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Sudan Tribune

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Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir

September 10, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Just months before Sudanese get into elections that are being described as a test for democracy, southern elites are sharply debating about who from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) should contest against current Sudanese President Bashir of the ruling National Congress Party.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
SPLM is one of the main national political parties expected to provide a candidate for the position of President of the Republic, but the party has yet to make a nomination.

The question seems to many ordinary citizens – including some members of the SPLM – to have been repetitive for the last two years. But the topic of SPLM’s presidential candidate still generated interest in informal surveying.

Opinion surveys conducted in the three Khartoum campuses for southern Sudanese – the Universities of Juba, Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile – have found that there is intensifying discussion among SPLM supporters over Governor Malik Agar, indicating a great desire that he be nominated if SPLM Chairman Salva Kiir declines.

Individuals from the following areas were questioned in July 2009: the rural town of Malaualkon in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Mundri in Western Equatoria, Akobo in Jonglei, Kapeota in Eastern Equatoria, Biemnhom in Unity and Wurok in Warrap State. Ordinary citizens who shared their views on the issue differed very sharply.

Some ague that President Salva Kiir as party chairman is the real presidential candidate for the SPLM party; others say he should not be forced to stand against his will suggesting that he remain president of the Government of Southern Sudan and allow his Vice President Riek Machar to go and contest against Bashir.

Within the SPLM leadership, Mr. Kiir reportedly refused to accept the nomination, and Dr. Machar said that he would only accept if given the chairmanship of the party, which was refused to him. These developments took place in May 2009 at an SPLM Political Bureau meeting, where discussions of the matter were suspended until a later session.

Others suggests that if the Mr. Kiir is not contesting for the presidency and Dr. Machar continues to demand a transfer of all powers to himself, why not nominate Pagan Amum as a second alternative to Malik Agar?

Speaking at Juba University Campus in Kodoro, east of Khartoum, Sabina Betrous, a management science student from Kauda in Nuba Mountains, said that freedom, equality and all other dreams provided in the SPLM manifesto need to be implemented through these upcoming national elections.

SPLM must nominate a candidate to contest against President Bashir adding that this candidate should be a committed member of the movement since its inception, one who would not betray the interest of the marginalized Sudanese people if elected, she commented.

Similarly, Deng Chol, a law student, added that SPLM need not dishonor its commitments of bringing changes to the war-affected Sudanese people by declining to nominate a strong and shining candidate to once and for all remove the remains of successive Khartoum regime elites in NCP.

“I strongly feel that we should give his Excellency Malik Agar the Governor of Blue Nile State our votes as students for candidacy on SPLM,” recommended Simon Yak, another student studying medicine in Upper Nile University.

“Between Malik Agar, Pagan Amum and James Wani Igga, I support their nomination for national candidate, because these comrades have never swayed against southern interest,” he added.



  • oshay

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    The SPLM is a faliure who in the hell would want to vote for it outside South Sudan. Can you imagine what will happen if we gave the presidency to these fools, Somalia would look like Paris in comparison.

    No way in HELL would anyone vote for this loser movement unless they had a rock for brains.

  • Ahmed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    I think the SPLM should nominate me! because I will not betray the party and I will change the country direction if elected!! U dont have to be a Dinka to be nominated right??? or currently serving SPLM

  • murlescrewed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    No WAY in HELL will anyone with a functioning brain vote for a CRIMINAL Bashir. South has plenty of compatriots who will handily beat the criminal Bashir unless the vote is rigged and sham elections take place.

    In today’s Sudan, anybody would beat Bashir because the Sudanese reputation in on the line. NCP has proven once again that it’s incapable of being a party of real solutions but a party of corrupt cabal led by a world-class criminal. For this reason, it will be defeated.

  • Kur

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    I strongly advised my fellow SPLM leaders to nominate Mr. Malik Agar to contest the presidency. A war criminal cannot stand a chance of defeating a decent freedom fighter like Mr. Agar. This is a chance of any marginalised Sudanese to sit in the seat of Kush.


  • Dengtaath

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    When people talk about loyalty in the SPLM as the movement, it would be good that people should think critically before they criticis,let them judge clearly what led to split of the movement during those days, because good judgement will lead you to constructive conclusion.

    Some people were driven like vehicles with no agenda in the movement, few members who have clear agenda and were awore about what was going on around the objective of the movement and possibly said no to the man who was regarded as the only champion to the movement are regarded now as betrayaltists to the movement.

    And I hope the history of South Sudan will be revised one day because some of the people with bright thinking and can plan and save time and life of the people and their agenda are some what implemented in the CPA are not recognise as heroes . This what people should some times look in to when they talk about who can serve SPLM and can fully care for Southern people.

    Some comments above do contradict to the best of my understanding about who can run the country South Sudan with full confident on him.

    About Salva Kiir to contest against Bashir, there is no doubt that is the only man who can present the party to the general election, if he can’t do that he can step down from the party leadership and let one of his deputies take lead of the party.It would be crazy to let some body who is not the leader contest for presidency.

  • Ahmed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    Why are u guys talking like u guys are about to rule the country!! when u guys have no power in the country yet! Even south sudan can be controlled by NCP at any moment if they want like they did before… U guys are acting like the SPLM is ruling the country or have more power in bashir,, when the only power they have is ruling the south under NCP acception

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    Wow what a interesting story to be told in future!!!!!:

    “Until now SPLM has not selected its candidates who will run against president Omar El Bachar” If the situation in south is like that, why do not give it to him all. Every position is sweets for me. I think SPLM dose not have enough time to tell people around Sudan about their objectives. Just let Kiir move with his job and be ready to fight. The was thing is that when someone stand at the door and he dose not go or leave the other to pass.

