Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias

August 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The dominant party in southern Sudan government (SPLM) has once again accused its northern Sudan peace partner of arming militias to destabilize stability in the semi-autonomous region.

“The National Congress has been arming militia groups to cause instability in south Sudan,” said Secretary General Pagan Amum in a press briefing held in Juba after the end of SPLM political bureau meeting on Thursday.

“The NCP is also arming civilians”

Further Pagan disclosed that his party set out a plan to stop the transfer of arms to the south and to continue the disarmament of civilians there.

SPLM Spokesman Yien Matthew on Saturday said the southern Sudan authorities seized guns bearing a logo of a Khartoum manufacturer.

Since January 2009, more than 2,000 people have died in inter-tribal violence and more than 250,000 people have been displaced across the ten states of Southern Sudan.

The NCP in the past dismissed SPLM accusations over the rearmament of southern Sudanese tribes particularly its past allies who fought against the former rebel SPLA.

According to the UN officials in Juba, the endless tribal fighting seems mainly motivated by the control of water resources and grazing. Also they added that the revenge and the lack of needed infrastructure and roads make it difficult to send troops the troubled areas like Jonglei or Upper Nile.



  • oshay

    SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias
    Ahaha, typical SPLM fashion blame blame blame. You are pathetic Pagan Amoum. I don’t believe the NCP is arming anyone. The UN has confirmed this very clearly. If your loser movement made lives better for those people they wouldn’t be fighting amongst each other, if your tribalist movement was more inclusive for all Southerners there wouldn’t be this amount of animosity.

    The idiocy of this man and his movement is becoming comical day by day.

  • Maruon Ayiei
    Maruon Ayiei

    SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias
    If you suspected that the NCP are involved, snare their agents and kill them all. No play game with terrorist. The insurgent route are to be block and if they are capture alive, they have to go under intensive interogation to spell who aids them with guns.

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias
    MR, Pangan Amum.

    You are right 100% we do not need another army transfer in to the Southern Sudan any more as it had been mention in the signing Peace Agreement rule. These Militias of Southern Sudanese are being given money with guns so that, they can come in Southern Sudan to kills their own brothers and sisters and they don’t even knowing that, the Khartoum government are fool them. Every members in GOSS must work very hard to make sure the Independent will make it happen.

    I belief there are only two surprises and these bribers Militias groups will be wondering later on, the first surprised was about the Peace Agreement process which was been signed in 2005,Kenya. The Militians armies by the Khartoum government, they did not believes that an Implementation Peace Agreement process will be really and luckily the Peace Agreement was been achieved by both sides National Congress Party and the SPLM led by our late DR, John Garang de Mabior and we saw most of our Southerners Sudanese bribers by the Khartoum government were surprising and they felt like they have made mistaken for not joining the SPLA/SPLM Movement in two decades. The second surprise I would suggest to these Southern Sudanese Militians will be when the Southern Sudanese people get her Independence as a State and nation and they will blame their own minds.

    According to Peace Agreement Implementation period.It look like these Militians have been giving more chance to thinks and choose one side since the Peace Agreement has been reached however, it seem to me that, these Militias army by Khartoum government did not want to come to join their colleagues in Southerners Sudanese, to share theirs common stroy about our new dream as we all Southern Sudanese want to see the lasting freedom. Apparently, there were some few people any way already have been show up after the Peace Agreement was official signed; but there is still most significant numbers with the Khartoum government.

    Your mind some time will put you in trouble, when having difficulties of listening to your people certainly, I can tell that these Militians are having wrong conceptual doubting that, the Khartoum government maybe will back us again but they fail to understand that, the SPLM/SPLA Movement is unlikely to the first Movement known as Anya nya One. I am sure that, these Militas will loss their faces with many Southerners Sudanese if they don’t quickly came out to join Southern Sudanese people before the mid year of 2010, so that we should be waiting our referendum to come with them. MR, Pangan Amum thank for being a vices perhaps, on behalf of Southern Sudanese people this is amzaing things and may God blessing you all and young GOOS.

    Aduol Liet.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias
    Pagan and Wani Igga these gang member of corrupt party of dinkas are just relying on licking the socks of their Slave Kiir. ranning around with fake remours inorder to improve the image of their Slave Kiir,if they don’t do such triks they will get slaughter like what had happened in Yambio. Riek is the man who has vision and knowledge for all Southerne

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM Pagan Amum says North Sudan arming tribal militias
    Dear Mr William :

    I know that it is painful when the son turn against his families,but do not worry. All Shilluk nation know what Pagan Amum and his brothers have done to them and they know where he is hiding his family. Even Iam not a from Shilluk tribe I know what has been happening to Shilluk tribe. He first disarm Shilluk which is the most peacefulin people in south Sudan and Shilluk have never attacked any nation in south neither from their nieboer or other place. He would have secured them because he had taken they guns which were their protactions.But after that he allowed Dinkas who have killed lot of women and children in Ankadear and Pachoda. I know it is not impossible for Shilluk to crash those who attacked them in one night. I think it would been better if he was a Dinka tribe so that Shilluk will wait to meet them on ground Zero. You can see now,have they did any kind of development in Shilluk land? nothing at all. Shilluk peopl you have your 100% to chose to live with North or South,if SPLM/Goss sees you as their enemy,that is why they do not do have development in Shilluk land, do not wait event one day go join any party that will give you what you need for yourselves and families too other wise Pagan and his friend will continue giving your land to Dinka to keep his position and again he his talking about disarment, so he is going to repeat what he did last time which disarm Shilluk first and then Dinka trbe will come and kill you again because they knew that you do not have guns to fight them back. Let us see his steps.

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