Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari

By James Gatdet Dak and Philip Thon Aleu

October 3, 2009 (BOR/JUBA) – Renewed deadly inter-tribal clashes involving Dinka Bor and Mundari communities have left unconfirmed number of people dead and wounded as casualties are expected to rise.

An armed civilian on the airstrip of Dul Padiet standing next to local children (UNMIS- Timothy Mckulka)
An armed civilian on the airstrip of Dul Padiet standing next to local children (UNMIS- Timothy Mckulka)
The violence which started on Friday in a place called Gut Makur which hosts Dinka Bor cattle camps, continues throughout Saturday between the two ethnic groups in Wuor-bar near Mugala, Central Equatoria state (CES) and about 47 miles on Juba – Bor road.

The military sources in Juba said the clash started when Mundari farmers protested against Dinka Bor cattle that they claimed were let loose into the Mundari peanut farms.

The argument resulted to the shooting dead of a Mundari farmer by a Dinka Bor gunman and the violence ensued further.

Three people were reported dead with unknown number of wounded in the Friday’s incidence.

The Mundari tribesmen retaliated with fresh attacks on Dinka Bor settlements on Saturday which resulted to more than ten people killed and some others wounded according to the unconfirmed report.

As a result, the source revealed, Juba-Bor road has currently been closed, causing many route user vehicles to get stranded in both Juba and Bor town.

Similar deadly clashes involving the two communities occurred in the past.

The conflict is seen as an expansion of similar long-recent contests between Mundari of Teregeka County, CES and Aliap of Awerriar County, Lakes state where Dinka Bor pastoralists there are accused of backing Aliap, members of Dinka community.

The threshold of fighting over cattle was, however, exceeded on Friday when a passenger bus heading to Juba was ambushed between Mugala and Gemeza (CES) (Eastern bank of River Nile) by armed Mundari tribesmen leaving 3 people dead and 9 others injured.

Some passengers are still missing. Prior to Friday fight, a Thursday alleged Mundari’s intruding to Bor cattle camp at Wuor-bar (between Mugala and Juba) left 4 people dead; 2 from each side. Sudan Tribune cannot independently verify these claims.

The Bor cattle camp stationed in Wuor-bar are returning to Bor territory given that the livestock presence in CES interfered with farmers’ crop there. The pastoralists’ resistance to speed home has already cost many lives.

Gunshots were heard overnight till Saturday morning in Pariak – Bor County’s Boma bordering Teregeka’s Gemeza Payam, Sudan Tribune learnt.

John Alier Gai, a resident of Pariak says “I heard gunshots at about 10pm local time yesterday (Friday) ….and this morning (Saturday).”

The clashes are expanding rapidly, he said without elaboration.

Areas such Wuor-bar and Sudan-Safari are said to be tense. Both tribesmen are allegedly sending in reinforcements to tense areas in what appears as elevating the scale of conflict.

Responding to the tension caused by these clashes, Bor County Commissioner Maker Lual Kuol headed a high level team to Juba on Friday only to survive ambush. The buses that later were ambushed came behind the Bor County leader’s convoy.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Juba, Mr. Maker said he is arguing the feuding youths to cease hostilities. A member of the Bor County, who preferred anonymity, said that their primary mandate is to end the fighting now. “Then number two is to accelerate the movement of cattle keepers to Bor territory.”

Teregeka County Commissioner Ali Malou is reportedly in close contact with Bor leaders in Juba. Efforts made by the Sudan Tribune to reach Mr. Malou were futile on Saturday.

This is the first heavy fighting between the two tribes in two years. Less similar wrangles in 2007 closed Bor – Juba road briefly and led to lose many passengers’ lives including foreign traders.

January 2008 peace accord between Bor and Mundari reached in Gemeza, ceased unswerving conflicts there but is already seriously endangered with repetitive cattle thefts on both sides.

Southern Sudan has been overwhelmed by inter and intra-community conflicts caused by different factors and involve almost every state in the region.



  • braveheart

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    if goss could disarmed residents in juba, why not in this illiterate tribal areas of dinak and mundari?

  • oshay

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    Dinka Bor are always starting trouble with everyone, they have a problem with the Lou Nuer and now with the Mundari people. Southerners are fast becoming sick and tired from the Dinka and their land grabbing ways, especially since they’re fully backed by the dinka dominated SPLM.

