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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan governors told to initiate Commissioners Forum

By James Gatdet Dak

August 16, 2009 (JUBA) – The Vice President of Southern Sudan has directed the governors of the ten states in the semi-autonomous region to initiate a forum that would bring together county commissioners in their respective states.

Participants at the 7th Governors Forum in Juba, Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly Hall August 15, 2009, , (Photo by James G. Dak- ST)
Participants at the 7th Governors Forum in Juba, Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly Hall August 15, 2009, , (Photo by James G. Dak- ST)
In his closing remarks on Saturday ending the 6-day Governors Forum in Juba, Dr. Riek Machar told the state governors to share with their various organs of government the resolutions and recommendations adopted during the forum.

He stressed the importance of replicating the type of forum at the states level where challenges could be comprehensively identified and solutions sought with county commissioners before the next forum at the level of the Government of Southern Sudan.

Resolutions and recommendations were passed at the Governors Forum during which discussions on insecurity and corruption in the region dominated the deliberations.

Participants included ministers, members of parliament, intellectuals and representatives of international development partners among others.

The Forum recommended that a comprehensive disarmament of civil population be carried out to try to significantly reduce the level of insecurity caused by possession of firearms by civilians in the region.

The meeting also recommended further implementation of public service reform policy and programs in order to reduce corruption.

Earlier, President Salva Kiir had expressed the need to empower the anti-corruption body to prosecute officials found to have involved in corrupt practices.

He directed the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning to review the ten largest contracts signed by ministries with the view to renegotiate some and if any corruption involved the culprits would be prosecuted.

The forum also discussed the status of preparations for the upcoming general elections in April 2010 and referendum for the people of Southern Sudan and Abyei in January 2011.

The meeting also recommended further implementation of decentralization policy by devolving more powers including fiscal ones to lower levels of government.

Southern Sudan depends solely on oil revenues. 98% of its overall annual budget comes from the two oil producing states of Unity and Upper Nile.



  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    South Sudan governors told to initiate Commissioners Forum
    It is good to make a disarmament,but it must start in Warrap state first which is Salva Kiir his place. He must disarm his families who had war last week which killed 30 people. If he start in different state people should not give their guns to them because Salva Kirr his family or tribe is the most violence people in the south Sudan.

  • Reanyou

    South Sudan governors told to initiate Commissioners Forum
    I don’t see the need of saying shut up and mentioning a devile leader that will come, to lead the South. I thought you people are from school where you are taugh of how to read,listen and understand, now if you don’t know what you are doing please you better learn how to read,listen and understand, otherwise I will simply say, you guys should be clean out together with the payroll cleaning that will soon take place.

    Otherwise, I don’t see why you should always be abusing our leaders then talking about change that you wanted to see.

    By Reanyou

  • James wol
    James wol

    South Sudan governors told to initiate Commissioners Forum
    I have not seen you (GOSS) discussing security laws one time and these are the ones to maintain peace.It is very clear that our government has problem with ensuring security. The idea of disarmament is good because civilians have become very superior to SPLA forces because they also have guns and it is very hard for the government to control the civilians with guns.I don’t know why our leaders point accusing fingers to Bashir when they have been given a full leadership in the South:They have indepedent police and army to control the security however the only problem Iam seeing is the negligence of the government.police in remote areas are very weak and can’t control security.How many people are losing their lives in these inter-tribal and clans conflicts and yet the respond of the government is not helping or slow. you are making the world to have a poor image of Southern Sudan.Guns are disarmed from the civilians and resold to the civilians by the high commanders (who are dangerous to be asked) and there is no accountability on the guns disarmed from the civilians. Why? Salva kiir should have strict rules to control his commanders and other high officers who if they lost their positions come down to village levels and induce instigations.It seems this kind of life adopted by our people will not end even after separation.If everday fighting, fighting (assault and retailation) who will fight the arabs if we are finishing ourselves very early like this and forget the looming war between the South and the North. It is a work of every high officials to ensure that peace is protected at his level of government instead of waiting until 2012 to protect the peace.

    James wol Ajang

    Warrap State

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