Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report

July 13, 2009 (PARIS) — The Sudanese government managed to buy an unknown number of WS-2 multi-launch rocket systems from China, according to Kanwa Defense Review Monthly magazine.

WS-2 multi-launch rocket systems (military-today.com)
WS-2 multi-launch rocket systems (military-today.com)
This is the first time this system is exported by China to any country, the Defense magazine reported adding that Sudan now is in possession of the “most powerful long-range attack system” in the African continent.

The multi-launch rocket systems was never shown in any of the country’s military parades.

The report comes as the Sudanese defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein started today an official visit to China.

“The two countries have witnessed fruitful cooperation in such areas as politics, economy and culture since the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago,” the Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie said after talks with Hussein.

Chinese state media made no mention of any proposed defense contracts between the two countries.

Kanwa Defense Review Monthly could not verify when Sudan received the WS-2 rocket systems but that several African delegates at the Abu-Dhabi International Defense Exhibition and Conference 2009 confirmed the sale.

Furthermore, sources told the magazine that the system’s effective range was upgraded to 200 km with enhanced accuracy and reduced launch time. The system’s warhead weighs 200 kilograms and it uses four types of ammunition.

The UN Security Council (UNSC) imposed an arms embargo that covers Sudan’s Western region of Darfur.

Human rights groups frequently accused China of supplying arms to Sudan for use in Darfur, in breach of a UN arms embargo and produced photographs of Chinese weapons in Darfur.

But Beijing insists that any weapons sales made to Sudan are not in breach of any UNSC resolutions.



  • oshay

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    This is unbelievable Sudan currently has one of the most sophisticated Armies in sub saharan Africa all that is needed now is modernization in the field of Aviation and the Navy. The SPLA better think clearly before it tries to instigate another war

    This is a long way off when Sudan used to beg countries for bullets to fight the SPLA.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    Right and Justice are the best weapons you need to win a war.

    NIF has been using all sophisicated weapons in the South and Darfur.

    The deadly weapons UMMA and NIF regimes used in the South include; chemical weapons, Antonov Bombers and the most advanced Russian Sokoi Mig 29 Jet Fighter.

    Due to the lack of the rifght weapons, “rights and justice”, NIF and UMMA evil parties miserablly failed to defeat the Marginalised Uprisings Movements led by SPLM/A.

    China weapons are no different from those defeated with NIF militias.

    Senar is not a region in the Arabian Penisular, it is a Sudanese Land and you need to be wise to avoid fighting the nature.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    Kiir be very carefull!!

    Any shit you do now will mean Dinkas are over if you can see that powerful gun.

    It is simply brought for you since your people are using money just to buy Hummers with, have you seen how Bashir is using his money which he he is getting from the Oil share?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    Mr Famous Big-Logic-Boy < Fraud

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy < original

    Unbelivable that on the day of firing those missile to south and durfur. Sudan will turn into another Gaza or worse. GOSS of dinkas was importing fake panges(weapons) from Russia now arabs are more into advance weapon (arrows) which they will fire from north without comign to frontline. Finaly they will come when the whole South is ash not us (Southerners). GOSS and his mongrel junglese will fligh to their heaven of USA, UK AUS, UG, KEN and ETH. But my lovely poor Southerners will be burned to ash with those arrows from china.

    When it is eating the corrupt goss and his junglese are number one but when coming to defense of this nation you find that the coward community of dinkas are number one taking trip for safety. This time when the hell days of Sudan whether during the referradoum, election or arrest warrenty of criminal has come, there is need for you junglese to particapate and face the truth. Don’t always leave Equatorians and nuer to defend you like their wivies. Tthose rockets where bought by arabs for two reasons, one is to panic other countries from arrestting bashir and other is to threaten the junglese to vote for unity. However a wise man and people like Equatorians are always into the battle. To die is much better than going for unity, prove yourself as brave by facing the bullet not ranning to hid.

    To my Equatorians, we want only those of us who are abroad to come and occupy our motherland when we did our best, because we who are present here in South are into the fight with those arabs, if their rockets were intentional bought for us. Our land must not and will not be left to the hands of arabs never and never happen if w’re alive, this is why i say that the once who are in foreign countries will come to take over not us because are ready to face the death. Another thing is that if those rockets were bought especial for South then the is a chance that most of them are made out of toxic. You dinkas this time be prepare to stand with your skilled and knowledgable Equatorians. Otherwise if you repeat turning around to the side of arabs and acting aganist Equatorians then your on fire. No messing around the moment for truth is coming to South.

    Logic is the chairman and founder of Equatorian Resistant Movement (ERM) after achieving its objectives and goals it will reverse to Sudanese Revolution Movement for Democratic (SRMD)

  • Father Critic
    Father Critic

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    Dear barking dogs from Equatoria and their supporters,

    Please don’t be panic for you are still with your freedom fighters,We are ready to tune to the language Arabs understand better.How many rockets had been used since and we have managed to teach them a lesson.Dinkas enjoy sound of gun shoot like a music but Equatorians start urinating while dressed.

    I would like to inform the president of Southern Sudan to be ready and respond on time.Stitch in time save nine.You have to act quickly in order to avoid problems.

    Please I would also like to inform money minded and food lovers to leave the area as soon as possible.But bear in mind that these days…….. unless you have taken part.

