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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks

September 2, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The two peace partners made today some progress on contentious issues over the referendum bill. However they postponed their difference on who would participate and the needed quorums for the referendum.

Machar_Taha1.jpgDelegations from the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement on Wednesday agreed on six of the nine points on the agenda of negotiation on the referenda law.

The meetings co chaired by Sudanese Vice-President Mr. Ali Osman Taha and Southern Sudan government Vice-President Dr. Riek Machar, will resume talks on September 7.

The Joint Executive Political Committee, on its third day of talks, agreed on the referendum commission which shall comprise 9 members, monitoring and referendum observers, referendum security, Voters’ registrations, voting System and voters eligibility-meaning. Further the NCP has accepted the definition of the voters as “People of Southern Sudan.”

The two parties agreed to follow in the next meeting talks on the remaining hot issues pertaining to the area of the referendum, the percentages for the separation or the unity and the attributions of the Referendum Commission in Khartoum and its branch in Juba.

Accordingly, the two peace partners still disagree over the participation of southerners who reside other parts of the countries outside the 10 southern Sudan states. Actually the NCP want to extend it to the northern Sudan while the SPLM wants to limit it to the residents of southern Sudan only.

The southern Sudan ruling party says also it would allow the southerners who reside in northern Sudan to cast their ballots in southern Sudan.



  • Sunlight

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    Dr.Riek Machar is doing fine job. He perfectly knows what he his doing and he does it in silence; not barking for nothing like Pagan Amum or Yasir Arman. I pity sick SPLM supporters who are blind to see all these.

    If issues like Abyei and referendum are left to lazy incompetent fellows like Deng Alor, Luka Biong, or even Salva Kiir, things would have not moved up to now.

    Those of you who think that Dr. Machar has re-joined SPLM as a repentance for an imaginary sin he had committed, must wake up and clean their eyes.Dr. Machar has re-joined SPLM on condiions. He is doing his part of the deal and is expecting your foolish SPLM to do its part too. Else, there are always options for thoughtful people; and by then, you will find no one to correct your mess and you’ll become very soft target for NCP or whatever opponent you face. So be careful…

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    The issue of referendum vote should be all southerns’ rights to vote in 2010 and 2011. It do not matter where he/she live should have her or his vote be counted in both election. SPLM should not doubt about its civilians votes. Let each person cast his vote,if majorities vote to unity then they did not see their future after referendum or SPLM did not objectives that is why your people vote for unity and if they voted for separation its mean that citizens saw their future in south after referendum. But the case is not who live in south will vote only on referendum. Event they live in south Sudan and they see that they are going to have worse life in after referendum, they are going to vote for unity of Sudan. If SPLM has not been able to stop kill in south, how would it be after referendum? Somalia is good example for south Sudan.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    SPLM has to be very extra-watchful steadfast this time, they should push for votes to be counted in Juba in presence of Northern, Sourthern and international observers. There were wittingly hookwinked by NPC when they let southern census votes being counted in khartoum other than firstly in Juba and send the total to Khartoum for national census.

    This can clear any shadow of doubt that every Southerner holds against this Khartoum regime which is contemprorarily trying its very best to thwart the likely session of the South in 2011. I personally hold gigantic reservoir of fear for the safety of southern votes in the hands of this regime during referandum.Rigging is possible when votes are are stored, looked and counted in khartoum. Other issues such as 75% yes for session and the push for Southerners outside South to vote are just nonsensical. The whole world knows 51% as the percentage to declare democratic victory.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    Despite all the vaguely promises by the “CPA’s International Donors”,to help “South-Sudan” to rebuild its infrastructure,the “GoNU” ruling parties are more concerned in disagrees on issues,that are not disputeable.The “CPA” ratification ,guranted the secession of “South-Sudan” peacefully,once the “CPA” couldn’t meat it’s potential goal of regime change in “Sudan”,so i don’t see any reason for creating a nonesense disagreements for the sake of disagreement.The dirty political game has turned into a play with fire,and all the politicians has shown their real ugly faces,after lying to the Sudanese Masses for Four Years obout the lucrative, attractive unity.

    After “NCP” sacked Mr; “Gazi Salah Eldin Alattabani”,as chief-Negotitor during “Nivasha”,they turned their tone of opposing any propsal of SouthSudanese selfdetermination.So accordingly,why this row over what has been agreed upon?Is’t the coplexity of the referendum’s process,or is’t a failed attempt by “NCP/NIF” to buy time and souls as they used to,when it comes for playing dirty???

    However,whatever the stand of the International Community failure regarding what they had opted to help rebuild the war-torn region or enhancing the governing party’s ruling capacity,the initiative slipped off their hands as well “GoUN” partners,and now it’s an UN commitment to creat the New-Sudan State of SouthSudan.

    Let us be fair and FACE our desperate people of Sudan,REVEALING WHAT HAD BEEN AGREED TO BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS IN KENYA,so that they can enjoy the fruit of peace and recognition of their identity,dignity,potentiality and prosperity….

