Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

US special envoy in Sudan amid growing criticism

August 16, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration arrived in Khartoum at the start of a five-day visit as criticisms begin to grow in Washington regarding his strategy of engagement with Khartoum.

US special envoy Scott Gration (AFP)
US special envoy Scott Gration (AFP)
The Sudan official news agency (SUNA) said Gration will hold discussions related to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and “issues of mutual concern”.

The head of the US bureau at the Sudanese foreign ministry Nasr Al-Deen Wali said the visit comes under the framework of continuing consultations between the US supervised tripartite mechanism that also includes the dominant National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Wali said that Gration would meet with Sudan’s First & Second Vice President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Ali Osman Mohamed Taha.

The US official will fly to Juba and Malakal in South Sudan and Al-Fasher in Darfur to inspect IDP camps, Wali added.

This week the Sudanese presidential adviser Mustafa Osman Ismail said that his government wants the US to change its “negative” stance on the Darfur crisis to a “positive” one “through true partnership”.

Ismail reiterated Sudan’s call to Washington to be removed from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

At home, Darfur advocacy groups sent a letter to Gration deploring his strategy in dealing with Sudan saying that he is “at odds with the President’s [Obama] promise and will quash the hopes of all Sudanese for justice, peace, and the end of the culture of impunity that has afflicted Sudan,”.

“U.S. policy must not simply ignore history and start “fresh” with the GoS with “no preconceptions.” U.S. policy must be tough-minded, and define specific benchmarks for significant improvements by the GoS if it wishes to avoid substantial new pressures being applied, let alone pressures being relieved”.

Gration has caused an uproar among Darfur advocacy groups after he testified at the US Senate last month calling for easing sanctions against Sudan and lifting it from the state sponsor of terrorism.

However, in an interview with Reuters later Gration appeared to reverse his stance saying his statements were misunderstood.

The letter accused Gration of “failing to acknowledge human rights violations” or holding Khartoum accountable for its “lack of commitment to peace and justice”.

Rifts within the administration has delayed the long awaited Sudan policy review promised by Obama’s administration since assuming office earlier this year.

John Prendergast, co-founder of the Enough Project, an anti-genocide group said he was disappointed in Gration’s approach and failure of Obama’s administration to take the tough line on Sudan that Obama supported as a U.S. senator.

“It is shocking to all of us (activists) to see what has transpired over the last couple of months publicly,” he told Reuters in an interview. “And frankly it is shocking to the people of Darfur and southern Sudan.”

However, Fabienne Hara of the International Crisis Group, an independent think-tank that focuses on wars and conflicts, speaking to Reuters said that some of the activists were “out of touch with reality” and that Gration’s decision to step up engagement with Khartoum was a welcome and much-needed change in the U.S. approach to Sudan.

The US has been the most outspoken country on the issues of Sudan and helped broker the CPA which ended two decades of civil war between North and the South.

Washington has been the only country in the international community to label the conflict in Darfur genocide.

The UN estimates that up to 300,000 people have died and 2.7 million have fled their homes amid violence that started six years ago in Darfur.



  • oshay

    US special envoy in Sudan amid growing criticism
    Screw the activists, they’re not here, we (at least the patriots) love our dear president.

  • Kur

    US special envoy in Sudan amid growing criticism
    I do not think that things are going to be as cozy as they sound, but activism in support of the victims of rape and massacre will eventually get justice done. No, no, no. War criminals will not be allowed to hide behind the curtains of injustice. Mr Cration needs to careful here, or else he is going to let loose the devil who may drink more blood of the innocent people.


  • murlescrewed

    US special envoy in Sudan amid growing criticism

    If you think that Gration is going to succeed in convincing Obama to remove Sudan from terror list and lift sanctions, you must in some crazy world where delusional characters abound. Gration has hurt his chances by doing the bidding of Khartoum cabal. After feasting and being treated like a little king, he decided to come back with all nonsense that bear no resemblance to facts on the ground.

    I doubt that Darfur rebel groups will ever consider him an impartial negotiator. He will have to renounce all his statements before JEM leadership ever listen to him.

