Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks

September 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan peace partners traded accusations on the causes of recent surge of violence in Jonglei state. While Juba ruling party speaks about support of the militias, Khartoum says the tribal fighting is a demonstration of failure.

Last Sunday organized militiamen attacked Duk Padiet in Jognlei state killing over 75 people including 29 members of organized forces. 11 SPLA soldiers including a major, 11 National Security soldiers with their captain, 5 policemen and their commanding 1st Lieutenant and 2 prison officers.

Seen as new escalation in the tribal fighting in the restive southern Sudan state, UN Regional coordinator for Southern Sudan David Gressly, who visited Duk Padiet Monday with South Sudan internal Minister, Gier Chuang Aluong and Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk, said “it is quite a substantial attack on the town.”

The dominant National Congress Party (NCP) has accused its peace partner and southern Sudan dominant party Sudan’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) of failing to provide security to its citizens, saying that it had just continued to blame others and NCP in particular over the deteriorating security in southern Sudan.

These accusations come after statements by SPLA spokesperson Kuol Diem Kuol to the BBC Arabic Service saying that he believes the militiamen had been organized and armed by the NCP of resident Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

“It is not normal, it is something politicized and the (National Congress Party wants to destabilize southern Sudan, particularly with the approach of the elections,” Kuol said in another statement to the Associated Press.

NCP Information Secretary Kamal Obeid denied in statements to SMC any connection with the Lou Nuer militia. He further said that these tribal clashes in southern Sudan demonstrate the SPLM failure to provide security to southerners.

Kamal further said that the SPLM had been using all its political and military tools in order to spoil its relation with NCP ever since it rejected the census process.

In accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended two decades of war, southern Sudanese should decide in 2011 on their future and have to choose between remaining in the current or establish their own state.
Nonetheless the two peace partners are still negating the modalities of the referendum and diverge over many points.



  • gatkuothdiew

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    This is why i always regret being born a NUER.
    We are total failures of the southsudan.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Nuer are happy with the food NCP geve to them.
    Mr Arabs, we capture more than six Nuer lou in the Duk Padiet attack, and they said where they get weapons, who orgazied the attacked.
    Frankly NCP= Nuer.


    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Here they come, can you imagine that, the Arabs think the Southerners are as dark in minds as their skins, they think no one will ever realise the dirty games they are playing. It’s exacly what they are doing in Darfur that they want to do in South. But Unfortunately, they are using our own brothers as a tool.Even a little child can tell what this is all about. This is not anything to do with tribes guys, let’s think broadly, this is a “war in diguise.” ooops,the jallaba wants the Wolrd to see South as a failure as they have just said, but the whole Wolrd knows what is right or wrong. They have planted the seeds of hatred in our hearts, we need to plug them out before they are deeply rooted. No one should make us belief South will be a failure. No wonder why all the Arab Countries like Egype, and Libya are doubting the seperation, let’s not belief their lies, they are poisoning our thoughs. Wake up South Sudan, you can do something!!!!!!

  • Gatwech

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Dinka Boy or Man (gatkuothdiew),

    Who do you think you can fool by using a Nuer name Gatkuoth Diew? You will only fool yourself. Unless you are ashamed to be an unreasonable Dinka Boy you better use a Dinka name. No Nuer reasons like that or expresses his disappointments in such a shallow way.

    Do you think a Nuer cannot apply your foolish tactic and register with a Dinka name and say “I wish I was not born a Dinka?” Readers are not foolish to know that you are not from Nuer.

    I called on the sudantribune webmaster to ban this guy who uses fake names. He is not sincere in his comments because he disguises himself.

    But Dinka Boy or girl, you better grow up and work to promote peace. What you have writing on this web are being implemented by Chibitek Mabil on the ground. Unless a lost boy like you who went to Australia doesn’t care about the lives of his Bor-Dinka colleagues on the ground in Jonglei. Joint us in working forget the past and open a new chapter that will save our lives both at home and abroad.

  • oshay

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    blame blame blame, that’s all Dinka do. Just know you are the real problem with Sudan.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Barking dogs from Equatoria must look out otherwise things will fall apart on their side.We the communities of Dinka are ready to die in order to liberate our people from Arabs.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • J.James

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Hi Pandit

    It is fine big man, I will talk to Murle though you know very well that Murle don’t have any plan to attack anybody at least for now.

    But I want you to stop pointing one figure to the wrong direction forgetting that the all four figures point directly to you to remind you about your own guilt and scary tactics as your community concern.

    So please go and talk to your criminals who attacked Murle traders at Magiri just last Sunday, talk to your greedy members parliament to reinstate Jodi (speaker) back to his position which your people tried to run away with it without feeling storm of shame. You know that your tribalistic Bor speaker will not be recognized to the end of the world, I am sure even “Jok Arac” (Bor tradtional god) will not honor his leadership as Jongolei speaker, your Wal need to save time to find himself another job without wasting time.

    Talk to your community to know that, everybody is wise enough to be cheated this days and let them drop their power greed. If you chieve the above, Murle and other communities don’t have problems specially Murle whom you know are not power hungry citizens.

    Please do the above and I will do my part beginning from now.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Controller

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Dear Gatkuoth Diew

    You are idiot and stupid Dinka Bors who pretending to be Nuer.

    The Prophert NGunDeng Army Strong of God will continuous killing this garbage tribe of Dinka Bors, until (NASOG)wipe them out in Jonglei State.

    When Commander Gai Chuol was killed,The Governor called as a attractive killing.Then, when (NASOG) killed their people, the Governor called as destructive attack.

  • Good lisner Daddy
    Good lisner Daddy

    Sudanese parties trade accusations over Jonglei attacks
    Good morning readers

    it is my first time to agree with NCP on ideas of South sudan security, especially Jonglei state. Why South Sudan Government allow what they call Militia to trash their own state?

    I can suggest that South Sudan are not capable for country management in this reason we can not determine independent which we are not able to manage ourselves. Look now we given state only 4 Years how many people died? we can say so many, why then we wanted to kill innocent people of South Sudan? So i am urge Government of South Sudan to stop blaming other people meanwhile they given opportunity to control the area and fail to control.

    Please,please South Sudan renew yourself and serve innocent people of South Sudan.


    Good Listener Daddy

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