  • Pitia

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    Hi, my name is Pitia, I am from Mundari community, I am wtiting this article due to the incident that happened recently involving my community and Dinka’s. There are two things that I am going to say.

    First of all, no matter how much you (Dinka bor) tried to avert us from our peaceful principals, you are going to fail because we will always response with great vengeance when provoked as it seems to be the only language that you understand. The fact that you are majority means nothing to us at all. So don’t even think about it as being your source of dominance.

    Secondly you need us more than we do. Imagine if we have to continue with such incidents, where would you buy salt, oil, soap and other consumables. Will you even think of going to Uganda, Kenya or Juba? I don’t think so beccause we will be more than happy to hassle you.

    The postive note is that, the Dinka including Monyjang and so as Nuer are the prominent tribes in the south not mentioning zande. I always do believe that these tribes are the one to bring peace and stability to Southern Sudan at the same time are capable of corrupting all of it up. For God sake and the people of Sudan why don’t use your number to bring rest to the region by bestowing good relations with others. Stop taking lands from owners by fabricating stories and meaningless claims. Such acts happen a lot in Juba.This is evil.



  • Gatwech

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    Dear readers,

    Yes, it is true that tribal fighting in the South is widespread in almost every state and it involves many different tribes. GOSS should be doing something about these mad communities in an honest and fair way. It should not apply discriminatory policies that favor certain tribes and negatively target others. The Lou-Nuer incident was interpreted by GOSS leadership to suit its tribal intentions. Yes, the Lou-Nuer revenge attacks on Duk Padiet targeted government institutions. But was it something new? Agaar-Dinka recently targeted SPLA and Police convoys using RPGs and destroyed some of them. Was that not against the government property and forces? The Nyarweng-Dinka of Duk targeted Lou-Nuer Wildlife and Police officers, traders, teachers, agriculturalists, money for salaries, etc in their truck outside Duk county headquarters, killing several of them. Was that not an attack against the government personnel and money? The Bor-Dinka targeted SPLA officers, killing even a Colonel from Lou-Nuer inside Bor town. Was that not a target against the SPLA army?

    It is however funny that the GOSS leadership in Juba has turned tribal. Yesterday as I was watching South Sudan satellite TV (SSTV) I was surprised that the tribal leadership including the President, Salva Kiir, minister of Information Paul Mayom and the SPLA Spokesman, Kuol Diem Kuol, and someone called Alaak, etc were very busy making noises about the fighting between bodyguards of Paulino Matip and Taban Deng Gai in Bentiu, Unity state. They mobilized the local, national and international media to maximize the incidence because it involved something to do with the Nuer. They wanted the Nuer to be seen as the spoilers of peace in South Sudan. So they got that chance to tell to any body what had happened in Bentiu. Paulino Matip and Taban Deng Gai were not in Bentiu during the incidence. Taban had gone to Europe while Paulino Matip was in Juba. But the tribal leadership wanted it to sound like something directly involving those two Nuer figures despite the fact that it simply started as a quarrel between their two bodyguards in Bentiu.

    And why these unblessed tribal leaders would be only interested in conflicts between Nuer figures in the first place? Why were they not interested in the Warrap state conflict between Salva Kiir Mayardit and Salva Mathok Geng-dit that fitted Aguok and Apuk Dinka clans which fought using heavy artilleries? Why they were not interested to mobilize the Media to magnify the Khorfulus/Atar conflict between General Gier Chuang Aluong and General George Athor? These two Khorfulus/Atar bitter opponents could not be reconciled successfully in that mad Jonglei state of Kuol Manyang. They had to be brought here to Malakal for our state government intervention that gave birth to their successful reconciliation. Also why not interested in conflicts among politicians of Lakes state which involves Daniel Awet Akot, Paul Mayom and Deng Athorbei, etc?

    Unsurprisingly and interestingly, they all kept quiet about this similar deadly fighting between the Bor-Dinka and Mundari communities which killed almost the same number of people as in the Bentiu incidence and happened at the same time (Friday) with that of the Bentiu incidence. This Bor-Dinka and Mundari fighting also occurred close to the capital, Juba, and as reported, resulted to the closure of Juba-Bor road. The tribal leadership did not rush to call it a fighting between communities of Kuol Manyang Juuk and Clement Wani Konga.

