Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UN Chief calls to settle peacefully tribal differences in South Sudan

September 6, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – UN Secretary-General on Sunday called for peaceful settlement to tribal differences in southern Sudan where over 1200 people were killed.

In a statement released on Sudan Ban Ki-moon said “deeply concerned” over the string of attacks and counterattacks in South Sudan and the killing and displacement of innocent civilians.

The spiral tribal violence in southern Sudan is now seen as direct threat that could derail a peace deal signed 2005 and its implementation particularly the organization of general elections and a referendum on self determination for the semi-autonomous region.

The inter-tribal fightings and LRA attacks also caused a humanitarian disaster in the southern Sudan. The UN humanitarian body (OCHA) said needs over $50 million to cover the food gap and to avert severe hunger a in southern Sudan.

In his call, which is released after a border dispute between Shilluk and Dinka ethnic groups in Upper Nile state where killed some 25 people last Friday, BAN Ki-moon directly called “on all groups to find peaceful means of settling their differences.”

He also called on the Government of South Sudan to re-double its efforts to ensure the protection of civilians and to work with UNMIS and the United Nations Country Team in strengthening security mechanisms, resolving the root causes of the tensions and addressing the humanitarian situation.

“Abatement of violence and intertribal reconciliation in the south are vital to the forthcoming elections in 2010 and the subsequent referendum in 2011,” stressed the UN chief.



  • Kur

    UN Chief calls to settle peacefully tribal differences in South Sudan
    The UN should clearly point the fingers at these hybrid NCP supporters. Lam and his NCP-DC are the main source of tribal problems in South Sudan. They have been linked with the LRA through the support of Al-Qaeda backed janjaweed regime of Bashir. Thry all need to be apprehended to avoid further conflicts in the South.


  • oshay

    UN Chief calls to settle peacefully tribal differences in South Sudan
    Yes I also urge southerners to sort out their problems peacefully and the SPLM to recognize that some people don’t like the way Dinkas have had a monopoly on Southern affairs and looted the country then turn around and blame others for their faliures.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    UN Chief calls to settle peacefully tribal differences in South Sudan
    I don’t see anything fruitful in South Sudan as long as the power remain in the hand of Junglese. These people were born simply to have more problems than peace among them as it stated in Bible and those who read Bible know what am talking about here!!

    I think if Dr. John Garang didnt died, by now South Sudan would have been ashy but God knew it. Hand it Salve Kiir has cause more damage than when it would been handed it to EQ man who have feeling of his people.

    I am calling upon UN Chief to maind his business and shut up because South Sudan problem will never finish unless those who are having power now got finish too.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Bior-raandu

    UN Chief calls to settle peacefully tribal differences in South Sudan
    I am very sorry that UN Chief admitted the violent in south sudan as tribal clash and failed to see the hand of NCP and Greedy southerners’ party like SPLM-DC in.

    I would like to make it clear, on my point of views and how southerners look at it, violent is caused by Ncp to show to the world that we can govern ourselves. My question is, why did we manage to stay in the bush for twenty years and there were no clashes among tribes except 1991 genocide in Bor which was fuel by Khartoum to destability in the splm.

    therefore; it is clear now, any upcoming tribal clash is being funded by khartoum government while the implementors are southerners whom they have bought by our Oil’s money.

    Shame on whoever considering SouthSudan clashes as tribal clash!

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