Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist

August 6, 2009 (PARIS) — French President Nicolas Sarkozy, today, pledged to Thursday that France would continue to support a “courageous” Sudanese woman who faces 40 lashes for wearing trousers.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy gestures as he speaks during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the Elysee Palace in Paris, Monday, Dec. 8, 2008 (AP)
French President Nicolas Sarkozy gestures as he speaks during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the Elysee Palace in Paris, Monday, Dec. 8, 2008 (AP)
Sarkozy made his solemnly promise in a letter he wrote in response to a query from the leader of the French Communist Party, Marie-George Buffet, who had drawn his attention to the subject and asked him to intervene to protect the Sudanese journalist.

“We will continue to work with her to help in her struggle which is the struggle of all women and which honours her,” Sarkozy wrote, in a letter made public by his office on Thursday.

President Sarkozy spoke of his “emotion” and “deep concern” for the fate of Lubna Ahmed Al-Hussein, whose trial on public indecency charges is “an intolerable attack on women’s rights”.

“Like you, I can only have profound admiration for the courage and the determination of young Lubna,” wrote the French President. “Her battle is a just cause,” he added.

The president disclosed that he had instructed the French ambassador to Sudan to “invite” Loubna at the Residence de France in Khartoum.

He recalled that at the request of the journalist, the representatives of the EU and France were on the benches of the court to show their support.

Earlier this week, a Sudanese court adjourned for one month the case of Lubna whose case become of national and international interest.
On Tuesday some hundred of women rights activists protested outside the court holding signs protesting the ‘indecency’ law provisions.

The Sudanese journalist who is also UNMIS media department officer was charged with public indecency after she was arrested last month along with 12 other women who were wearing trousers at a Khartoum restaurant.

Hussein has said she wants to be tried to challenge a law that decrees a punishment of whipping for people wearing “indecent” clothes, and told a hearing last week that she wished to waive her UN immunity.



  • oshay

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    We do not need any support from this racist big nosed vulture. This opportunist fool who has a whore of a wife that thinks it is “sexy” to appear naked in magazines has no right to speak of supporting freedom while at the same time his society pimps women for the visual sexual pleasure of men.

    This idiot said that “France never exploited an Africa country” and referring to all Africans as peasants.

  • Kur

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    All civilized people around the world should support the women of Sudan in their quest for freedom. The women in Sudan need to be liberated from the yoke of enslavement, torture, rape, and expliotation. The NIF regime has become the worse nightmare for the Sudanese women.It is therefore important that we join President Sarkozy to halt the progress of the demoniac idealogy pursued by the nave islamists in Khartoum. These people have taken the country back to the level of medieval period. So please join me and other Sudanese to remove this disease in our society.


  • Biliu

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    Absolutely correct brother, those naive Islamists in Khartoum are not yet aware that the enslavement era is gone for good, they are not just backward Sudan to level of medieval period, they are taking it further to the darkest dawns of the mankind.

    I 100% support and praise Lubna and the other courageous women on their stand to defend their rights, watch out oppressors, your time is ticking to an end.

  • jalabi

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    French president you are a liar and morally dishonest, before you talk about supporting the sudanese trouser journalist lady you should first allow muslim girls to wear hijab at schools and at other places in France, why you prevent muslim grils from wearing Hijab? that doesn’t count on personal freedom??!! stop being liar french president!! justice is justice.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    Thank Mr President Nicolas Sarkozy for your support on woman who had been suffered from 40 lashes in Sudan court just because she wore trouser. so, you world community, you have seen how the citizen of Sudan suffered in the hand of Bashir regime. Bashir doesn’t believes that there would be “human rights existing in Sudan or elsewhere in the globe”.He thinks that what comes out in his regime is the final and he hardly believes ideas of other Nations.
    Bashir must go to ICC to face his crimes and no doubt, rhather than that, sudan will not stable with Bashir regime.
    our eyes are on doors waiting for you as our world communiy rescuer.


    Lok T. Simon.

  • David Glenn
    David Glenn

    French President vows support for Sudan trouser journalist
    Brothers and Sisters
    If i were you,i would rather view Prsident Sarkozy’s pronouncements is a different perspective.Notice that ever since the election of President Obama,Mr Sarkozy has been galloping to be the first in every occasion,from Iran to the DPRK,to Africa,and now to Lubna.Sarkozy is just too little to be Degaulle or Chirac.Lubna has a genuine case,which we all support,i sincerely hope she would not defeat her own case by accepting to be used by the likes of Sarkozy.Lubna’s case is a Sudanese case.Lubna’s future is in the Sudan.Fight your case in the Sudan with your kith and kin.Your constituency is in your country,your constituents,are your country women and men.God blessed you with a leadership position,live up to it,and dont end up yet another political refugee in Paris or London,we have enough of them,but little can they do for the bleaguered country,i hope you heed my words.

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