Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman

September 2, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Diem Kuol denied that the SPLA has brought Kenyan military officers to Sudan for the purpose of training in the use of newly imported T-72 battle tanks.

SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
Kuol denied recent media suggestions that the SPLA is being trained by Kenyan experts on the use of Ukrainian and Russians tanks. He told Sudan Tribune by phone from Juba that a report carried in the online daily on Monday is false.

The Nairobi Star in a report published last week — and cited by Sudan Tribune on Monday — said almost 300 Kenyan military officers were being dispatched to South Sudan to train the SPLA in the use of their newly acquired military equipment including an estimated 100 T-72s main battle tanks.

SPLA’s alleged involvement in a major arms deal for the tanks and other heavy weapons came to light when the Ukrainian-owned ship MV Faina was hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia in September 2008. There were 33 T-72 tanks on board the MV Faina, reportedly the last batch of a series of shipments made through Kenya since at least as early as 2007.

Kuol Diem Kuol said that “the Government of Southern Sudan has invited Kenyan senior military officers for training of non-commissioned SPLA officers in an administration management unit.”

He confirmed that this training will end after four months. However, Diem did not disclose the centres where training would take place in South Sudan. He also added that the training, which kicks off in this month, will focus on how to improve the SPLA from a former rebel guerrilla force into a conventional army.

The Kenyan daily had affirmed that the T-72 tanks are now based in the capital of Lakes State, Rumbek where they were transported in airplanes from Moi Air Base at Eastleigh. The freight manifest of the MV Faina, a copy of which was obtained by BBC News last year, showed contract numbers that included the initials “GOSS,” thought to refer to the Government of Southern Sudan. According to that document, the consignee on the contract was the Kenyan Ministry of Defence.

In July 2009, the newsletter Jane’s Defence Weekly published satellite images, obtained via a commercial satellite, of 33 tanks moving northward. But the SPLA spokesman denied that the tanks were in Rumbek saying, “This is a great lie, there is no plane that transported military equipment into Rumbek.”

Finally, Kuol asserted that SPLA is working hard to install more troops along inter-tribal lines in Southern Sudan to protect civilians.



  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    What the heck?!and all that noises came from an empty barrels?Oh God have mercy on us,not to be lured foolishly and accept what is not acceptable.

    A man gotta do what a man gotta do,so be a man and say the naked fact infront of all the world eyes?nothing holding GOSS to rearm SPLA as conventional army,once permitted by Machacoss Protocol.


    Peace out

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    Mr Logic go with your Dc and leave a lone SPLA/M affairs with Kenyan Africans. Why do worry about traing if you knowing the meaning of word. it is not any attack my friend. Shut up and go with with Dc to khatoum beacuse no one like you. You are greedy like Lam Akol and others who followed NCP.
    Mr D boy

  • murlescrewed

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    Well played Cdr. Dim. The enemies of South are trying to blow this myth out of proportions. It is a proprietary information that should not be reported in the media.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    It is true the SPLA spokesman is just lying as one of their culture.

    SPLA has failed completely there is no hope what people should do now is just to wait for 2011 so that the currenty government of South Sudan to go away by all means.

    SPLA has no plan for South Sudan why going to Kenya for training on Ukrainian and Russian Tanks?

    South Sudan Government has failed to maintain peace in Juba and yesterday alone two people were killed by Junglese boys can you imagine?

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • fearlessmen

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    look at this Ugly monkey [logic boy] what are you talking about why don t you just shut your fart up. i am very tired of this yours fatigue language, anyway i will not go ahaed belaming you because this is not your probleme i will piont my finger to your perants spacil your mother who had sex with mad men on the street, logicall fuck you ,fuck your sister and that slute your mother and if you are dout with that i got two wards for you go to hell.
    my question to you son of a bitch how is your sex scandal is going on anyway. death to you about taling thing out that is not for Great DINKA it is yours you [mondercurier]military shuld be known by DINKA and not spilt like you. and the DINKA is the way to freedom if not than start to be a rebele.

  • paulos berhe
    paulos berhe

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    If you gays doing training is good not bad , bse our enemy NCP[ NIF] is sitll doing his best so what about we southerners,com Kuol ? so dont warry

  • Time1

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman
    Arab-wannabe be warned do not start this war this time around because it will not stop,it will be so hot from all sides untill all Arabs cross the red sea back to their mainland in Saudi Arabia.

  • tut lam chol
    tut lam chol

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman

    so actually ,gazele said “home must not be left thirsty.”
    so nyasoutherns’ don’t worry go ahead out of what mention.
    long live south sudan peacefully!!!!

  • tut lam chol
    tut lam chol

    No training on use of Ukrainian and Russian tanks: SPLA spokesman

    so actually ,gazele said “home must not be left thirsty.”
    so nyasoutherns’ don’t worry go ahead out of what mention.
    long live south sudan peacefully!!!!

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