Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

How to win (north – south) boundaries.

By Mayar Mayar Kout

August 19, 2009 — There are many writers, commentators and contributors, who have wrote their own opinions on what they think to be a solution in regarding (north – south); boundaries. The writers had expressed clear knowledge about complication of this task and the tension in both sides SPLM/NCP. However, I believe there are ways to bring this fight over (south – north); boundaries to be wining case, but the SPLM and GoSS both should have a fighting strategy by taking the following scenarios.

The first scenario is that the SPLM party should stay on offensive mode in all fronts. And what I meant by it’s to a party has intensify its effort diplomatically to tell world’s community, United Nation and Historical friends that al-Bashir’s party (NCP); are not willing to execute the (north – south); its demarcation. But doing so is required both of SPLM and GoSS to apply the same strategy they had during the Abyei’s Arbitration case in which two forces have to unite on one goal and objective of wining the legal combat by choosing the right teams of Advocates, Diplomats and politicians.

Having said that, I have doubt in the “Minister of Regional Corporation”, his ability to handle this task alone, he would been better elsewhere rather than him being deployed in diplomacy works. But it’s too little and too late to criticize rather to advice’ at this stage we are seeking a new beginning and a exist strategy, and to aim for victory in coming court’s disputes or obviously to be a second military confrontation in (north – south) borders so my preferences is I am leaning toward an advance preparation with hope for the best that, disputes will resolve peacefully but the party’s still need to prepare for worst.

Nonetheless, there is another scenario, is that “SPLM and GoSS” are expected to push for peaceful forum with its counterpart a (NCP); if they might be able to resolve their differences, by letting “Committee of Border’s Commission” which was a compose teams from (SPLM and NCP) plus foreigners experts to resume their works by demarcating the boundaries of (north –south). On the other hands, the SPLM and government of southern Sudan are also to understand tactic of buying time policy that use by al-Bashir’s party. they need to go and looks for channels where they will raise-money that help party’s advocates provide a documents concerning (south –north) boundaries from United Kingdom (UK); and acknowledging that, finding those documents is a crucial and important of wining legal battle or case at International “Permanent Court of Arbitration” (PCA).

Evidentially, we have experienced with the Abyei case that, al-Bashir’s party (NCP); when they refused to fund the SPLM’s advocates and also getting a documents from United Kingdom on Abyei Arbitration ruling procedure.

Finally, and last scenario, after failure the of all strategies and plans then SPLM and GoSS both should prepare for the last resort strategy in which if t al –Bashir’s party (NCP); refuses to resolve the demarcation of (north – south) borders and they don’t want to settle in around table then the theory of fighting will be meaningful without speculation.

At that point, the hope for harmony relations with our partner would longer be the case and thereafter best scenario with Khartoum whether the SPLM party wants or not. The military option with president al-Bashir’s party will be an only solution. But I know that president Salva Kiir himself will not accept borders confrontation but the circumstances, in remote areas around (Heglig oilfield, Karasana and Mayrim will force all of us to wage war as an option. Rhetorically the uses of force is unacceptable it’s suppose to be at least a last resort but sometimes it’s working in May 2008; Abyei’s fighting between (SPLA/NCP) forces resulted into (Road Map 2008 )Abyei’s Administration and later to International High Court of Arbitration’s Award final Rules.

All three scenarios are considerably to works diplomacy, financially and militarily. But the questions is the SPLM-A and GoSS, are they prepared? For worst or best, if the answer Yes, it’s something remain to be seen or time will tell to ordinary citizens of New Sudan.

The author is a Computer Engineer, Juba. he can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]

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