretary for Negotiation and Peace and Abdel Rahman Bishara Dosa Umma party Secretary of the Political Bureau .



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan Umma party sign accord with Darfur JEM
    The dying horse UMMA Party have no energy needed to run after three major players, running after SPLM, tomorrow after NIF/NCP and after JEM next tomorrow.

    I think Sadiq need to inform the public that he was badly cheated by his brother in-law Hassan Al Turabi by letting the latest to convince him that it is only few months and power will be returned after crushing SPLM/A, arrest its leaders and ensuring that they are in Kober (Cooper) Prison.

    NIF was fully aware that there is no such as child game in power if Sadiq didn’t know.

  • Tom Zart
    Tom Zart

    Sudan Umma party sign accord with Darfur JEM

    Most of the time as a politician stands up
    Along with the truth, their brain sits down.
    Promising anything and everything to anyone
    While posing to the public, to be on common ground.

    The higher the office the greater the corruption
    As candidates compete for those dead presidents of green.
    While we’re taxed to death to fund their pork
    Our cost for everything has become obscene.

    Thank God there are some better than most
    Not squeaky clean, but more honest than others.
    Regardless of party, they deserve our vote
    For they share our thoughts like sisters and brothers.

    Politicians who wish to be revered by history
    Must earn their fame by living the truth.
    Any who continue to mislead and deceive
    Must be shunned by the voter at the booth.

    By Conservative Poet
    Tom Zart
    Most Published Poet
    On The Web

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