    The following communities are the ones which liberated Southern Sudan:Dinka Bor,Dinka Bhar El Ghazel,Dinka Ngok,party of Nuer community,Nuba mountain but those whose names are not in the list are food lovers and money minded,

    Critic ngueny from Bor town

  • wannawilla S M
    wannawilla S M

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    By the way, who can help me know who is that O’shay???
    I think this guy has got something wrong with him.

  • Jakok Loakloak
    Jakok Loakloak

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    It is sadening to read such stupidity flowrishing among Southerners over the net. What a shame to be associated with such creatures of low understanding and percept. We could have had a consrtuctive discussion and brain storming over the armamnet issue yet these things will never allow us know what we don’t know. Because they think they are it..

    SPLA have the correct figures and solutions to your fears sons of darkness..Here we know they have Hinds gunships Numbering (##)this means two figures only. Unmaned surrvaillance planes (##) assemled in Jiad millitary production complex, Mig-23 (##), Mig-29 (##) SU-27 (#), SU-37 (#) and the Chinese SU-Version (##). We also Know that the North is assembling NVGs, tanks and ammos of all kinds in the same complex to eliminate the night attacks and trees we hide in. But rest assured, we Know..
    What you see today is leaked intentionaly to offset the Abyie rulling; and to frighten you as one may see from the above responses. If you feel the south will be overtaken in one day by the Raajimats, please; Uganda and Kenya borders are still open move there with your family..or best go to Khartoum and live in the shanty towns and come back when the land is secure enough for you to be home. Leave the south to us southerners who are willing to give it all..


  • Matung Neng-neng
    Matung Neng-neng

    Good news
    I think the sudanese Government is coming to understand that what have been going in Iraq and the Middleeast crisiss are all relate to Sudan in which none of these right, or wrong, UN, or AU, and lawsuit need to be considered otherwise unless one have to defend itself.
    It is crimes time, no doubt about it.
    Please read it carefully!
    Have nice day!
    Mr. Matung

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    Areplying to my opponet Emano Mundukur:

    Good for you to give your opinion,but you are totaly out of information with people who chare with you. First,in your artical,you acause Dr Lam Akol and Dr Rick Machair and also the new party Wich is SPM-DC of betarying SPLM; if people go to court with you, “you will end up in jaile”, because you do not have evdences that prove your acausation. New party (SPLM-DC)is not the one which serving Southerns as government and in Sudan as whole. You should blam your boss with his ministers who are doing nothing,but looting public properties,visitting others country and women. was Dr Lam and Rick or SPM-DC that Kill Kenyan,Ugandian and Amir in Lack State yesterday? answer is SPM/A members. Was Lam,Rick or SPLM-DC that looted this moeny $7000,000,000,0000 billin? Answer is SPLM/A members. Instead pointing your finger to your boss,your pointing it to people who want to save you. You are mind muniflated. The case of China selling missiles and rockets to North Sudan is welknown by many nations in side Sudan and on the world. Do you asked you boss Salva Kiir what he acheived or benfet from traveling to China since the started of CPA and China now still selling weapons to North Sudan?. What kind of relationship they have?. My comrade you are behind the world. China dose not care about any body in Sudan wether Southerns or Northerns. Just China want its interests in Sudan. China needs oil,gold Cuper,zing and agerculture to feed its hunger nations. China first was worry that SPLM May win the power in Sudan or in South however China relize she was worry of primitive who dose not know anything to serve his people. So now China is dealing with a person who knows his interest which is Arab. My advice to you is that,we are going to tell your boss that you are wrong person to serve people,you got the power by chance,you did not tell people what was your objective or what you want to do to them.
    Oduck Bol

  • YihHon Alewei
    YihHon Alewei

    China secretly sells Sudan multi launch rocket systems: report
    This is not something new if you guys following the history!

    Dear all,

    Stop bickering at each other, do something for yourselves and the people of Sudan in general. Those who always took side in the current situation in the Sudan are fooling themselves. The Sudanese government must think twice before wasting the revenues of the state by buying those expensive weapons without wighing the outcomes. It is the time our leaders have to give up stupidity, greed, nepotism and oafishness. What a shame? We have people dying of hunger, diseases and money has been wasted on weapons.

    In my opinion, Sudan can not afford another war, I mean we have lost millions of people and still our leaders don’t get it! If these leaders of Sudan have gone to school, I think, they would have learnt more about humanity and how to build a society which can live in harmony and tranquility. The countries that we are heavily rely on have been in civil wars for decades! How did they fixed their damages? Those people realized that war is not a solution to the social strifes but negotiation is the best to achieve your demands.

    Look at Europe, USA and China today, those countries went through terrible civil wars for decades–When they realized–they resorted to diplomacy instead of weapons like what Omar Bashir is doing now..

    Sudan can be a better country–if we listen to each other and work out our differences without firing a shot at each other. I encourage our leaders to take positive comments seriously–our country is collapsing before us–let’s do something different than killing civilians–

    To those of Oslay and Logic–you are far from the truth–I don’t know what kind of human beings you are? Stop supporting dull motions and do something better for yourselves–

    Sudan will be a better place if we use words instead of rockets–(heavy artillery)–at the end of the day–rivals still come to the round table for talks–

    God bless Sudan

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