Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei Governor returns from U.S

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 2, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk arrived Sunday to the state capital after a month-long official visit to the United States of America.

Gov. Kuol Mayan (R), Agot Alier, State minsiter of health (C) Speaker Jodi Boyoris (L) move at Bor airstrip on Sunday August 2, 2009 (Philip ThonAleu - ST)
Gov. Kuol Mayan (R), Agot Alier, State minsiter of health (C) Speaker Jodi Boyoris (L) move at Bor airstrip on Sunday August 2, 2009 (Philip ThonAleu – ST)
Gov. Kuol lauded the hospitality of Sudanese communities in the US and described that country as “a home to respected people because they [Americans] are hard working.” The governor was instrumental in finding refuge for the Lost Boys here in America.

It’s Mr. Manyang first visit to the U.S and the long lasting strip outside the state since becoming Governor of Jonglei state 19 months ago. The governor met during his visit with US business community to encourage them to invest in the oil rich southern Sudan state.

State Minister of health Agot Alier Leek and Speaker of state assembly Jodi Boyoris received Mr. Kuol at Bor airstrip. A long queue of other ministers including Timothy Taban Jouch of information and communication and Gabriel Gai Riam of Parliamentary affairs align at the thin airstrip to meet the Governor. Commissioners from various counties and governor’s advisors turn-up for the tremendous reception to the state leader.

Mr. Manyang told the state chiefs later in a briefing at the state guest home that Southern Sudanese in the U.S – most of them known as ‘lost boys of Sudan’ accorded him warmth welcome as well as the American people.

“U.S is developed is well developed,” he said. “It’s a home to respected people because they are hard working.”

Gov. Kuol – based on his 30 days trip to the U.S, said salary payment there is based on work output unlike here. Kuol challenged his people to copy that devotion to national development and change the face of Jonglei state.

Health Minister Agot Alier Leek briefed the Governor on current affairs in Jonglei stating that also were manageable.

On Twic East attack last week, Mr. Kuol will be told that Deputy Gov. Mar Nyuot and South Sudan Minister of Trade Commence and Supply Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin left for Uror on Saturday to in trying to ease tension there.



  • Johnny

    Just Copy and paste…Jonglei developed, well developed
    Hi, Mr.Kuol Manyany Juuk

    Aha,…America is developed well developed…well, this is a happy Jonglei’s Son in Aussie’s land.

    I have just find out the reason behind corruption and poverty in South Sudan because they best/wise leaders, who realistically want to help their people haven’t been to developed countries before.

    Kuol, I would like your effort to build what you have seen in your visited to the United State of America. (What you seen= Nice House, flashing toilet,water inc:hot/cold, transportation, etc). I want also to assure you that not to travel to US only if you decided to go overseas, include Australia, Canada, UK and Others next time. we are desperate to see you again.

    Back home ‘every one to airport’..lol

    What have you brought back home? probably the answer is “nothing”. you just asking Americans to come and invest in South Sudan,

    Development is easy, it’s come in a matter of minute, you don’t need to think about it “just copy and paste”. your state will be nominated for development award.


  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Jonglei Governor returns from U.S
    The Governor visit to U.S is fruitlessly.

    This is the man who have failed in any aspects whethere to bring peace or to tell his Boys to stop their madness of raiding cattle and raping.

    His picture can show really that, he went to U.S just for berging money $$$$$$$$$$$.
    How many Jongleise went to U.S and when they come back there is no different between the one who is keeping cattle in bush and he??

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Jonglei Governor returns from U.S
    All those who come from Bush had credit during wartime, but now they are useless trusted people. Sure $$$$$$ have escaped the state along with him to USA. See, One Month stay on the expenses of State budget, or GOSS account yet praise USA on their hard work for development, why don’t you copy the same hardworking spirit from Americans just to develop your state not whole South Sudan?

    Embezzle public Money as you wish before dome day come.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Jonglei Governor returns from U.S
    To many who do not know governor Kuol Manyang juuk I can asure you that Kuol is and still will be the most hard working goverment official that the GOSS has had so far.He is the only Governor always talking of development,stopping corruption and to put the the law where it belongs and not in the hands of those who think they are above the law. Kuol is a trained Pedagoque Engineer from Germany so it is not his first time to be outside in the developed countries.

    When he saw America and said America is developed very developed makes him jealous because he wants to see south sudan developed just like America through hard work which many of us in the south are reluctant to do. He is right to ask the American investors to come and invest in the oil rich south sudan that is exactly what Saudi Arabia did 60-70 years ago when the American oil Industries started business in the dusty Arabian kingdom whose face has been changed into a viable economic giant of the middle east.

    I hope Governor kuol Manyang brought some good ideas that he will use to improve the lifes of our people.People learn from people as iron sharpen Iron. When President Eisenhover of the USA visited Germany many years ago he was impressed by the German Autobahn how they moved the war machineries so quick for deployment in the frontline and brought the idea to improve what is today the American interstate motorways or highways that we see today in America.Governor Kuol Manyang can do the same for south sudan as well.I do not know as to whether or not Kuol was taken to some Oil refinery in the US.As Governor of one of the oil rich state in the south Sudan please built the first oil refinery in south sudan that will be the beginning of real development I know you can.We have so many of our people in diaspora in the USA,CANADA, AUSSIE who can train in varies area to invest in the oil Industry in the south.I know we have a few who are already trained in the field but are not willing to go back because they fear they will not be given work in their field of Education due to the rampant corruption,nepotism,tribalism that is otherwise driving away trained proffessionals from returning home.

  • Man of facts
    Man of facts

    Jonglei Governor returns from U.S
    No matter what….

    iam sorry to see some people praising kuol weho went to u.s to take his corrupted dolars for his twenty wives and fifty children.

    what development are you saying?

  • Man of facts
    Man of facts

    Jonglei Governor returns from U.S
    Dear kur

    Iknow you are special bodyguard of this corrupt individual
    and try to mix that relation here` please try to face thing
    with your nose.

    man of facts

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