Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol

BY Ngor Arol Garang

September 3, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of the SPLM-DC yesterday has told the members of his party that Southern Sudan needs strong institutions and not people.

Lam Akol Ajawin, the former senior member of the Sudan People Liberation Movement broke away to form his own party on June 6, saying he wants to save the SPLM from the “abyss” and said that its leadership are “bankrupt” and “undemocratic.”

While addressing reporters at the conclusion of a three-day founding convention in Khartoum on Wednesday 2, Akol said South Sudan is in desperate need of strong institutions which will not only bring the desperately needed changes in the semi-autonomous region, but will definitely encourage investors come for investment in different fields of development.

Akol further said the current system does not favor investment activities as the southern Sudan government “is filled with bunches of handpicked individuals hence resulted into current deteriorating economic situation riddled with corruption and crimes whose perpetrators are not brought to books.”

“The region is capable of generating its resources to provide the much needed services if western aid supplementing oil revenues are properly managed,” he stressed.

He continued to add that true economic growth depends on responsible governments that reject corruption, enforce the rule of law and deliver results for their people. “Such government must not be a government that entertains good people or comrades.”

Akol criticisms against his former party, led SPLM officials to accuse the National Congress Party (NCP) of supporting the party established by the former foreign minister in order to weaken the ruling party in southern Sudan.

In a press conference held Thursday in Khartoum, the SPLM Secretary General renewed his accusations saying the Sudanese security apparatus encouraged Lam Akol to form the SPLM-DC describing it as NCP creation.

He also repeated his accusations that the NCP is behind the tribal violence in southern Sudan where some 1200 were killed since January according to the UN estimations.

As the interim period comes at end, the SPLM also tries to renew its old alliance with Sudanese opposition parties. Juba will host on 11 September a meeting with the main opposition parties to discuss elections and southern Sudan future.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    I am doubting 100% whether Lam Akol can save SPLA/M with that kind of weak heart. He has been Assimilated be Arabs to kill his own people. Is that theway of Saving Spla/m. My friend Lam has destructive of SPLA for long. He was the last to join SPLA/M and the first to defect.
    Let him make noice in Arabs areas , still we will help him when Arab send him home for castration together with his supporters.
    If i were you, i would leave hime alone in Khartoum and join SPLA because you will leave peacefully than worry about Arab who is near to kill him -Lam.

  • malek, 'odili the great'
    malek, 'odili the great'

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Shotup you “vest”,never yell like mad dog with word of betraying the strong system,

    Question:Do you know why your party doesn’t have value in south sudan but in north?
    Answer:Because your party objectives are:
    aganist the SPLM
    Supported by NCP party
    betraying southern sudan people and herrors about corruption and many other things but never spoke of Bashir corrupting activities because the arab are the “WORLD FIRST CORRUPTING PEOPLE”

    well you claim of investment in south from west which does not have a common ground because of the following reasons:

    1 Security of investing activity like (minerals a surance)
    2 Contract activating between the investor and the country
    3 stability of the country in term of security for example WAR IN DARFUR should never allow any investment activies from western countries.

    4 Your master bashir is wanted by ICC and your contract with world on the side in economy has been saction since 2007
    5 khortum has not been removes in the list of countries who are sponsor terrorists

    My best advice to you is that your part will remain useless in southern sudan soil and the people unless
    “you sort out your defferences with the SPLM in south”

    Cut the relationship with NCP party to allow you on acessing right with southerners.

  • Jonglei Kuereng
    Jonglei Kuereng

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Mr Lam Akol not Dr Lam is has discredit his propfession loss of professional reputation. He should not beautify his party with ill words. He want to destroy the south sudan for self-interest. He is a deadman walking and this will be his final journal. His party SPLM-DC is a wholely owned subsidiary of NCP. our people stop playing politic and put the interest of your above your interest. until when will the south will remain underdogs?

  • Daniel Khot Duoth
    Daniel Khot Duoth

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Mr. Lam Akol, I think that you need to come back to South instead of North. you should form your own party within SouthSudan and exercise it peacfully infront of all citizens as well as possible. You should not do everything in Khartoum without your fellow citizens. There might be more people will follow you as a son of Southern. However, this is why mojarity people don’t truth you. I am pretty sure that, you will lose supporters if you will keep doing thing in khartoum. Perhap, we think that you have a connection with Sudan government as possible. By Daneil Khat Duoth

  • Kur

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    That party called SPLM-DC is no more than a big mouth of bunch of desperate opportunists who are more than willing to implement the agenda of the NCP. I hope people will not call it SPLM-DC but rather NCP-DC.

    Lam must know that the people of South Sudan are aware of his intentions.


  • murlescrewed

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Hang Akol and his lackeys. They have become a third appendage to the NCP and now want to poison the atmosphere in the South. Lam will never realize his goal of ruling South. He has messed up really bad by becoming so opportunistic as to betray South.

    They should be charged for treason and disorderly conduct with respect to harmony and peaceful coexistence in the South. Lam Akol is now a bona fide criminal.

  • Africano

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    SPLM should and their members should concentrate on their program instead of focusing on SPLM-DC. If they think they are working well, then they should not worry. I learned SPLM left alcohol so it is better now to contest for the presidency. The drunken Secretary-General is always lying. He should better work for his party instead of traveling between is home in USA and Juba. SPLM have security problems to solve before the coming elections. SPLM is well known for unity of Sudan. They should hide behind facts. Yesterday, all Dinka interviewed over TV in Kadguli were for unity. Dinka government in Juba have failed the south specially Bahr el-Ghazal Dinka.

  • Flora Tong
    Flora Tong

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Did someone read Dr. Lam Akol speech in the convention! It is very sensible speech and with reconciliation sense. it has facts about GOSS and SPLM. Please read it and don’t close your eyes and mind. Be accepting and look at as it is without stories and illusions of the negative.

  • Time1

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    I want to ask lam akol and his followers, What is the big point for this party right now when people are reaching a sensitive junction for future at 2011? why can’t Lam wait for untill a later date to establish the party after 2011? Lam may think he is right because of bad management but you have to be patient mr Lam because Arabs will take advantage and use this against southerners to divide and rule.This is exactly when smart people like Lam become dumb without thinking twice.

  • paulos berhe
    paulos berhe

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol

  • Time1

    South Sudan needs strong institutions – Akol
    Lam Akol is a tribalists,if you are not a tribalists,why is splm-dc dominated by only shulluk.also why taking blood money from Arabs to fund your activities?NCP is also a tribalists party,all domoniated by Arabs only, recently all Darfuris have been kicked out of the party or imprisioned for speaking out against the NCP policies of genocide in Darfur. listen to this story if you are seriously concerned with what is going on in Darfur.last week a man told me that his whole family has been massacred by Arabs in the outskirts of geneina in south Darfur, his mother was killed then the Arabs came on camel backs at night and killed his father and sisters, he escaped to khartoum,he is now the only survivor from that family of Abdul gadr el taeb, he lives in a rack shack in um badda omdurman area of khartoum,this is a true story just last week,he says the killing is still going on and that the media is not there ont he ground to see the murders that is going on,he was crying but i told him everything will b e allright,Allah will compensate them.ncp days are numbered,do not get close to them,they do not want to die alone.

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