Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Abyei reiterates call on of IDPS to return home

September 11, 2009 (ABYEI) — Traditional leaders from Abyei today reiterated their call on the scattered Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to return home saying security returned normal.

Despite the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the two peace partners diverged on the definition of the border of the oil rich area and tension remained high with several clashes between the two parties. The most important occurred in May 2008 resulting in dozens of deaths and the displacement of an estimated 50,000 civilians.

On 22 July 2009, the Arbitration tribunal ordered the redrawing of the eastern and western boundaries. The court decision gave control of the richest oil fields, such as the Heglig oil field, to the north, while giving at least one oil field to the south and reaffirming the town of Abyei as the heartland of the Ngok Dinka

Security related incidents have never been recorded in and around Abyei town, before, during and after the ruling, said Sultan Ajing Alor during a return, recovery and integration meeting organized SRRC/HAC office in Abyei.

Sultan Ajing who said May 2008 clashes between the SPLA and the Sudanese Armed forces has sent over 50,000 innocent residents of mostly children, women and elder people fleeing homes in search of better security in neighboring states, adds it is time they return to develop the region.

Sultan described May 2008 clashes saying it was a real tragedy. “I never thought Abyei would be in where it is today,” he adds.

He said some IDPs were displaced for the second or third time after war adding the last but small displacement occurred on Friday December 2008 when members of the joint police clashed with members of the joint integrated units seeing hundred of the resident fleeing the area.

When I paid a selective visits to where some of the IDPS where displaced in Agok and Muglad, I found they were living in precarious and pathetic situations for months, he said.

He further added Abyei is compounded with trouble of a country already grappling with violence in the south. The ruling National Congress Party and SPLM are in deadlocks on numbers of issues hence seem not prioritizing Abyei developmental plans, he said.

However, he appreciated commitment made by the two parties to keep to their promises in honoring the ruling.



  • Critic_Ngueny

    Abyei reiterates call on of IDPS to return home
    I am requesting my dear brothers and sisters from Abyei to go back to our beloved land.Our president Kiir is ready to support you in all your needs.Abyei is Dinkas’ land and Dinkas are ready to die for it.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    Abyei reiterates call on of IDPS to return home
    I would like to go to Abyei region, I put on my comment to article published yesterday that the area which was ruled by the Hague on 22nd July 2009 to Abyei people need urgent occupation before the enemies occupy it.

    You should be very serious for Abyei area our good land and I advise you all to return home now.

    Welcome home again.


    Yirol boy

  • James John
    James John

    Abyei reiterates call on of IDPS to return home
    If Abyei is for Dinka land so why are so many Dinka people in Equatoria? WHAT about you guys and ur president go back to Abyei?

    Can aleast one Dinka answer for this simple questions?

    Look forward to debate…….JJ

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