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Sudan Tribune

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Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflict

September 1, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi blasted Israel accusing it of standing behind the six year conflict in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur.

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi gestures after a lavish outdoor theatrical performance at Green Park in Tripoli, Libya, late night Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009 (AP)
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi gestures after a lavish outdoor theatrical performance at Green Park in Tripoli, Libya, late night Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009 (AP)
“The Israelis have a card to play, they say we are a minority in the world, consequently, we support all minorities. They look for minorities in any country especially in Africa: they claim they support these minorities and they make alliance with them against the majority,” Gadhafi said in a speech before the African Union (AU) special summit held yesterday in Tripoli.

The summit attended by Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, is held under the theme of resolving conflicts in Africa.

“Their [Israelis] policy is clear, and they are behind this faction in Darfur. This is a reality, for the office which is in Tel-Aviv and the head of this faction which calls itself, the liberation of Darfur is supported by Israelis and he is now under the protection of France, he might be a terrorist or a rebel but he is under protection a member state of the United Nations and his revolt is supported by these countries,” Gadhafi said.

The Libyan leader was referring to the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, which publicly announced last year that it inaugurated an office in the Jewish state.

Dealings with Israel are considered a taboo in the Arab and Islamic world. Sudanese officials often point fingers at Israel saying it is financing and supporting Darfur rebel groups.

Gadhafi echoed the same accusations while addressing the AU summit.

“I am saying that Israelis have a big role in Africa in instigating these disputes and problem in Darfur is clear proof since they are impudently and openly behind this crisis and any African country with minority will be supported by the Israelis,” he said.

The Libyan leader who is also the AU chairperson called on African states to expel Israeli embassies saying that Israel “is not a state, but a gang that declared its creation unilaterally on a disputed land”.

“Do not be deceived by the Israelis , they will not give you useful aid since they take rather than give and you can see for yourselves which country benefited from the Israelis,” he said.

Libya is currently involved in trying to bring Darfuri factions together to negotiate with Khartoum. It had attempted to host peace talks two years ago but it broke down after the major rebel groups boycotted it.

At the time, Gadhafi described the Darfur conflict as a “quarrel over a camel” and that the IDP’s “are enjoying the free food offered by aid agencies”.

The UN estimates that up to 300,000 people have died and 2.7 million have fled their homes amid violence that started six years ago in Darfur.



  • Maruon Ayiei
    Maruon Ayiei

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    The Israelis have free ride in southern sudan. If they wish to have embassy or settle in the south sudan, they are more welcome.

  • oshay

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    Of course they’re behind the Darfur conflict. Incase most of the Zombie SPLM/Israel supporters don’t know, under Nimeri Israel gave weapons and training to the Sudan National Army to fight the SPLA in the south however it stopped when Nimeri got overthrown.

    Regardless all the advocacy groups are run by jews seeking to punish sudan for its support of Hezbollah and Hamas also because its trying to distract the world from its occupation of palestine by painting Arabs as evil (the main narrative of the Darfur conflict) so that no one has sympathy for them either in Iraq or Palestine.

    It’s a shame Southerners don’t see that they’re being used.

  • BBCs

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    this is not an approiprate way to talk mr Gadhafi or god.whatever they call you. what wrong with some who try to help minorities? do you support the slaughtering of these minorities by your brother from another mother omar bashir? i think the leader who elected you to be AU chairperson have no ideas what it take to be a leader. do you like to cause another problem with Israel now? do you think your word are worthy? you need an advisor mr gaddafi


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    Mr Libya president, whenever you are leading a country, there are qualification that need to considered;
    Self awareness, emphathy, Sympathy, Motivation, self- confident. Every time when i saw his image, the AU leader seem reacting like as if he is not a leader.
    Please use leadership style; hide your reaction instead of prevealing to the public.
    I agree that Darfur need to be peaceful from the Arab northen Sudan, but Bashier still demote them. Please they are free to work with SPLA/M, or you help them get to freedom.

  • Ahmed

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    Oshay scorrrsssss!!!

    Oshay vs all south sudanese bloggers!! Oshay by himself got a brain bigger then all of them combined,

  • mayor

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    Mr Muammar Gaddafi, you must rething before you made any statement,lat me remind you this who had been opprssed these black people whom were called themselves Arab just because of Islamic religion.

    I dont want to extend my tongue on you because what you have stated last week about South Sudan future in 2011, was realy based on realty and thanks for that valuable support.

    and when it comes to Darfur problems please dont atack Israel, they are innocences in this problem please talk to Bashir to find agenuine solution rather to denial their demand.

    I hope you understand me.

  • Ahmed

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflicts
    waow! it seems like u southern sudanese have no jobs! I see u guys like waiting for Oshay to leave a comment and u guys reply right away, I guess thats a good way of speeding time.

    Anyway, if u guys want jobs come to my house in khartoum I got jobs for u guys! They are ok jobs so dont worry, I wouldnt give my southerner sudanese brothers a bad job. 🙂

  • Ahmed

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflict
    I cant be insulted in this site!! because it dosent break me or build me! I dont benefit anything from this site, so why should I care if I am insulted in this site

  • furdungonkoai

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflict
    We as Darfurian We are not in need of arabs like Gaddafi to talk about us , the way he deal with us is the same way of his brother from another mother ( Albashir ) he said we R enjoying free UN food in IDPs camp which maked by Genoside of Elbashir in darfur , we as darfurian we are free to deal with Israel or any one who we think is suitable for us to deal with him , Darfur is called ( Fur home ) it was kingdum up to 1916 it means it is country itself , so arabs go away from US ( Darfur)

  • Ahmed

    Libyan leader accuses Israel of fueling Darfur conflict
    My apologies to Dinka boy!! Dinka boy u deserve an apology for watever I said.

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