Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jongeli women narrowing gender gap

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 28, 2009 (BOR TOWN) — After former chairperson Susan Lith Aluong got promoted to Governor’s Advisor on Gender, Jonglei State Women Association (JSWA) nominate top leader unopposed here Thursday.

Campaigning against gender based violence on women and children, the non-political association also help to engage members in income generating activities. Crippled with little knowledge and vast majority illiterate, the path is thorny.

New chairperson Ayen Kuer Ajak pledges to persuade girls to accept education in order to know their rights. Outgoing leader Lith Aluong says the union has started working on feasibility of opening learning centers at places many women are found.

“We are meeting churches [leaders] on these issues,” she told reporters on Friday at her office adjacent the Governor’s.

In the last 2 years, JSWA helped formation of 28 community based organizations and opened 183 shops in state capital to generate incomes. Some 208 shops are pending issuing to female comes dry season. The females businesses explore opportunities ignored like tailoring, poultry and agricultural farming.

Training on saving, lending, cooperation and business management committee has been achieved, Lith says.

With support from United Nations Development Programme, World Food Programme, Norwegians People’s Aid, ADRA state, and South Sudan governments, the union managed to conduct workshops on HIV/Aids awareness and leadership skills. So far, three adults’ schools are operating in villages after JSWA initiative.

Unity, a primary objective for the association, is said to be on right track but supper a step backward when Pibor women failed to attend Thursday. However, leaders say, women from all tribes in state are against disunity.

The tense ties between tribes in Jonglei have cost thousands of lives in cattle rustling and child abduction. All these constricts, women say “we are against” regardless of ethnic biography.

Thursday meeting that brought all powerful women to Dhiam Dhiam Hotel, an initiative of JSWA, cemented unity depicted when election for the incoming leader turned nomination. To be real election, ballots papers or show of hand and emergence of more contenders are significance. In this case, Ayen Kuer was nominated and seconded with a lot of ululations from all corners of the crowded hall.

The last meeting to be chaired by ex-leader was attended by State minister for social development Recheal Nyadak Pual, Governor’s wife Nyankot Kuot and members of parliament.

The ceremony that lasted till 9pm local time ended with fund raising to assist Akobo’s victims of August 2 attack.

The association faces problems related to funding and insecurity that challenge mobility of members to corners of South Sudan’s vast state of Jonglei.



  • mayor

    Jongeli women narrowing gender gap
    time has changed therefor violent aganist women is no longer a solution, we wish our people to solve their issues by talking to each other

    women you have right to express what could make your live miserable go ahead you will be support

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jongeli women narrowing gender gap
    The poor junglese are always hungry for jobs, simple because there is no understanding among their mad community since few of the ladies are only offered jobs within their corrupt GOSS. Where is your balancing of gender see in EQuatoria we have ladies who are governors, ministers in corrupt GOSS and some in the local government but for you junglese where are the evidences of gender balance? This mad is the same to what we facing in South, arrogant, illiterate and fool are ranning on the top while the knowledgable people are being push far from the position. Don’t waste your time with Slave Kiir’s party, DC is there for you. Come and join Sudanese People Liberation Movement for Dinkas Chnage (SPLM-DC) send your rotten mens and women to look after the cattle and to protect them from murle not brining them to survive in Juba and causing an increase of food demand. Another problem is cholera, your present always in Equatoria cause outbreak of this disease, this time when this happen i will request Mr Governor Wani to stop you from entering the territory of Greater Equatoria in large. As the head of the main states he has rights to abolish germs from entering his states.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Jongeli women narrowing gender gap
    Never will gender balance take place in BOR.

    In Bor men there use women as Souspan(Pot) which you use to cook food and where the food is going, it doesn’t know.

    So gender issue in Bor is big NO till NBC.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Leo Abi
    Leo Abi

    Jongeli women narrowing gender gap
    In religion, we say it’s the prostitutes who get into the Kingdom of God. Take the case of Mary Magdelen; she was a prostitute but was swift enough to change her heart.

    For those of you who are shouting; Jonglei will NOT! Jonglei will NOT will find yourselves left behind. Whatever amount of struggle at their own capacity will push them a step ahead.

    God bless Jonglei women in their struggle to stop violence against women.

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