Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official

By Manyang Mayom

July 12, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Deputy Chairman and a Acting Secretary General for Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) Engineer Charles Kisanga had affirmed that the newly formed party spreading highly in all greater Equatoria counties, Upper Nile state and Western Bhar-El-Gazal region.

SPLM-DC Deputy Chairman, Charles Kisanga (R) poses for a photo with ST journalist Manyang Mayom (photo ST)
SPLM-DC Deputy Chairman, Charles Kisanga (R) poses for a photo with ST journalist Manyang Mayom (photo ST)
“We are struggling for change in Sudan” said Kisanga. He added that SPLM-DC objective is to make every Sudanese citizen happy and to ensure that all services are reaching community at they grassroots’ levels.

He also reiterated allegations that their membership is facing harassment by the southern Sudan army.

“There are a lot of intimidation been carry out by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in Southern Sudan against our party supporters specially in Upper Nile state and Western Bhar-El-Gazal state (Wau);” he said.

But the southern Sudan army denied the arrest of SPLM-DC supporters in Upper Nile state last week. It also denounced these “lies” saying it aims to discredit the SPLA.

Kisanga affirmed that their party aims to dislodge through democratic means the SPLM and to implement democratic practices in the southern Sudan.

He accused the SPLM leadership of using corruption to compensate them-selves in Southern Sudan and deny the ordinary people from the basic services.

Charles pledged that SPLM-DC would change all those wrongdoings happening in Southern Sudan by building hospitals, school, cultures centers and train students in professional system in Sudan.

Charles Kisanga, who is a former member of the SPLM party; is from Yambio, Western Equatoria.

He said that the SPLM National Liberation Council had been dissolved by late Dr. John Garang without reason; “I was also rejected in Juba during the SPLM national convention held in Juba while my constituency nominated me for the convention.”

Charles affirmed that prominent members from the SPLM have joined their party. “but we are still keeping their name in secrete lists for their safety and to allow them to operate in South” he said.. He also added that significant number of people in all Northern States of Sudan joint the SPLM-DC.



  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Dear friend:

    SPLM-DC is the only party that will save nation of south from problems they are in now. The time is now for nations of south to decied who will serve them. Please do not look at SPLM-DC as an enemy because you do not have qulification for job. Citizens will chose their leader.God bless great nations of south and SPLM-DC

    Oduck Bol

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Mr Famous Big-Logic-Boy < Fraud

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy < original

    This is what i want to hear on the media, and I personally praise my fellow Equatorians to go for democratic changes. We are tired of this miserable and all the crook SPLA party. SPLA is a devastating party full of corruption, tribalism, absolutism, totalism, caesarism and all bad repetution. I recommanded that lets try many ways and we will get the chances, eventually I urge my lovely Equatorians to go for the newly emerged party, it is a party that gives us alot of dreams to see some difference. Lets pull ourselves out of junglese rulers in gerneral dinkas party of SPLA (junglese), The time has come for transforming this nation into a modern World full of joy and exhilaration. It is time, my Equatorians lets not wait too long to fellow the democratic changes. It is a change of our lives and our nation from worse to bad and from bad to good. This must happened here in the land of Greater Equatorian , together we can do it as Equatorians. DC need you and you need DC both factors makes peace and unity in this country.

    We were disgusted by the cruel junglese party of SPLA, lets not continue under this ill party anymore. The time has come for us to embrace with DC as one. The opportunity and choices are in your hands, the food that you yened for has been placed infront of you now and it is your choice whether to starve or survive. DC is infront of us so why do we continue with junglese party of SPLA full of corruption and tribalism. If you want to contineu collecting water, seeing knoyo knoyo market full of rubbish vote for SPLA. But if you have some dreams of living in a better enviornment where your childrens could get free eduction, quality service at the hospital, ranning water, electricity, clean roads and seeing rubbish bin displaces everyhwere for our sanitation please and please don’t let DC pass through your way without adding your inputs.

    DC is like a sun from east to west, for instance you knew that your blankets where wet and you need to dry them so that the next night you feel confortable but you keep ignoring the whole heat for 7am-7pm. Now the night is back it is time to rest your eyes but your blankets are as wet as hell . Who would you blame for your blankets? NO BODY Blame yourself. GET ON THE MOVE EQUATORIANS

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD)

  • Gatbentiu

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    The so called Southern Sudanese politicians must be crazy by forming a lot of political parrties, yet we are still in the early stage of the peace, there is SPLM-DC today tomorrow it will be different story.

    Please give SPLM/A a chance we will form these parties after 2011.Isaiah Abraham must be crazy element to critized SPLM it may be because he was refused to attend SPLM political meeting.


    [email protected]

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Dear SPLM/DC,

    This should not be the right time for Southern Sudanese politicians to form parties for competition, We the youth of Southern Sudan we need Unity among ourselves instead of forming more parties like UDF, SAF, SPLM DC etc.What CHANGE do you mean really? Lets unite first then CHANGE later.

    My advice is that, we the youth should stick for SPLM only until 2011 Referedum.

    SPLM Oyee

    Thank you,

    Mou Magok


  • Father Critic
    Father Critic

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Dear barking dogs from EQuatoria and their supporters’

    Bear in mind that what goes up comes down.Your being the most coward people in Southern Sudan would not let people trust you for ever and ever.

    Dinkas have suffered for your rights and they are ready to respond to any one who is against the peace being brought by them.Are you not aware of what Lagou did in 1983? What else do you want and you know very well that chance knocks at once.