  • Ahmed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    I will knock that peter guy out of his shoes if I get a chance!!! I will freaken give him a black eye, altho I am not sure if u will be visible but I will do my best to make that black eye in that ugly face visible!! LOL peter I am JK

  • Mzee

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    wow its sound crazy to hear that president kiir is not will to contest against criminal Bashir. it is really frustrating for southern sudanese who have put their truth and commitment to support as their leader after the death DR Garang.

    mr president i argued you are the right person stand against Bashir, DR Riek is right to refuse the nomination because accord to democratic rules you must be the leader of ruling party to go for presidency. i can see this is just a confusing of the system.

    To my fellows SPLM/A officials let show the world that we are a oranganised and democratic nation, simply follow the constitution and CPA proticols and let forget who is will to contest. if you wanna rely interesting candidate, i think everybody can put his hand up to go for it including hyprocrites who will batrayed us and turn us to slavery, do give them chance please.

    SPLM/A Oyeeeeeeee! Mayardit Oyeeeeee! southern sudan Oyeeeeeee! go for it we are after you. have confident and aim high you will make it like obuma, “chance knock at once”

  • paul baak anyaar
    paul baak anyaar

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    What is this debate for? Isn’t this rats debate over who can bell the cat? I am not surprised that guys do not want to contest elections with Goliath (Bashir). yes, these men who used to be war giants are mere political dwarfs. I know our politics has been one of position inheritance. so most of the top men actually inherited their dear postions. Perhaps they hope to inherit that of Bashir! And if that is the case, then you are in for a rude shock. Bashir is immortal for your information. Whoever is interested in his position should face him as alive as he is, and alternatively, a lot of prayers would see him standing in the Hague and one would majestically climb his big throne, so to speak.

    Kiir, Riek, etc. are source of great disillusionment. And please, Mr. Kiir, don’t be a coward.you must face Bashir before any quack can.

  • Ahmed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    Peter!! get ready because from now ur mom and daughter will be in every single word I am saying ok! U son of a whore mother…. U see it harts right? lol

  • Controller

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    It would be wise decision for President Salva Kiir Mayardit to transfer all powers to Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny for the good of the party.

    Then, the Blessing Man from God, Dr. Riek Machar will contest against President Bashir because Dr. Machar is P.H .D than Dinkas uncle Malik Agar.
    Thank you all.

  • Tuaks

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    For God`s let us be more frank, when we are dealing with sociopolitical issues like who will become President of the Sudan , or GOSS, and what are conditions and who is worthy to be given the power. In my opinion and in case that Silva Kiir is not going to face Al Bashir over presidential election. I do not know why Mr. Silva Kiir and the Party are confusing the nation; conventionally we know that the Chairman of the party is the candidate who should contest. May be Silva kiir right to keep silent, but is wise to break it silence to avoid potential problem which may arise.
    We should think carefully because the two trouble makers Dr Lam and Dr Riek are planting seed of hatred and division among our people the two guys are known of their hungry for power. Dr Riek manifested his wild hungry for that when he respectfully requests our chairman to resign from chairmanship of the party, and his twin Dr Lam has created a party to chair.
    It is not wrong to hold a position in any party or even it is not wrong to form a party, But Dr lam formed a party without Objectives and Dr Riek is sneaking in the darkness to win the chair men ship of the party and both are losers. Khartoum Agreement, ( peace within ) and collapse of his Party, and mass killing among Nuer clans and fighting against other tribes ,the result of his actions he is planting seed of hatred and tribalism. He murdered other tribesmen and innocent people.
    Our challenge is who will be President of Government of Southern Sudan if Gen Silva Kiir is elected.
    We should not undermine the critical role of the Chairmanship in promotion of Sustainable peace and Coexistence among our people, and its importance in tracing the CPA. . The two foxy Guys do not favor the CPA and they have different agenda…
    They are betrayers and criminals avoid them, they are heartless, losers, predators, (wolves in cheep cloth) murders. I am just trying to conscientise you to be aware of importance of socio- political issues, because I am very conscious of problems.
    In the name of Marginalized people, our brave SPLA, and our beloved ones are suffering because of the two guy`s deed, in the name of those who shaded their blood as precious ransom for our liberty, I am strongly pray and assert that the two guys will lead you down, Let us bravely say No room for the two betrayers and their coward comrades.
    I would propose the following brave and reliable SPLA/M
    1. Chairman Gen Silva Kiir.
    2. Vice Chairman Gen Malik Agar
    3. Secretary General Fagan AMOM
    4. Abdel Aziz Al Helwo
    5. James Wani Igga
    6. Yasir ARMAM
    7. I myself D. K
    Finally, I want to thank those who have contributed, and my special thanks go to the martyrs. I stress need for constant vigilance for the well being of our nation and unity of people.

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    My beloved SPLM do not waste time on who should be the presidential candidate, pick any of the following;

    1.pagum Amun, because he does not fear or give up to bashir ‘s interests.

    2.Malik Agar, to continue liberation of the marginalised people of sudan in Nuba Mountains eastern Sudan and the far north incase the south separated from north, when he will the president.

  • Ahmed

    Debates resume within SPLM over who should contest against Bashir
    ???? ?????? ???? ????? ????

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