Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Five SPLA soldiers killed in Mundari – Bor dispute

October 5, 2009 (BOR/MAGALA) – An ambush on a truck transporting south Sudan army forces and civilians, trapped in the fighting between Mundari and Dinka Bor youths, killed 9 people including 5 soldiers, officials say.

The truck was ensnared 10 km from Mangala while returning from Pariak, Bor County.

Death toll from the on-going fighting since Friday now stands above 35 people and 9 others injured.

17 people from Dinka Bor side are confirmed dead. Loses on Mundari side could not be verified by the press time but earlier reports put the figure above 20 dead.

200 SPLA forces were sent by South Sudan government but could not quell the clashes due to low number as compared to that of the armed civilians. Reinforcement from Jonglei failed to control the clashes either on Sunday.

On Monday, there is no information received the feuding youths have ceased firing.

16 people were also injured in the assault on the military truck on Sunday evening which is blamed on Mundari armed youths. Bor County claims that the five killed civilians are her citizens. The army truck had carried Bor children and women perceived to be loading the cattle camps and slowing the speed of movement to Bor territory. So far, 100 children and women have reached Bor area. There are over ten thousands (10,000) heads of cattle moving to Bor from Equatoria states.

Commissioner of Bor County Maker Lual Kuol returned to Bor from Juba with help of army late Sunday after spending the night in Mangala where he had been blocked.

Mr. Maker told reporters that his County aims at accelerating the movement of cattle camps stationed in Wuor-bar toward Bor territory. However, the repeated ensnaring of vehicles by marauding Mundari youths has failed this alternative, he said.

“Movement of families [from cattle camps in Wuor-bar to Bor County territory] is a problem because trucks drivers are scared,” he said.

The fighting ensued Friday after alleged intrusion of Mundari youths to steal cattle from Bor camps stationed in Wuor-bar.

Bor pastoralists are returning home from Central Equatoria state, but they are blocked by attacks of Mundari youth, according to the commissioner.

Bor youths want to come home but “when they move, they are attacked,” Commissioner Maker Kuol says adding “Mundari ambush them not only to kill but to take animals.”

When contacted over phone, Terekeke Commissioner Ali Malou was found in a meeting according to the voice from the other end of the call. However, Sudan Tribune has learnt that 1,700 Mundari families on the eastern bank of River Nile are displaced to Western bank.

In cross fires, villages are devastated along Bor – Juba road where business is blocked between the two towns. An attempt by two Ugandans trucks on Sunday led to injuring of the two drivers.


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