Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA

August 27, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The US Department of Defense (DOD) is considering sending advisers to assist the African Union – United Nations mission on Darfur (UNAMID), according to a news report.

AFG-071024-003.jpgThe US based Inside the Pentagon (ITP) newsletter quoted Vicki Huddleston, the new deputy assistant secretary of defense for Africa as saying that the Pentagon hopes to offer advisers mainly on logistical issues.

This would be similar to a decision by DOD taken to provide advisers to the U.N. mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), Huddleston said.

In late July, president Obama special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration told US lawmakers specialized intelligence and reconnaissance capabilities will be needed as peace process in Darfur progresses that could be coordinated with United States African Command (AFRICOM).

However, such a step would likely face stiff resistance from Khartoum which had vehemently opposed any non-African units as part of UNAMID.

The US State Department is eyeing around eight individuals from AFRICOM to help with planning and command and control.

Gration’s military background may have assisted him in obtaining more cooperation from the DOD unlike his predecessor Richard Williamson.

In an interview with Reuters last March, Williamson said that he “found it difficult to get much cooperation from the Pentagon” adding that Gration “will be able to deal with that more easily” than he was able to.

UNAMID faces a long standing deficiency in aerial capability as the international community have been reluctant to provide helicopters to the mission.

Some countries are said to be unhappy with the UNAMID command and control structure while others fear hostile environment particularly in light of remarks made by Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir in the past saying he does not want any “Westerners” in Darfur.

The possible military involvement of DOD in Darfur would be incorporated in the Sudan policy review to be released by the US administration at any time now.

“I represent an agency that’s only one small part of it [Sudan policy review], but I think we all hope that maybe by September we’ll see it roll out,” Huddleston said.

The DOD official said that Washington is “looking at how we can best work with the international community, the African Union, our various partners in the EU and around the world” in promoting a resolution to the conflict in Darfur and helping displaced people.

On the issue of South Sudan, the Pentagon disclosed that the US administration is keen on assisting Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) “transition from a guerilla force to one that can provide adequate defense capabilities for its people and territory,” DOD spokeswoman Lt. Colonel Almarah Belk told ITP.

“Professional military education and training for officers and enlisted personnel is one key aspect; an air defense capability might be relevant,” she added.

Some analysts in Washington believe that boosting SPLA’s air defense capabilities will deter the North from attacking to prevent by force the secession of South Sudan.

South Sudan is reportedly building up its military arsenal, including a controversial shipment of Ukrainian tanks last year, in secrecy to prepare for such an event.

In accordance with the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, (CPA) weapons to Southern Sudan have to be approved first by the central government.



  • murlescrewed

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    The US is keen to ensure that the balance of power doesn’t tilt in Khartoum’s favor. Its overall objective is to ensure that SPLA can weather any attack from SAF and still able to win any engage. Rendering air capabilities of SAF useless is at the center of this program.

    If North is unable to rely on air superiority, it is bound to lose any ground engagement.

  • Kur

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    Upgrading the defence capabilities of the SPLA is key to stability in the subretion of East Africa. It will silence those who wish to continue with the policies ot creating wars for their own political survival. Pentagon should move quickly to enhance the SPLA defence machines so that warmongers would think twice before they embark on other destructive missions.


  • Peter Aarai
    Peter Aarai

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    Wait a minute did I mistakely didn’t see oshay commenting on this article? He was very happy two days about Russian going to provide a maintenance to NIF armed forces. Now today he got sick about Arabs police U.S. going provide professional training to SPLA and logistic air support to deter counterattack from north in case they might attack south if declared her as state or become a country.

  • Mabior Ayuen Dengajok
    Mabior Ayuen Dengajok

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    Guys let’s be frank about this international politics, this reaction about US is an ideal for continuation and fighting against communism worldwide, note the cold war is a back, not over.

    For instance, during our struggle in 1983 to 1990, Russian, Ethiopia under Mariam regime and Libya including Cuba were communists, by the way they have gave more sustain our struggle and Khartoum government was been support by United States.

    When the cold war came to an end, again the Khartoum regime have invited Osama into it territory, ultimately the US had no other option but to change it strategy of supporting the Khartoum government.
    US shifted it logical support towards SPLM/A, so this US support have nothing to with SPLM/A at the moment but they have find themselves that may be defeat by Russian in the Sudan, so they have no choice, but to support the South in order resist the Russian power in Khartoum, this is clear in other part of the World where Russian politics is present, American react offensively.

    South Must plays a neutral politics to by pass international politics that can dissolve the South Function, this is clear in communist Country of Zimbabwe because it have been caught by the two main global parties, Russian communism and West Socialism, Capitalism

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    That is a good move if the Pentagon would help this SPLA Ill equip and we do like to see that kind of assistant for the SPLA. The SPLA are so strong in term on the ground capabilities however, they have no air forces to defens her nation Southern Sudan and we hope the separation will be possible in the coming year of 2011.

    At the end of Southern Sudan Independent, we Southern Sudanese people and many others parts in Sudan will not forgot what president W,Bush did, U.S. Congress, none-governmental agency and many others American individuals that, have been offering themselves to tell the U.S Admininstration about our suffering for many decades in the Sudan therefore, we will not forget what they did for us which has save many lives on both sides Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan. The SPLA Movement are most famous Rebels in the world history, they found for their rights and they never loot any other civilians in some Countries like what LRA are always doing of killing innocents Southern Sudanese people as well as they did same things in their nation Uganda. The SPLA need to be training full equipment so that, they can defens its Southern Sudan nation. I would like to thank for those encourage us on achieving the 2005 Implementation Peace Agreement and may God blessing them to keep up our frienship on and we will not forget what former president W, Bush did for that effort of Peace Agreement process.

    Aduol Liet.

  • Jonathan

    Pentagon mulls assistance to Darfur peacekeeping force & SPLA
    Ha Ha Ha Ha. The time has come for the south sudanese to give the hardest pinch on the So called NCP. NCP used planes to track us down during the 21 years of struggle.

    Now time has come for you to know that any of your previous air raids will be track down indiscriminately and without Mercy. You will learn lessons that the sons of your sons will not forget.

    You must now distant yourselves from the affairs of the South. Leave us alone for your presence here is not of any help.

    Southerners are only waiting for january 2011 to let you go forever. Start to arrange your journey now or you’ll find it late to reach Khartoum. You have done harm to south Sudan.

    Independence for Southern Sudan is Unavoidable so stop attempt to make unity attractive. Where were you since 1956 if you wanted us to co exist?


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