    Peace out

  • paulos berhe
    paulos berhe

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    That s great
    good news conguratulation dr. riek and all south people for the acceptance of referendum by NCP.

  • Dengtaath

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    “The Southern Sudan ruling party says also would allow the Southerners who reside in the North Sudan to cast their ballots in the South Sudan”.

    I quote this statement but I don’t really understand what it mean from the SPLM? For how long had that person lived in the North? To where that person will cast his/her vote,because each of any Southerners will vote through own Payam, if not County. And must be a County member who had lived for four years maximum. To me the base line is that the Southerners residing with in the South not Southerners who will migrate to the South in the last minute of referundom vote.
    SPLM need to think deep about the consequences of Arabised, brain washed Southerners residing in the North for all their lives. They are Arab inside we can’t trust their loyalty about South.

    Second to that Dr.Machar need to raise the concern about inclusion of the Southern Sudanese Diaspora in the referundom vote in 2011.
    And I am sure Dr.Machar is not sleeping, is doing the best for the rights of Southerners, he will come to that conclusion after securing some of the bills that are surrounding the referundom.
    God bless Dr. Machar

  • Majak Garang
    Majak Garang

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    We [Sudanese] are waiting for referendum. Southerners had enough with Northern or Khartoum based Government, Southerners, therefore have a feeling to have their own government which will equitably distribute political, social and economical resources to the citizens.

    I urge the Executive Body on the Referendum to make 2011 Choice transparent and fair to the Southerners. We need NO more war. Referendum is the better option and the better choice.


  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    The Five Thousand (5000), about 0.0007%,south Sudanese in the north,must not be allowed to vote in the 2011 referendum on whether the south will secede or remind under Khartoum unproductive government,unless they accept to be transfered and resettled in south before registration begins.

  • Dr millennium
    Dr millennium

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    Dear Leaders, let ensure that southerners in the Northern Sudan are excluded. it is another way NCP want to rige the referendum. we are not ready for that.

  • thieleling

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    some of our Dinkas brothers put their emotions ahead of facts. The fact is Dr. Riek is doing a national work, the Referendum Law for the whole South sudan. Why do some of our Dinka brothers short-change the truth?

    This Dinkas-bashing of Dr.Riek based on his tribal background simply regurgitated the propagnda of favor, the detriment of the honest fact that Dr. Riek is the man of the hour negotiating the Referendum Law on behalf of all south sudanese.

    Dr. Riek appealed for years in SPLM/A for more fairness, balanced, objective-collective leadership but no one listened. The Dinka dictatorship under Garang continued. Then the 1991 split happened and Garang woke up. So Dr. Riek & Garang agreed to transcend their ideological lines and thus, Garang agreed to Self-Determination. Dr. Riek is exactly doing what Garang agreed to when he changed to support Self-Determination after the split.

    Some of the Dinkas are making the 1991 correction personal. it is not a new problem. He surely was accused of treachery and worse. But it is Dr. Riek, not Dinkas who upholds the Nuer & South Sudanese finest traditions, DEMOCRACY!!

    Dr. Riek tells the truth without regard to personal consequences. He is fearless and vitally important southerner who committed to Self-Determination for South Sudanese comes what may! He did what many in SPLM/A only pretend to do: He challenged Garang right on at day-time. Some of our Dinkas Brothers seem not to get it. Does this really need a national catastrophe of magnitude in South Sudan for them to get it? Maybe!!

    The south sudanese are ready to tell our Dinkas brothers that the whole south sudan realized how clever and pervasive they were at pushing Dinkas hidden agendas at the expense of other south sudanese. The old argument of recycling criticism of 1991 split within the SPLM/A got really old. It is not a crucial issue anymore. The basis for the correction of 1991 split was a ideological stance. This is why we are negotiating the Referendum Law today.

    Anyone who dares point out that the Dinkas bias or tyranny is real and is hurting south sudan progress is leveled traitor. This point is now demonstrated even more by current Dinkas corruption & tyranny in South Sudan. Where is the progress? South Sudanese have enough of Dinka thievery, corruption, cheatings, choas & ugly political games that ruins south sudanese image world wide.

    South sudanese know the Dinka leadership got them into this mess, and that the Dinkas greed destroyed the entire south sudan image in front of the whole world. Yes, Dr. Riek exposed the bottomless Dinkas intellectual corruption within SPLM/A in 1991. So what?

    The contrioversial result of the current Dinkas mess may have to be a national castatrophe in south sudan even if the entire south sudan have to be destroyed. Our Dinkas brothers’ messes & greeds become so unbearable. How sad for the beautiful nation of South Sudan.

  • tut lam chol
    tut lam chol

    Sudan partners make modest progress on referendum talks
    great appreciation to Dr Machar for ongoing just for progress of referendum!!!!!!!!!!!!

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