    These tribal leaders were ashamed to talk about it because it involved the Bor-Dinka who carried out the attack against Mundaris. They did not want the public to hear about it to avoid the chance of Bor-Dinka community being seen as provocative and spoilers of peace that implements the interests of Khartoum, which is their preferred description of any incidence involving the Nuer. What a tribal incompetent leadership!

    This poor tactic is a cheap propaganda always resorted to by failed ruling tribal cliques every where in the world. They turn into a chieftaincy and that is what happens with the GOSS tribal leadership. They are panicking about the inevitable! They are desperate looking for any means to spoil the name of the Nuer, their most feared adversary, and this has always been both their daydream as well as their nightmare. There was a conspiracy of silence on this ugly and deadly fighting between the Bor-Dinka and Mundari. And this is to save the image of Bor-Dinka, but destroy the image of Bul-Nuer in Bentiu. Very interesting indeed!

    What a tribal incompetent leadership in both GOSS and SPLA! They think the public readers and viewers are fools whom they can just mobilize to hate the Nuer when every body knows which tribe leads GOSS in this corruption, thievery, lack of development, lack of political direction, cowardice to face elections, deterioration of insecurity, tribal conflicts, etc. Even if they want to hide any fighting that does not involve the Nuer and rush to talk about any fighting that involves the Nuer, the public knows them better. They can run but they cannot hide. “Ci wec ku ruac kaap.” Athooow!

    By Tut Gatwech, Malakal, South Sudan

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    I am the Grandson of rainmaker Traditionalist PITIA LUGUR, WELL KNOWN CHIEF OF BARI. who defeated James Captain Cook by breaking the huge Bridge, so everybody talk of flashing Bari speakers out of their original land will never exist, i will just send flood to their Land.

    Unite Please! South Sundanese, i am not Tribalist but you make peace makers to talk nonsenses.
    My condolences to the Families of murdered Ones.

  • thieleling

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari

    Brother Kim Deng, Gatwech & others,

    The Dinkas did not understand why Nuer’s Will Power and Superior self-confidence would always triumph over Dinka’s fearful and cowardic attitude. Unless Dinkas understand this, peace would never prevail between the two. That is why they are whining over spilt milk. The situation will only remain tense with the power of myth & their lies.

    There is time for negotiations and time for fight. This is NOT time for negotiations. The risk of all out war between the Dinkas and Nuers is not just dangerous, it is real and it would happen. The actions of any Nuer who wastes his/her time with the Dinkas amounts to appeasement. I am a realist and I said “shit” happens. Dinka tribalism cannot be nursed for so long in south sudan. 1972 is 37 years ago or so and south sudanese are sick of this tribalism.

    Inevitably, the all out war will occur between the Nuers & Dinkas in south sudan. There is unbelievable open hostilities between the two since 1983. Many people now focused on who had fired the first shot in their minor skirmishes since 1983. They forgot to see and focus on the looming dangerous war between these two cousins. Both Dinkas & Nuers should quit saying so & so attack was not justified. The guy who fired the first shot and the guy who provoked the fire are both in this together. None of them is an umpire.

    What was not justifiable by any means is the open Dinkas tribalism not only against the Nuers, but also against other south sudanese. This is the roots cause of the next coming war among south sudanese. The origin of the war or the culmination point of so much hostilities that increase tensions, provocations and incidents went back to centuries before though.

    The Dinkas enslavemment by the Nuers during the “NUER CONQUEST” was the source of shame for Dinkas. They lost much of their land & manhood. the Dinkas should also blame their own weak defenses because they were also enslaved by Europeans & Arabs. They were too submissive to Europeans at that time while the Greater Nuers & Greater Equatorians, specifically the Azande were figting fiercely to resist the Europeans.

    so, the current Dinka tribalism was an attempt both by Abel & Garang’s ambitions to impose their Dinka low self-esteem to influence south sudan and rewrite Dinka’s ugly history of enslavement by both the Nuers & the Europeans. See, the Dinkas obsession to rewrite history against the Nuers is at the heart of their tribalism today.