    But the idiots running Khartoum are licking their mouths hoping that their chance of winning acceptance in the West is finally within reach. France has come to realize that Khartoum cannot be trusted and so has Britain. These were countries that used to support Khartoum but they are now Khartoum’s worse enemies at the UN.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    US special envoy in Sudan amid growing criticism
    The maves of change has swept U.S.A and lasted in Sudan.

    The Sudanese Government had shifted its’ atrocious politics towards the world first,and domestically.The Co-Rulers in Khartoum playing a very negative role,when it comes to a national issues confronted Internationally,eventhough the NCP had eliminated a lot of evil doers among their cocus and cadres,SPLM stands still,reving the corruption engine and tribalistic alienation.

    Durinig the peacefull era of 1970s,U.S.Aid and Chevron Petroleum Co. had the biggest share of Sudan investment,when the Sudanese Pound equalled US$3″THREE BUCKS” till the discovery of the Uranium in Panteu,Unity State,which change the equation of U.S.A-SUDAN economic cooperation,damaging the bilateral relationship,hence the influential lobbies pressed tough on the previous Sudanese Government,so that there will not be any potenial approach to sovereignty for the Republic of Sudan.

    During Clinton Administration,Sudan suffered the utmost of the lobbying pressure political strategy,especially because of the official support of the Sudanese Governments,to the right of the Palestinians State.The Shifa Farmaceutical Factory been bombed regardless to the genuine inteligent reports that indicated the nature of the factory!!

    The George Bush Administration had been so weak to bow to the pressures of the right-wing caucus,and the Jewish Lobby.As a result of that impalanced political strategy towards Sudan;we became”All The Sudanese” under the mercy of the New-Global War on Terror Laws and Regulations,the U.S.A Homeland Security Law,FBI no-fly list,freazing the assets of over 300 Sudanese Companies in United States under suspicion of Terrorim Sponsorship,blocking money transferring to our needy people in Sudan via American Banks,WesternUnion or Thomas Cock..etc..deny us entry for maedical care,and surgical operations that unavaible elsewhere,especially those who are in desperate need for it, as well the Sudanese in Diaspora,who are carrying a Sudanese Passports,or Sudan is their origion of birth.!!???

    Saddam Hussein,aknowledge and revealed the plot of depriving Sudan of it’s Oil Wealth.The betrayal of the Arabs,OPEC States and U.S.A of faking the results of the quality of the Oil discoveries in South-Sudan then,caused us the loss of Millions of lives and left us under-developed,fighting for over two decades for the sake of the Development and prosperity.He further revealed how the U.S.A’s Adminstration changed it oplicy with the Sudan,from investing in Oil to empowering Nemeri Regime against the internal Islamic Oppositions and SPLM/A rebelion.Which led to Air-Bridging military supplies to Khartoum inorder to eliminate the Socialist SPLMA Revolt.!!!

    That was then,and Now,the world woke-up to it’s conscience,realizing that;the New-Global Order is a new Phase of Colonization.The International Trade Tariffs and its’ protectionists,striving to control the Global Resources of Oil,Uranium,and you name it….

    But this Adminstration of Change led by Barak Hussein Obama,is a fair enough to turn the table upside-down on all the previous U.SA Administrations,it’s for CHANGE,that we can’t even dream about it in South-Sudan’s ruling party!!!!

    We have to be proud enough to concede that,we as South-Sudanes had changed our political values and colour according to our leaders allieneces,neither to our Sudanese Patriotism!!!!So who ever call on the Motherland to suffer,or wishing Sudan to be targeted in it’s sovereignty,Peoples,economy..etc.. is a TRAITOR!!!

    They deserve the lifting of the Sudan’s name from the notorious list of the States sponsoring Terrorism,and also thereis no any evidence,proves these allegations,beside the U.SA Economic Sanctions…

    When our fellows South-Sudanese ploiticians talking about the Government in Khartoum,they send the wrong message to us”Sudanese” and to the world;that Khartoum Government is representing the Arabs/Jallaba,NCP/NIF Only,and shamelessly as if SPLM/A is not part of it???

    I would like to advise,all the respected readers,of this unique website”SudanTribune.com”, to asses their comprehention of whatsoever before commenting or either posting a sangfroid.We ought to adder ourselves,our self-distruction.We are who we are;still Sudanese without borders….

    Peace be with you all,and peace be to Sudan.

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