Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM-DC the Hope for the nation

By Lwanyo Awang

September 19, 2009 — After decades of civil war in South Sudan,Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile, in addition to the suffering of citizens, and their sacrifices both in their sons and daughters, and property to support the movement. Sudanese people expected a peaceful Sudan after signing the CPA in Jan, 2005 especially in the South Sudan, Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile.

Nobody expected some southerner’s people, brothers of brothers to claim other people land by gun or setting new settlement as the case in the Greater Equatoria on the watch of the government of Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

The toll of civilians killed under Kiir leadership in Greater Bhar-El-Gazal, Greater, Equatoria, and Upper Nile have reached approximately over five thousand civilians.. A number that is not even close to half a quarter of civilians killed during the twenty one years of war combined. You don’t need to have a math to figure out Kiir failure government; even a fifth grade student class’s monitor can figure that out given the facts and the data.

Come to seven billions dollars Kiir government received from oil revenues and international donation for development and infrastructure of South Sudan, Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile, without a shame Kiir came out to declare that no more money and South Sudan will face taught time in 2009 fiscal year. It’s something unimaginable to consume Seven Billions Dollars without building any Road, Hospital, School, or provide security to citizens. To some it looks like a joke, but sometimes it’s hard to digest or to learn that somebody who works in USA with wages at eight Dollar per hour can buy a house worthy three hundreds thousand us dollars in cash. And examples are many a cross the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Africa. Not only they bought houses on public money, your money and my money, they receive salaries on monthly basis wile living abroad, and leaving the average citizen in South Sudan, Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile with nothing to eat or place to educate their children’s or to take their kids when they are sick.

We can’t leave our voiceless and vulnerable citizens who give up their sons, daughters, and property to struggle alone with Kiir failure and corrupt administration. It’s not their mistake because they believed the SPLM slogan during the war. We also know the beneficiaries in every system always are against change and are dependence of the status quo. Because change to them means losing unjustified benefits they enjoy now. Therefore it’s not a surprise when you see them in a random movement up and down against SPLM-DC party and its leadership, that is expected from who have learnt to live on the blood of their innocent fellow citizens.

My message to Kiir failure government is that Sudanese people know better than you do.
They know why people have government?
They know the functions & duties of government?
They know that government is an organization that represents the interest of all the citizens in country.
They know that a government is not a one community organization “It shouldn’t represents only one community interest” that’s very wrong. They also know that government is accountable to the people.

A leader always is father for all communities, the only reason we have somebody from one community is because we have one leader at one time which mean He/She will always comes from one of the communities. Which mean a leader can come from any community.

Let go back to the reasons why Kiir government using scaring tactics to scare people about SPLM-DC? The reason is because Kiir don’t want people to know that they have right to change his government since it doesn’t deliver any services. Kiir even don’t want implementation of CPA, because according to CPA He should compete against NCP & other parties for presidency of Sudan or government of South Sudan, unfortunately He choose not to do so because he has develop a self interest to be in power as kiir and not SPLM party regardless of what may cost him. You can’t claim to be SPLM chairman and don’t implement CPA. That why he wants to use Dr. Riek Macher as his escape goat and push him to run against Al- Bashir, while himself taking backseat against NCP. But Dr.Riek wise enough ask the party to chairman in order to run against Al-Bashir as required by regulations of the party, which is not accepted by Kiir who is afraid to lose power and not the interest the people, what selfishness and love of power by Kiir regardless what it takes. That why SPLM has no candidate for presidency up to now while we are left with three month only for election.

That why SPLM-DC under leadership of Dr. Lam Akol is to restore the hope and inspirations of South Sudan people and marginalized areas: Nuba Mountain, Blue Nile, and Abyei and to follow the foot steps of our hero late Dr. John Garang which where deviated by Kiir Mayardit selfish & corrupt leadership who turned the country to the state of anarchy and impunity, which need to be changed immediately to restore the unity of the nation.

The author lives in USA and has BS in Public Administration. UIU. Iowa, USA – BA in Libraries and Archives Science. Alex Uni. Alex, Egypt. He can be reached at [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    SPLM-DC the Hope for the nation
    Without worries, let the Empire of lies surface because it will collapse immediately after 2010 elections due to the failure of NIF-DC party to win a single seat nationwide and the most expected defection of its founder to NIF Mum.

    I would like to see and hear from all supporters of this Party established with rescuing Old Sudan’s Program from total collapse as a primay motive.

    Was it not the same program Lam Akol started in 1991 to cut off the logistic routes for SPLA suppliers to Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile? Did SPLM/A recruited Nuba and Angesseners by force? Of course not, and if so, is that not a clear evidence that all marginalised people voluntarily took up arms to join hands and fight an injustice Khartopum’s regimes and install justice in its place?

    I can see clear diefferences within NIF-DC ranks from the top leadership to bottom regarding its motives and that indicates an imminent split.

    The truth is that NIF-DC or SPLM-DC as they cliamed is a destrcution program to both New and Old Sudans rather than a hope to a nation. This Party is a second symbol to Omdurman Radio & TV of racist and sectarian kingdom.

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