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Sudan Tribune

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African Union extends Darfur peacekeeping mission, appoints new commander

July 21, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), extended today the mandate of United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) for one year.

Lt General Patrick Nyamvmba
Lt General Patrick Nyamvmba
The AU Peace and Security Council “has renewed, without change, the UNAMID (UN-African Union Mission in Darfur) mandate for 12 months, beginning July 31, and asked that the UN do the same,” AU spokesperson Al-Ghassim Wane, said on Tuesday.

He further praised the efforts exerted by the peacekeeping mission on the troubled region of Darfur underling that “security situation has been generally calm in recent months.”

The UN Security is expected to renew the mandate of the hybrid peacekeeping mission on July 30.

The joint mission said it aims at having 95% of its authorized 26,000 deployed on the ground, more than a year the start of its mandate in January 2008. Currently there are some 17,000 peacekeepers deployed in Darfur

The UNAMID is still in need for some 19 helicopters, Ethiopia agreed to provide 5 tactical helicopters. The peacekeeping operation needs 24 helicopters including 18 transport and six tactical helicopters to operate effectively across the Darfur region.


A new commander for the force has also been named. The Rwandan Lieutenant General Patrick Nyamvumba replaces Nigerian General Martin Agwei, he said.

Nyamvumba, who received the official notification on July 16, will officially start his duties from 1 September 2009 for a period of one year.

Three generals competed for the post in an interview that was conducted in New York on 5 May 2009.

He is expected to attend an official briefing at the UN Secretariat in New York before reporting to the UNAMID Headquarters in Elfasher, Darfur.

Rwanda has four battalions totaling to about 3,300 troops in deployed Darfur province.


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