Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Abyei Arbitration court redefines borders of the disputed area

July 22, 2009 (THE HAGUE) — The Abyei Arbitration Tribunal (AAT) stated today that the experts of Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC) partially exceeded their mandate and redefined the border of the disputed area.

“The Tribunal finds that the ABC Experts’ decisions regarding the eastern and western boundary lines were in excess of mandate for failure to state sufficient reasoning. For the Tribunal, the selection of the western boundary line by the ABC Experts was entirely unreasoned,” worded the award of the Tribunal.

Accordingly, the five members’ court in The Hague set new borders for Sudan’s disputed area of Abyei and left control of the Heglig oil field with the northern Sudan.

The Sudanese president had rejected the ABC findings of July 2005 and refused to implement it during more than three years.

After bloody fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in May 2008, the parties agreed on a roadmap to resolve the dispute.

The AAT had to examine the ABC conclusions which awarded the central Sudan region to Juba and to redefine it if they find that the Commission exceeded its mandate.



  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Abyei Arbitration court redefines bonders of the disputed area
    It’s bulshit for the AAT to exceeded their mandate as all our lion share goes to north and that is what we fought for over two 21 years and all those years north’s are stealing and enjoying our wealth,the western are been barbe ny criminal bashir incase he will cause chaos to the entirely citizen,wait time is coming!!!!! you like it or not fox night are there!

  • oshay

    Abyei Arbitration court redefines bonders of the disputed area
    ahahahahahha yeessssssss thank you justice has finally prevailed. Sorry SPLM , corruption will always catch up with you and now it has gone to a place where they’ll actually do something with it.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Abyei Arbitration court redefines borders of the disputed area

    Shame on Oshay,

    South will take their land ownship back on 2011 when referrendum come you like it or not that is going to happen.

  • J.James

    Abyei Arbitration court redefines borders of the disputed area
    Are you kidding me!

    What foundamental ligitimate basis had AAt utilized? Does the world still want to burry people of south Sudan yet?

    I totally cann’t believe my eyes yet, I don’t think I still retain my eye sight. I couldn’t believe AAT can dare enough to turn their backs and handed our land relentlessly to the north.

    I am really annoit and frustrated with the all system specially the so called democratization itself.

    Nonscense all!!!!!!!.

  • MJriaksdca

    Abyei Arbitration court redefines borders of the disputed area
    Who is it that denies that money does not speak? Now it better be believed that money speak or talk. Each of the five members of AAT was being paid $850.00 an hour. If you want to know how much, start calculating from the time the justices began arbitration on Abyei case to when they ended. Calculate for each justice and then times it by five. Know that whatever total you get is different from other miscelaneous expenses paid. Such a lump sum of money is what has influenced the outcome of the ruling. The ruling favored the one who paid the court members the money. And who paid them? Bashir did. We cannot say spla did because it is not yet fully a respected body of government internationally but rather a subordinate government with no power to influence an international court like Hague. Now, we just have to bear the consequence of the early yes which had been signified by our southern government. Having agreed to a lawful binding of the outcome, we cannot go to war with the north. Otherwise we will just be violating what we had agreed on and may loose support for that war. Here is what I suggest we do. Let’s abide by the outcome and urge our Dinka Ngok to accept the outcome. Let us put it behind us and let us focus on educating ourselves to catch up with the rest of the world for all these hardships we are facing are due to our great lack of literacy. Once we are educated we shall know international complicated deals like this of Abyei boundary. Our education will be our preparation to govern ourselves educatively, knowledgeably, and contemporarily. All of you who writes, show maturity and ethics in your writings. Because our writings these days demonstrate a great rhetoric of uninformed, inexperienced, and uneducated people.

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