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Sudan Tribune

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Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan

October 10, 2009 (GENEVA) — The World Health Organization and the southern Sudan government have began to investigate reports about a mysterious disease, suspected to be Ebola outbreak, that killed 23 people among them 20 soldiers of the SPLA.

The World Health Organization’s Global Alert and Response Department said it began receiving reports of an outbreak of viral hemmorhagic fever late last month in the village of Kitkit in the Western Bahr al-Ghazal state where the unexplained disease was very widespread.

WHO leading Ebola scientist Dr. Pierre Formenty said that even though the symptoms may appear to be that of Ebola, scientists will not be able to determine which hemmorhagic virus is causing the disease before to investigate suspected cases in Kitkit.

The Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever. There are four recognized species within the ebolavirus genus, which in turn have number specific strains. The Zaire virus is the type species, which is also the first discovered and the most lethal.

Sudan Ebola virus is the second species of Ebola that emerged simultaneous with the Zaire virus. It was believed to have originated amongst cotton factory workers in Nzara, Sudan, with the first case reported as a worker exposed to a potential natural reservoir.

Dr. Formenty told VOA it is it is difficult for scientists to reach the village of Kitkit where four people have died from the mysterious illness, due to the rains. He said they need a helicopter to travel to the region and investigate the reports.

The most recent outbreak occurred in May 2004. 20 confirmed cases were reported in Yambio County, Sudan, with five deaths resulting. The average fatality rates for were 54% in 1976, 68% in 1979, and 53% in 2000 and 2001.



  • junub

    Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan
    It’s good to hear an investigation on the mysterious disease which killed hundreds people in Southern Sudan had began. Nothing wrong with that actually, but GoSS government had form an investigation committee to interrogated Riek Machar on his failed assassination of president Kirr. It should not be taken with grant until we see Riek Machar murdered president Kiir. Believe it or ignore it, this will bring severe bleeding in some months to come since Riek is on plotting to kill Kiir. Riek should be questioned now before his plot of Kiir came to real.

  • Kur

    Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan
    It seems we’re fighting everything from disease, traitors, corruption, cheating, you name it. However, we will stand firm until victory is achieved.


  • Time1

    Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan
    hahaha people fighting eachother while uknown disease is going to finish them, when will you poor people see and understand how this world works? unite and leave that animal primitive behavior or expect natural desastors, Arabs and others will all finish you. We will overcome all this problems soon.

    The only good Arabs is the dead one as our brothers the Israeli say.

  • oshay

    Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan
    I can’t believe the Dinka SPLM hasn’t blamed this disease on the NCP hahahahaha

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Investigations began to identify mysterious disease in Southern Sudan
    Dear Southerners

    There is what call Biological& chemical warfare in us here in the southern sudan. Government of southern sudan should prepare soldiers now for chemical protect infront line. and local monitors any allied walking around coming into the country. But many of us never knew it, someone can come as foreign. Also watch for everyone whom you think is our Allied can be brive to that bags of diease and release it there in the local.

    And Arab to release Chemical agence to swipe out local and soldiers a like. world is compiting for the Land. Intelligence world using this kind of method of killing in the cold bloody and then they declare that the dusease has appear naturally. but is not at all.

    thank you

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