Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan government rejects census results

By James Gatdet Dak

July 4, 2009 (JUBA) – Government of Southern Sudan has rejected the 2008 population census results, saying it should not be used as the basis for allocating wealth and power sharings in the region.

In a cabinet meeting on Friday chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit of the semi-autonomous government, the meeting resolved to write a letter to the Chairperson of the National Elections Commission, asking the Commission not to use the census results for alloting constituencies.

However, the Elections Commission has already gone ahead alloting the constituencies based on the results. It says the Presidency has already approved the results.

Salva Kiir who also has a second hat as the First Vice President of the Sudan and member of the three-person Presidency in Khartoum said he never agreed to the census results being used as the basis for alloting the constituencies, or generally for sharing of power and wealth.

This week, the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly also rejected the census results, saying it did not reflect the true population of Southern Sudanese in the country.

It is yet to be seen what possitive impact the GoSS letter to the National Elections Commission may do in addressing the dispute over the results.



  • Ly Soso
    Ly Soso

    South Sudan government rejects census results
    There is a question I keep remember everytime when we Southern agree on something and when things goes wrong we blame others (WHAT DO WE REALY WISH FOR)

    Are we not the same people who sign CPA
    Are we not the same people who work with the northern on the census
    Are we not the same people who work on the census by filling the forms
    Are we not the same people who employ census workers
    Are we not the same people who keept our census result in a building and the build got on fire
    Are we not the same peole who summit the result of the census to Bashir
    Are we not part of the Sudan Government
    if we are. So why are we weeping

    let us use our brain for once to think a head of those in NCP, we are smart the those who think other wise

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    South Sudan government rejects census results
    It is too late, Mr. President!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Chol K.Thon
    Chol K.Thon

    South Sudan government rejects census results
    July 4, 2009 (JUBA) – “Government of Southern Sudan has rejected the 2008 population census results, saying it should not be used as the basis for allocating wealth and power sharings in the region.

    In a cabinet meeting on Friday chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit of the semi-autonomous government, the meeting resolved to write a letter to the Chairperson of the National Elections Commission, asking the Commission not to use the census results for alloting constituencies”. ST.

    Are we fooling ourselves or someone? All of us can remember with vividness how we were discouraged from being counted by the very people who are now crying foul over the census results. In the first place our GOSS announced that the scheduled census would not take place but later someone somewhere convinced them that postponing it would be contravening the CPA. Reluctantly they accepted the advice but still said the results would not be used in any sharing model with the North. The census exercise went ahead but it was seriously undermined by ourselves in the sense that some of us did not turn out to be counted as expected simply because the census was supposedly a waste of time as the results were not going to affect anything. The ultimate result was that we were undercounted by our own selves. There is no Northerner to blame here.

    As we were fooling ourselves in the South, Northerners were serious with the count and all of them were counted. The Northerners invented some numbers though.

    At the presidency the results were endorsed. The First Vice President, Salva Kiir had voiced his objection to the endorsement and proposed that the 1956 population be used in sharing power and wealth between the North and the South but the other members of the presidency did not give it any heed. What do we now see? Census results being used to allocate power and wealth? Yes. But we are fooling ourselves that there is still hope that power sharing will be based on a model that is favorable to us. I concur with Dr. Ambago. It will never happen. Writing a letter or letters to the chairperson of the NEC is looking for a scapegoat. The NEC is a neutral body serving all Sudanese on equal footings.

    If we must try to undo this mistake of our own making, we should negotiate with the NCP and send whichever outcome to the NEC. Leave the NEC alone because it is not a partaker in this mess.

  • jualian daniel
    jualian daniel

    South Sudan government rejects census results
    “GOSS has rejected the 2008 population Census results, saying it should not be used as the basis for allocating Wealth and power sharing in the Region”

    Bravo to GOSS and its Cabinet. You are now acting in line with the needs of the Southern Sudanese. The fact that the Southern Sudan Population has been underestimated indicates that the NCP is not interested to work with South of the Country to achieve lasting peace in Sudan.

    The southern Sudanese now want you to concetrate on issues, matters and ways that will win us the long term aim of the people over the years. It is true that unity cannot be achieved due to the way the NCP has handled us since the Signing of the Comprehensive Agreement. They will eventually treat us in the same ways they handled us Before 1983 or even worse, and it will be like old wine in a new pot.

    It will be like the rule of Louis Philippe in France which French men described as a period When the leadership learnt nothing from the old mistakes. It followed that the Frenchmen continued to search for peace. If we do not Choose seccesson in 2011, we will suffer more than we are suffering today.

    I call on all Southern Sudanese citizens of sound and moderate mind to prepare the masses to see the truth and share it with whoever loves peace. the Sudan cannot longer be one and we cannot longer live in harmony. Time has come for us to recall that Sudan’s Independence was given at a time when little preparation was done. we now need our leaders through the CPA to safely land on our promised Destiny. let us say yes to secesson and no to War.

    Together for a Just self governed south Sudan.
    Self determination Oyeeeeeeeeeeeee OYEEEEEEEEEE

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