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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan launches payroll control system for States

September 28, 2009 (JUBA) — The government of South Sudan yesterday launched the newly introduced Payroll Management and Establishment Control System for states aimed at dealing with unaccounted for employees on the Government payroll.

The decentralization system has also shifted accountability and ownership of counties-based civil servants payroll from state to the county offices.

Minister of public service, labor and human resources development, Ms. Awut Deng Achuil, said the exercise is expected to reduce most of the problems associated with payroll and establishment management for civil servants in all states and counties.

If properly managed, it will assist in the management of human capital and able to establish how many positions are in the each county and how many are occupied, she said adding this will help government establish how much it costs to maintain workers…

“It will also help to eliminate ghost workers,” she added.

The committee assigned to conduct this exercise is currently holding over 1400 Government employees on its data base and is decentralized into 349 payroll areas to effectively manage the large number of employees on the system.

The minister also added the 349 payroll areas are managed and controlled by respective responsible officers in a decentralized manner while the exercise support services department is responsible for provision of infrastructure, technical support and guidance to ensure compliance to terms and conditions.

She said concerned personnel in each payroll area have been trained on how to manage the payroll system, including effecting changes on the system.

Asked who are accountable, she said ministry of finance and line managers are accountable for the system and called on them to ensure that the system is not abused adding only genuine staff should be paid in accordance with terms and conditions of service.

“At the states level, counties administration should be accountable for human capital in the same manner it accounts for financial resources, equipment and vehicles,” she further stressed.

These organizations provided financial resources to assist Government to ensure that personal emoluments and establishments for the public service are effectively managed and maintained.

Financial and technical support towards improving and management of the payroll was made possible by some international organizations working in the area.

Awut said that the specific activities being implemented using financial assistances from international organization include upgrading the knowledge of public service employees and other stakeholders on PMEC and undertaking routine payroll audits.



  • Kur

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    I think these steps are going to bring much needed accountability into the system of financial management in South Sudan.We all hope that the mismanagement of state resources will be reduced by implementing these procedures. This is a good start.


  • Dr. Chui
    Dr. Chui

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    Dear Awut

    This is better attempt to encourage fellow employees of the so call the Great Southern Sudan. But, The doubt is how it will minimise this escalating issue of Gost names. I think your Government have got the resources Why not consider installation of banking payroll, where by centralisation of payrol is essential. Automatic payment from treasure account into individual employee accounts. it is simple but you have to use nation’s resource get this and you have resource you cann’t denny that. There is no rich country than Southern Sudan. You are misusing the nation’s resources in other non-beneficiaries. Please implement this step and think forward beyond this step.

  • Sunlight

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    I don’t see any new thing in this. How can a thief arrest him/herself?

  • oshay

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    Only now!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brightstar

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    This is all bullshit. it is another way of blindful the public and covering of cash flow into ministers acounts.
    The best way to control this ghost emplyees and fight corruption in Southern Sudan is to produce Identification cards to all government and states employees and introduce a check payroll system. where by your check will be issued from South Sudan financial banking. And also to establish a strong stream database to control out and income check cashing from puplics.
    Peace: Brightstar.

  • Dinkamoi

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    I don’t think this move will stamp corruption. The biggest problem in Southern Sudan is GOSS because all the money going to States and then down to counties come from GOSS and it is the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Service at GOSS that need real surgical overhaul. The big money is loss at State neither at Counties but at GOSS Level.

  • RPG1

    South Sudan launches payroll control system for States
    “Payroll”, great inventions. That is an improvement of GOSS.
    By the way, System is getting tough, simply because things are getting tough. Well done MS Awut Deng Achuil. Next step is banking system, where every worker could be paid by main of bank account, and if this happened, workers will be able to plan for their future rather than keeping all the money aroung with them all the time. Bank will benefit from the save keeping money in their banks, in form of banking fees.

    Good one!

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