Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable

July 29, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The people of South Sudan will most likely choose to have their own state either through the referendum or unilaterally, a former US official said.

US former special representative to the State Department for Sudan
US former special representative to the State Department for Sudan
“I believed the “democratic transformation” of Sudan had a chance to succeed. I believed that “maybe” there was a faint chance the NCP “might be” willing to “make unity attractive” and so sustain a unified state of Sudan. But Khartoum has killed all that. Those goals are not in any way achievable any longer,” the former US State Department special envoy to Sudan Roger Winter said in prepared remarks before the Senate Foreign relations committee.

“In my view there are only two general directions that are supportable by the people of South Sudan at this point….the South will vote overwhelmingly for separation in the Referendum provided for by the CPA or…..the South will be forced into unilaterally declaring its independence because its CPA-mandated Referendum is frustrated by Khartoum’s actions and/or the hollow commitments of the International Community,” he added.

In 2011 a referendum is scheduled in which Southern Sudanese will vote to decide on whether they want to have their own state or remain part of united Sudan.

However, doubts are raised on whether the self-determination process can be held on time given the delay in approving the referendum law.

Among the key sticking points is the percentage of votes required in the referendum to declare it favoring independence, the population allowed to vote, determining the post-referendum process and the share of Sudan’s debts the South would carry with it if it secedes.

The dominant ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has said that it interprets CPA as asking both the North and the South to make the separation option more difficult.

Winter said that it is “mandatory” that Washington supports the Southerners to “achieve a soft-landing as the result of a successfully-held Referendum”.

“The U.S. must be clear and upfront that we will support and protect the outcome of that Referendum; many people died to achieve that right,” he stressed.

The former US official acknowledged weaknesses within the South Sudan government but said that progress has been made since the peace agreement was signed.

“The South’s progress is also being undermined by internal forces, especially in terms of some civil violence, some official corruption, and some serious weaknesses in governance,” he said.

“These problems are serious, especially as they erode popular confidence, but they do not eclipse the progress that has been made, given where they started from and the constant undermining by Khartoum,” he added.

Winter called on the US administration to craft a “full-blown partnership” with the South to improve its governance quality “so it can deliver services to and inspire the hopes of the people of South Sudan and Abyei”.



  • Bonjo

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    This is a very goog development from Washington, understanding the complexity of sudanese problems and the desire of south sudanese to have an independent state, is the only way for peaceful coexistence in sudan.

    Yes, we want independent south sudan if the northern regime doesn’t make unity attractive, and that unity can be made attractive by only three conditions, CPA implementation, honest power and wealth sharing, and south sudanese is allowed to lead the Sudan.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    ‘The South’s progress is also being undermined by internal forces, especially in terms of some civil violence, some official corruption, and some serious weaknesses in governance’.

    You right, given the rising row between SPLM and NCP triggered by Abei ruling which is further pushing apart any possible chances of united Sudan in 2011.


    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    thank you Mr. Winter, you are 100% right many, many people had died because of southern sudanese freedom. southern sudanese people are seeking for their independence, and I hope US. government will help us to achieve our referendum. we people of southern sudan we need separation of the south. people of the south are ready for referendum.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    Independence is invevitable But am calling upon SPLM/SPLA to change the ways of their leadership where Dinkas think they are the one who fought this war alone!

    While dividing South Sudan, and there is no change in leadership rule, we are going to divide and divide South Sudan into pieces because there are some tribe who are ligid to change from their babrick ways of live and to be more open fellow Brothers Dinkas to change before 2011 otherwise time is running out and people are running out of Patient.


    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Madhoor

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    That’s right, it is inevitable. Nobody will stop Southerners from achieving their independence. Not Eghpt, not NCP. Unity will never be attractive whatsoever because of oppression motives that NCP has toward southerners. The NCP knows well that South Sudan will choose separation and that why its claim that Heglig has been ruled in their favor forgetting that the border of South-North will be determine come referendum in 2011.

  • Meen

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    Thanks a lot Mr Winter you are right the independence of South Sudan is what people were fighting for we need our freedom from Arab people. The Southern doesn’t want to be mixed with inhuman Arab again we still have wound’s on our heart that will never be cure unless we get our independent. Thanks to U.S administration for following Bush’s foot step and Southern Sudan is welcombing U.S friendship. The two way solution would take us there, referendum or unilaterally and these are the only alternatives ways through and in my view unilaterally is the best way because the referendum way will include cheating of stealing voters that can be done by Arabs there is no hope of winning vote to independence. We need U.s to use it’s hegemony role on South Sudan Independence.

  • Otong

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    I would like to read a comment from Oshay for this bad news as he is always the first to prolong his master el bashier and his regime.

  • the Villager
    the Villager

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    South Sudan independence inevitable,,,,,yes, this should not surprise the Americans. it the reason the capt is included in the CPA, self determination by referendum in 2011. otherwise without this capt the CPA could not been signed by Dr. Garang. He did not disappoint the people of southern sudan. long live southern sudan

  • braveheart

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    This is an interesting contribution to the people of south Sudan from Roger Winters, but what is the position of US Foriegn Relation Committee on all this? I feel this report ignore to the other half of the story. We need to know also what’s in the head of those in the Foreign Relation Committtee.

  • Kur

    Former US official says South Sudan independence inevitable
    I love this phrase,” South Sudan Independence is inevitable.” Yes, we are moving forward to freedom with no return. No evil man will stop us.


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