Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP

August 21, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The citizens of South Sudan will vote for unity rather than the secession in the upcoming 2011 referendum if they are afforded “total freedom” a top official at the dominant National Congress Party (NCP) said.

Nafie2.jpgThe Sudanese presidential assistant Nafi Ali Nafi told the NCP convention in Khartoum that the issue of referendum and the April 2010 elections represent the most pressing items in the political arena.

Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) which rules South Sudan rejects the census results upon which the geographical constituencies will be based.

The ex-Southern rebel group claim that the census results released this year were rigged, understating the population of South Sudan and overstating that of Darfur.

The movement suggested using population percentages based on the 1956 census results something which the NCP rejects.

Nafi said that the NCP wants to conduct a constructive dialogue with other political parties on the issue of freedoms and liberties prior to the elections but warned against any activity targeting the security of the country.

He lashed out at newspapers that talk about enhancing political freedoms in the North while turning a blind eye to “lack of political freedom in the South”.

On the issue of referendum, Nafi reiterated the NCP’s position that all Southerners should be allowed to vote irrespective of where they reside. The SPLM only wants the voters in the South to take part in the referendum.

Among the key sticking points is the percentage of votes required in the referendum to declare it favoring independence, determining the post-referendum process and the share of Sudan’s debts the South would carry with it if it secedes.

The NCP is pushing for a 75% ‘Yes’ vote for South Sudan to be allowed to secede, something the SPLM rejects.

In a testimony before US lawmakers, the special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration expressed worry that skipping the already delayed 2010 national elections may make it very difficult to hold credible referendum in Abyei and South Sudan in 2011.

This week Gration stressed that the referendum needs to be held timely but it is unclear if the time remaining will be sufficient to resolve the outstanding differences between the NCP & SPLM.



  • oshay

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    I totally agree and it would be wise on Southerners behalf to vote unity otherwise the barbarian SPLM will ruin the South.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    This is what your wivies junglese are dreaming of, not everyone.

    Equatorians must stand with Sudanese People Liberation Movement for Dinka Change (SPLA-DC)

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    April 2010 elections; that’s the key battle for unity or separation and 2011 will just endorse the results and that is why CPA opted general elections to come first follow by referendum for South Sudan.

    The question is; will NIF accept defeat in April 2010 elections if it failed to secure 75% of the votes?

    Will NIF leaders hand over power to the party that may win 49% votes? I don’t really think so.

    By the way, I believe in unity, I am a unionist until northerners endorse unity by voting in SPLM Presidential candidate and SPLM candidates to the National Parliament as a majority party.

    April 2010 Elections are no short of Self-Determination for the Northern Sudan. If northerners mishandle these elections, they will be responsible for Yagoslavia scenario repeat in Sudan.

    To be clear, northerners have no genuine reasons to grip on power for more genocides to occur. They messed up for more than 50 years and enough is enough for th unity of mess, and now is time for the unity of fixing.

    If northerners vote for SPLM, they vote for unity of fixing, but if they vote for Separatist NIF, UMMA or DUP separatist parties then they are issuing dead certificate for the unity.

    Let’s wait and see if NIF leaders will accept defeat should they fail to secure 75% votes.

  • Rodolfo Riak
    Rodolfo Riak

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP

    Doing negative things always will lead the person to madness at the end. I was your reader from the beginning of your appearance on the web. but I regreted lastly for what I was doing to read your comments.when you write it mean you want people to know something they don’t know or help them to understand. But when just write with intention to insult others, that will mean nothing to anyone. I and the rest of sudantribune readers will not bother to read your comment anymore.Just for your health and good commentator think about your attitudes of current comments you are making. Your ill comments will not affect any reader except you who will pay the price of training yourselves to be mad at the end in anyways.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP

    Unite of southern with north is not something people ahve to talk about but just a matter of time to identifying it,what SPLM countparts of north are thinking is so far from what southern’s aiming for,because NCP are Fox

  • Benywut

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP

    While agreeing that all human being can dream, it is rare and no researched have proved it right that human being can dream while talking. This is called fantasy and fantasies are there to make you relieved from stress.
    You talk as if you have been to the South yesterday.
    The reality is that Mr.Nafie, your name still remained in the terrorist list of CIA and FBI and that is why santion lifting or removal of Sudan name in the black list in Washington will never happened so long as you and Bashir are breathing.
    For your information, if you don,t accept the refrendum bill before December this year you will be supprised that your Visa has been rejected by Immigration and Passport Department of Republict of South Sudan in January 2011
    Continue dreaming and preach the lies

  • Mayom hawk
    Mayom hawk

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    What is 75% YES? 75% of Total Sudanese census number or Southern Sudanese number????
    The journalists in ST always lack very vital information because of writing incomplete sentences and information.

  • Kur

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    I think this man called Nafi is underestimating the conscience of the people of South Sudan. He knows very well what his government has been doing in the South and yet he says that we’ll accept being a third class citizens in Sudan. Now he thinks we have forgotten their malicious policies. I know that these are the words of a morally corrupt, blood-thirsty killer. For me to vote for the so-called unity will be like someone asking me to walk to the moon. So if you have nothing else to talk about, just keep quiet.

    Nafi, let me give you a simple example that makes what you are saying a complete nonsense. During the disagreement over Abyei borders your government, which claims to be the government of national unity, stood and still stands against the Dinka people of Abyei. This reality tells me that your government is the government of Northern Sudan as it has always been. Is there any unity in this situation? No. We are done with you.


  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    Who to votes for Unity? we Southerners have learnt enough from NCP during war times.Please dont waste your money in S.Sudan about Unification campaign otherwise u plants your seeds in a rock and then u will be the losers.

  • jalabi

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    When a such speech comes out from a prominent figure like Nafi Ali Nafi then you have to take it very seriousely. We simply can’t let the south go because it is going to be a hostile country in our backyard and will stab us from behind and will effect directly our strategic national security. Time for gun is over, it is time for bribe now and it will make a lot of difference!

  • Sudan Landlord
    Sudan Landlord

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP

    This is a warning bell for all the Southerners,
    What i know is that this confused murderer is working hard to rig the referendum. They have started by pushing for higher percentage (75%) of yes for seperation to be granted for the Southerners and today he is dreaming of Unity when they are continuously killing the Southerners day and night.I am urging GoSS and the International Community especially UN NOT throught the traitor Ghazi (current SRSG for Sudan) to bring clean and smart observors to monitor the triumph departure of the Southerners from the Iron rule to there long awaited freedom and liberty.
    Nafi needs to be informed by his secretary in a loud and clear message that there is no way to stop the Southerners from departing from their tyrannic rule and blood hands.
    He should only watch the gave and give the Southerners a word of safe journey.
    Please convey this message to your brother in law Osheya Osama Bin Laden.

  • son of Africa
    son of Africa

    Southern Sudanese will likely choose unity in a free referendum: NCP
    Hi Oshay Al-Bashir’s

    i hope you are fine there with your husband Al-Bashir. Unfortunately, Please you and your husband need to be careful about ICC, if i were you guys, i would have give up because Southern Sudan has already gone. Please don’t just wasting your time talking about the South Sudan insteady of ICC.

    The Son Of Africa

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