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Sudan Tribune

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NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party

By Ngor Arol Garang

August 13, 2009 (KADUGLI) – Some one hundred and twenty members of National Congress Party from Warrap State defected from the National Congress Party (NCP) and joined the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Abur Chol, a NCP chairperson and Lino Majok Achien, Secretary for popular and syndicate organization, confirmed their resignation from NCP to SPLM state secretariats.

“The NCP office is closed down because we have gone away with all members of the National Congress Party in the State. No one is left. All our youth and women have come with us,” said Abur.

Abur Chol, while addressing reporters at a press conference in Kuajok town, state capital of Warrap, called upon NCP supporters across the country to quickly join the SPLM before elections saying “National Congress Party is sick and its recovery is next to impossible.”

The group accused NCP of having neglected Southern Sector saying NCP head office in Khartoum does not consider Southerners as equal members of the same political party hence demoralized most members from the South.

Similarly, Lino Majok, a secretary for syndicate organization added that his defection into SPLM as former member of NCP was necessitated by continuous NCP defiance and denial acts toward southern population in term of development, stability and lack of CPA implementation.

“Today South is engaged in tribal war supported by NCP and as a southerner, I do not have a reason to support a party against the interest of my own people,” he said.

The groups expressed willingness to loyally serve and support SPLM with their acquired skills from NCP to moderate and modernize SPLM from the grass root to the higher level.

They also regretted their 9 years serving as NCP members with hope for change after having abandoned what they described as their poor beloved South for no good reasons.

At the same press conference, Alessio Makuc Makuc, Warrap State SPLM Secretary general, welcomed the joining group and argued them to use the same capability they used to manage NCP at the state level as members of SPLM.



  • cholabdi

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    That is good news, a young one of snake is a snake, whether you are Arab, your identity will not change you to be different person, so southerner no where they came from.

  • mayom mabuong
    mayom mabuong

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    that is is how the thing goes, we are expecting more to join SPLM very soon. Omar Basier will join SPLM next year
    I think he will do voluntary.

    SPLM Oyee,

  • John Mou
    John Mou

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    Good decision guys.

    It is good to serve your own people rahter than serving your enemy. However, bear in your minds that you are going to face the same marginalization in the SPLM party very soon as you will be called the pro-NCP guys.SPLM is not ready to welcome the lost sheep after the death of the late hero Garang.

    Good luck

  • manthok loda
    manthok loda

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    Hi flogs,

    The time for the rats, while cats and Fax’s of our South Sudan are coming over in this planet. They began now to come out from the bush and in the holes to live with us in difficult times to face all these challenges together as brothers and sisters. I person have seen those guys before in Warrap State. These guys Abur Chol and Lino Majok are very smart in term of polities but I think they were waiting for their big money to be pay from NCP and then exit from that evil Party.

    Remember our late Southern father Dr John Garang use to says take your money from Arab but don’t forget your country or land of South Sudan. Bring them for our development if you don’t buy us for them for and kills us for them. If you don’t take that example you will not enjoy them and die before you enjoy your life with them. In 2011 the judgments day will come and be witness by who ever be still in this world as a Southerner Sudanese.

    The SPLM is blessing Party because we all know the difficulties and bad memories that we had come out from them. Whether you believe me or not wait and see. Mr. Akol should start to join his party before late and bark for his right with Southern Sudanese politicians. He may get a support from Southerners and show his vision to our people rather than sending people with money and guns to kill us and buy poor people with wrong vision and ideology.

    God will do his part and we should also try our best too. The governor of Warrap State is a failing governor and we need anyone in Warrap to help our people in this mess.

    Peace with you guys,


  • Rodolfo Riak
    Rodolfo Riak

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    welcome But:

    Your coming is good but you need to do more for Southerners to believe you, and not you to get more from southerners to keep you stay with SPLM. You are like the one who give out the food to unneeded people, while you denied them at the time of hunger. During the war was a good time for you to stand with SPLM/A and not now to tell us the brutality of Khartoum regime. May God bless your coming home.

  • amalunguic

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    “In addition, the SPLM /SPLA had never been smaller since the famous man call Mr Brown of nineties joined SPLA”

    Well, people may say that lames can’t climb but in realties they can climb on ripen trees. Even though we’ve seen thorn scattered on all climbable braches, still there are rats who will enforce us to speed up while long thorns and dotted sight can do any or possible harm to us all. In realties it should be us the innocent people who have never defected from the current Gov to preach these Lads joining procedure and of course these guys are welcome. There is no need for them to be yarn at, they are our blood, brothers and sisters. They never knew what lead them to defect from very cultured Gov where you are not train to kill your people. Here in South, our lost people have more opportunities not like Northern where Omar Bashir had right to defence his Islamic citizens using the same tribe against. Gentlemen, your voices have been heard since the war began in 1980s and today Sudan is changing into different sections, South is heading on its own way and North is doing the same. So if your are sort of rats who can’t estimate the future, therefore you are delaying yourself. Indeed, we can’t afford to cope up with the Gov that has never listen to our voices since our love ones have been force to their very long term goals which trembled me to call it a death. I think, we are both being traumatise by the war even though some of us lives at the arm of Bashir or lives in the bush as they call it. So it is time for us to say that Omar Bashir has a right to be a leader of his own people and the minority can live by their own rules. To other rats, there is no more blame games here, We have seen and felt Omar leadership whether advantage or had disadvantages on us. I urge you not to mention him in this forum otherwise you are risking your people’s lives meanwhile 2011 is close. Let’s reap off these innocents people through our attractions and management that are deploying in our land. They have their own choices to make whether happy about North Gov policies or unhappy. Here I’ll not give a single chance to any rat who tries to defect from our current Gov. You don’t like the death that we have faced so many years do you?

  • John Mou
    John Mou

    NCP members in Warrap defect to South Sudan ruling party
    Dear all,

    I have been reading your comments since yesterday. However, brothers and sisters, do not forget that this time no one will ever take a goat, cow or food from
    his/her fellow countryman and go unquestioned.

    The Sudanese people had really suffered in the hands of the so called NCP and her collaborator the SPLM during the 21 years of civil war.

    Your reactions towards the new comers to the SPLM Party are mostly negative as some call them converts, some call them enemies and so on. This makes what I wrote yesterday to become true, the SPLM is not ready to welcome any new member from any other political party in the south leave alone the NCP.

    The SPLM and the NCP are two faces of the same coin as you may know their games during the war and after, they were moving from Khartoum to the bush and vice versa. Riek Machar, Taban Deng and Lam Akol are good examples. You can see kind villas being built these days by both the NCP and the SPLM officials while the people who help the reach those positions are dying of hunger.

    Earlier when the Sudanese people realised that the NCP has become a danger to the future of Sudan and the Sudanese citizens, they pretended to have quareled and divide themselves into two known as NCP and PCP. In the same way, the SPLM realizing that the south Sudanese people are not happy with for the last three years of the CPA, they have now divided themselves into two also known as the SPLM and the SPLM-DC so as not to lose any single person in the south unswallowed.

    Prove me wrong please.

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