    I am very sorry to those who are supporting Money minded, Lam Akol Ajawin for no good reason.As I told you yesterday that formation of many parties is not bad but this not the right time for you to do it.We have not yet known where we belong to.

    Shame on Equatorians for what they are doing.My dear readers and writers,one rotten onion affects the whole sack.Why don’t they behave like some other regions? Their being in Southern Sudan is really useless to me.A real man has to be stable instead of moving up and down.

    CPA will never ever come to an end and I am very much sure about that your D-C will.

    You are doing zero work instead of closing down all the computers rather than blocking my comments.Shame on you wherever you are.I know computer in and out.

    Critic Ngueny from Bor town

  • M.C.C Kul-chi-gongic
    M.C.C Kul-chi-gongic

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Dear Readers.

    The Deputy Chairman and a Acting Secretary General for(SPLM-DC) Mr.Charles Kisanga is talking about only two men in the Southern Sudan. The members of SPLM-DC in the South Sudan he is talking about are Dr. Riek Machar and Muhammad Tor Deng Mawien the current Governor of Warrap State. Riek and Tor were NCP members but were sent back to the South to split the SPLM/A by forming another party in order to destroy SPLM.

    So the prominent members from the SPLM who have joined SPLM-DC party are Dr. Riek Machar and Muhammad Tor Deng Mawien. Mr.Kisanga still keeping their names in secrete lists but we already know them before you told us. You said that and I quote “we are still keeping their names in secrete lists for their safety and to allow them to operate in South”. Stupid statement from Kisanga.

    Both Tor and Machar are on ICC waiting list after Al-Bashir because of what they have done in the South Sudan during war. Tor Deng Mawien murdered 28 officers from his own home town Gogrial including CDR/Pilot Madut Riing, while Dr Riek Machar in 1991 killed more than 5,000 Dinka Bor children, women and elders.

  • Akurjok

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    It is no surprise that the mentioned states are supporting SPLM-DC given their tribal background. Western Bhar el ghazal is inhabited by Fertit tribe and we know that during the war they were collaborating with the Arabs. Needless to say, all Equatorians belonged to “Equatorian Defense Force”(EDF) which was a militia group supporting the Arabs and Shilluks of Upper Nile state were implementing the “Fashoda Peace Agreement” with Khartoum by leading the 1990s campaign to annihilate Bor civilians. I have always been telling folks that Lam witll be having sympathizers from Equatorian states, Western Bhar el Ghazal and Upper Nile(Shilluk) and today I have been proven right. These people are carrying on with the unaccomplished mission they started during the time we were fighting to liberate our country. Then they were busy stabbing us in the back but this time things are going to be different; we will crush them like nyamnyam.

    Kisanga, being supported by these people is not a sign of victory but rather failure. I challenge you to come to Greater Bor(Jonglei), Lakes, Warrab, Aweil and prove me wrong by winning their support. They are the real people.

  • Ghor

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Dear Big_Logic
    I feel proud when a dog like you is barking and the camel is going, that is our tradition in Africa, you cannot praise what others are doing, unless you want to be the one doing it and be called (Beny or leader). You will not get the power you are looking for with your triator Mr. Lam Akol. IF you guys were not so foolish, you could have asked youselves that it is realistics to develop overnight a nation destroyed by war for nearly 50 years starting from 1955? This is an indication that you want to come and enrich yoursleves. All the developed countries were not built in 3 or 4 years time,CPA was signed 4 yers ago and then you start bakring that change, change, change when even other articles have not yet been impelmented. How do you justify to public that you will make better than SPLM. All are nonesense, you could even be worst then Arab if you come to power in the south. Your leader has no principle of following one thing at a time. Believe me or not, you (supporters) of Lam will run away from him sooner than later.


    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    The Feign leader of SPLM/DC Mr Lam Akol, is dangling in Southern Sudan, hopping that he is doing the most expectation of the Southern Sudanese people, but in reality, he will be finding himself in incompetent.

    What are the basic fundamental changes Lam Akol want to bring to the Southern Sudan? If Lam Akol want to bring changes, then why he doesn’t go to Khartoum where things are disorganized by Khartoum Government and makes changes first before he urged to bring changes to Southern Sudan? I challenged Lam Akol from today that he is an invalued person with a dull and a thickened minded. Lam Akol think that he is the right person to bring prosperity to the Civilians of the Southern Sudan, but in reality, he forget about what he did in the pass. According to my own views, Lam Akol will never bring any legitimate principles as he wish.

    First of all, to be a leader, you have to be chosen by the Civilians and not a leader who can chosen himself alone. I have never seen in my life that a leader chose himself to become a leader of the people. It is my first time to experience such a news from a Feign leader Lam Akol. What I do see is that, Feign Lam Akol, want to built a credit to himself so that people can think that he is doing the right thing. As matter of fact, Lam Akol is the first murder and a traitor absent minded leader. Only his tribe Shilluk and Equatorian people are the people who can stand with him.

    By Dharchep.

  • Kamula

    SPLM-DC is spreading in South Sudan states- official
    Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my dear collegues, i wonder if western equatoria is also practising corruption. my dear kisanga, why are you hanging yourself on a rope, or you were not in the bush during the struggle.

    the jelous is still on us, you remember, your legal chairman, was the one who plan to splite SPLM/A in to two if late, Dr jG
    was not strong.

    But you, you do not step on fire, go home to takecare of your children at the house.

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