Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan ruling party says committed to self dtermination

September 6, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese Vice President renewed yesterday the commitment of the National Congress Party (NCP) to grant Southern Sudanese the right of self-determination as it is agreed in a peace deal he negotiated with the former rebel SPLM.

Addressing the opening the NCP sector of thought culture and information conference on Saturday, Taha said “We said we acknowledge the right of self-determination for our brothers in southern Sudan and we are committed to that.”

He further added that the NCP had never thought to dishonor this commitment

“However, we were and are and will remain in confidence and fully convinced that what God has linked would not be broken by the devil”, he stressed.

Taha made these remarks after statements by SPLM officials accusing the NCP of working to sabotage the exercise of self determination by imposing difficult conditions in the under-discussion referendum bill.

A joint panel chaired by Taha and GOSS Vice-President Riek Machar will resume talks on Monday September 7 after their failure last week to agree over the participation of southerners who reside outside the southern Sudan and the requested percentage for the separation.



  • oshay

    Sudan ruling party says committed to self dtermination
    If the SPLM wants to seperate then go ahead just don’t go begging the North to be with you after the Dinka commit a Rwanda like genocide against all other non dinka tribes.

  • Kur

    Sudan ruling party says committed to self dtermination
    Who can trust the commitments of the devil? We will remain watchful of your evil intentions.


  • murlescrewed

    Sudan ruling party says committed to self dtermination
    We in the SPLM know for a fact that the new strategy coming from North is creating mistrust and doubts in the mind on non-Dinka tribes in the South so that they can rebel against the Dinka. It will not work my jallabah dogs.

    For one thing, majority of Southerners are more afraid of the North than they are of Dinka. Dinka had every opportunity to terrorize other tribes but we refrained from that because it would allow north to win. Only the few educated lost souls in equatoria and elsewhere are the one trying to portray Southern government as a Dinka entity.

    What have your criminals running the country done? They have drained the trust that any Sudanese had in the government. It is now a government of corrupt people just willing to hold on to power because they know that once they are kicked out, they will end up in the Hague like Charles Taylor.

    Dinka will continue to rule because of numerical majority but they will respect and protect the rights of minority groups in the South. It has been done in Kenya and even America. There is no possibility of a minority winning elections unless the democratic process fails. But once in office, SPLM has done all it can to accommodate all Southern nationals.

  • suffeeyo

    Sudan ruling party says committed to self dtermination
    Hey if you are against, (SPLM) why do you bother to waste your time on there issues, keep your mouths shouts okay and minds your owen businesses because SPLM need people who are really southerners not the people who are bribe to do things.

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