Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election

October 5, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir pledged today to hold free and fair election next year.

Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Reuters)
Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Reuters)
Al-Bashir made his remarks during a speech delivered on Monday at the opening of the ninth and final session of the Sudanese parliament before April 2010 general election.

“We reiterate our commitment that these elections will be free and fair,” the Sudanese President pledged, adding “a special budget has been allocated to the elections commission so that the independent commission can play its role.”

He further urged the political parties to “build a bridge of understanding and dialogue” in order to create a positive atmosphere for elections to show the ability of the Sudanese people to practice democracy “without negative international interference”.

He urged political parties to build a bridge of understanding and dialogue for the sake of “Sudan’s higher interest” and provide an atmosphere for election so that it can be an ideal example of elections to the world, which will show our “ability to practice democracy without negative international interference,” he said.

He further asked the semi-autonomous government of southern Sudan to effectively resolve the tribal violence in the region and expressed the readiness of the national unity government to provide the necessary help in this respect before the holding of the general elections and the referendum.

The Sudanese president also highlighted the lifting of the press censorship as “an affirmation to our commitment to freedom of expression and political work for all without discrimination.”

Sudanese opposition parties and the SPLM threatened last week in Juba to boycott next year election if the dominant National Congress Party (NCP) does not implement democratic reforms.

Juba declaration spoke precisely about the National Security Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, the Trade Unions Act, the law of immunities, the law of personal status, press and publications law, the laws of public order.

Al-Bashir, speaking to the lawmakers, said he would continue to work for the adoption of new laws as stipulated in the CPA like the referendum law, and the formation of human rights commission as well as the review of the applicable laws to match with the interim constitution.



  • Lado

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    ” With Nuer attitudes in you mr president, i do not trust you that your election would be free and fair”.
    A Nuer made an agreement with you today but tomorrow he would be the first to break”.
    “Nuer is just living at the mercy of God”.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    If all political Parties keep pushing for the regime to reform bureaucratic laws typically enacted by the regime to protect power and wealth, they will force these tyrants to change these laws which often put civil liberties of the opposition citizens in peril.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    The Elections will never ever be free nor fair as long as Al-Bashir remains in the military uniform, and Tanks lingering at Bridges entrances day and night in the National Capital City which has been turned to Arab and Islamic City.

  • Gatwech

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    It looks like Sudan is brassing itself for its final destruction whether through coup in Khartoum or assassination of a leader. This is the signal one could now gather. Only the fittest and the blessed will survive turbulance. Amen!!!!!!

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    Thank you H.E Bashir for being transparent always!!!

    Your message sound really nice and this is challenge to Southerners who would think that the election will not be fair and free.

    SPLM/A please we are waiting for your candidate to be nominated, how long are going to take to nominate your candidate???

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    Mr Criminal Bashier, you sound like hidding something that will danger people of Southern Sudan.
    I don,t belived in Arab as well as Nuer primitives because they are enemies. They shift positions from now and then.
    They are both “Welfare of queens”. Arabs are Arabs, we Southerners must deal with them accordingly. Maybe mr hyena Riek Machar get bribe by Bashier and that is the reason why mr criminal talked humbly like this in the web.
    He might be advised by his employers to create another tactics in the South through primitives tribe mind set- Nuer who like backwardish.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    According to my understanding, Lado made so many agreements with those money minded from Nuer against the government of Southern Sudan but they all failed.Thank you man and we need you to tell us more about Nuer.

    Equatorians and Nuer community are birds of the same feathers.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Ahmed Binouf
    Ahmed Binouf

    Since when you guys believe in building bridges of understanding?
    I’ll just use this phrase to urge you as an illegal president to that country to stop fooling these poor people:
    “build a bridge of understanding and dialogue”.
    How dare you? Since when you guys believe in building bridges of understanding? This is crazy, right, and since when you guys have had any kind of dialogue with other people? When did the bridge of killing and gun dialogues have ended to shift your policy and try building new directions. I think you have had enough blood already.
    Go to hell all of you, I mean it, all of you because you don’t deserve to be on this earth, and if you believe that we just forget what you have done in that country, you need to think it over, because we will come one day and hang you and your friends on the street, just in front of the presidential palace, where your victims will dance of joy.
    Again, go to hell and leave Sudan alone

  • south sudan power
    south sudan power

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    I hope the President is right this time.

  • thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny
    thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny

    Sudanese President vows to hold free and fair election
    To all the the idiots who write on this website.I would like to advise you to cease writing nonsenses on it because the media is for professional ,people with brain and functions.

    Do not blame NCP for our problems it is our failure
    i will be happy if you will listen ,in case you have ears .

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