    Therefore, Dinkas are so scandalous and ignore facts to contradict version of events or the whole truth itself. That is why the Dinkas, especially the Dinka-Bors in the name of Abel & Garang wanted to rule south sudan through proxy by advocating south sudan to be ONLY an entity within Sudan to be ruled by them. They NEVER wanted the south to be independence because they would loose power.

    So, ruling it by proxy through the north is their secretive choice. They are so ashamed of their background in south sudan. Now, they will have to find it out in a hard way. I am not naive, I know both Dinkas and Nuers will violate international law during their upcoming south sudan civil war.

    The Hague tribunal, ICC, and other local and international human rights organizations are symbols to make justice the ultimate goal, but they do not prevent the onslaughts. The Dinka’s ultimate goal is power, not justice in south sudan. So, the war is imminent to breakout.

    The international organizations will only ask questions after the facts. The Rwanda is a good example. Our cousins, the Tutsi defended and liberated themselves and Rwanda from Hutus genocidaire regime and defeated it single handledly. This is what is going to happen in south sudan between the Nuers & the Dinkas.

    The Truth & Reconciliation, the world court, will then make their soundbite after the facts. Tutsi promptly claimed undisputed power & authority through blood & iron after fighting off the genocidaire gov’t. Who is to blame? I leave that to your judgement.

    But Kim & Gatwech, the Nuer should focus on the preparation of war, instead of wasting time over dead issues between them and Dinkas. The war will happen whether in united sudan or independence south sudan. Dinkas are addicted to lies no matter what happen.

    So, the GREATER NUER with its 3 states, the Liech State, the Bie State & Latjor State would plan the “MUT” accodingly. This will not be a genocidal war but a contest of war between brothers. It will be illegal , but our fearful & cowardic cousins, the Dinkas invite the mess. So, let settle it once & for all.

    1991 was not a tribal split and those nationalists would not be involve in this purely hegemonic war. This tribal supremacy & hegemonic war will be to settle the debate among the extremists, it is not for weak and faint-hearted!!

  • Khent

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari
    Gatwech & thieleling:

    You are interjecting words into the article, to reach a strange conclusion about this unfortunate and internecine incident.

    What does the article say? Explain it in your words.

    The article unequivocally revealed that this incident started on Thursday, when the Mundari intruded into the cattle camps of the “Dinka Bor”. The unjustifiable death of a Mundari tribesmen on Friday followed the Thurday incident.

    Now, unless (in some strange world) where Friday precedes Thursday.. your biased induced presumptions have failed you once again.

    In this thread you provide only empty rhetoric and attempted distractions from your lack of evidence, and nothing more.

    Participants in this forum, seem to be under the unfortunate and incognizant delusion, that Dr.John Garang came from “Dinka Bor”.

    The name “Bor” was superimposed on all the Dinka sections inhabiting Jonglei state- the late Dr.John Garang came from the Twich-East community, and not from Dinka Bor.

    The Twich communities (East and West), include:

    Twich East:

    Dr.John Garang
    Arok Thon Arok
    Akuot Atem De Mayem
    William Nyuon Bany (on the side of his mother).


    Kerubino Kwanyin Bol
    Salva Kirr

    Abel Alier and Kuol Manyang are the only ones from Dinka Bor.

  • Gatwech

    Tribal clashes erupt between Dinka Bor and Mundari

    Read this quote by Ngundeng about what you are talking of, “Duol jaangni ba daak ethiey, be bi neeke baath, ka yoate thoony e bi kuake duoth kathi rodu nhiam Deng ke taath mi boor. Ken wii wal bike ku ruach kur lape Nuer bai, lape yueli (Dinka) ca bi ruac ke yie.”

    I fear that if that is what they want to happen, it may be just at the corner. This is why I and you have been begging them and their tribal leadership to avoid it from happening by doing the right thing. Otherwise, the Nuer future is very, very bright and theirs is a doom.

    Like you said they are ashamed of their historical background from their great grandfathers who were enslaved by the Nuer and want to liberate themselves from such a low self-esteem. But is it the right way they are doing it?

    Please, let us keep praying that God changes their minds to do the right thing. Otherwise their time is up leaving yet another ugly history on their GOSS leadership.

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