Monday, January 13, 2025

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Is the marriage over between CPA partners?

By Luk Kuth Dak

October 10, 2009 — By All indication, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and National Congress Party NCP are fated and destined for doom in their relations particularly on matters related to the implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement ( CPA).Apparently, NCP is in a nauseating mood to back off from its obligations towards CPA. Day by day, their hard-liners simultaneously have literally been barking and disgorging insults and threats, to make the 2011 referendum more difficult, if not impossible for Southerners who are yearning for independent and self-determination.

According to Sudan Tribune (ST), one of the regime’s most powerful hardliner, the speaker of the National Assembly (NA), Ahmad Ibrahim Al Tahir was quoted as saying that, his Parliament will push the referendum law to vote. “The parliament has run out of patience with the long dragging dispute over the law, he said.” He went on to add: “The legislative assembly is empowered to bypass the executive branch and join political commissions of both parties and draft its own version of the referendum bill.

Does it get any bizarre than that? Southerners with average memories certainly recall the vapid statement he made only a month or so ago. “We’re going to make referendum difficult”, he said. Subsequently, his words were also repeated by the racist trio: Muhammad Mandour Al Mahedi, Mustafa Osman and Nafi Ali Nafi, to name a few.
However, there’s nothing new. The whole thing is a plot to pass the NCP’s version which was raised from 75 per cent to 90 per cent, by their overwhelming hand-picked majority in the so-called National Assembly.

And while we can rarely anticipate and can never control how others react to any particular situation, it baffles me that there seems to be no public anger or outrage in South Sudan, over these tangible forms of belligerence and violations. Quite frankly, we do not understand the concept behind the silence from those we deem would be most likely to support any move to protest (Peacefully) against such calculated attempts to exterminate the CPA. But could it be due to the fact that, the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the other South Sudan’s political parties (all of whom are silent about the NIF violations) did not take the initiative to stop all these lunacy by NCP. SPLM leadership must mobilize and encourage the public to take to the streets in protest of what seems to be the collapse of one of the most important accord in Sudan’s history.

Matter of fact, if the African- Americans behaved the way we are handling our oppressors today, President Barack Obama (whom I voted for) would have never been in the Oval Office. But because the Negroes from all US states under the leadership of a committed men and women headed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did an extraordinary job to protest the injustices that had engulfed the black community. Those peaceful (none-violence) protests were met with vicious dogs, water hoses and killings. But just when the oppressors thought the movement was over, Dr. King appears in yet another destination, mobilizing the black folks, and telling them that, “We are on the move now, and we cannot afford to turn back. We are on our way to the Promised Land, he said.”

As a result, South Sudan has produced some great public figures that can do just what Dr. King did. But where are they now when our people needed them most? President Salva Kiir, a man with tremendous gifts of bravery, has done an extraordinary job in facing it off with Al Bashir and Ali Taha. But the burning question: Is it a “One man” show? And can he possibly do it alone? The answer is no, of course.

Unless liberating South becomes everyone’s priority, all that we have gained will be lost in a blink of an eye, and that’s not an option.

Final Thought.

The so-called Sudan National Television boycotted the Juba conference, simply beacause the NIF/NCP did not participated in the conference. The question now is how such conduct could be acceptable from a public- funded department bearing the name “National?”

We need to be realist that, unity in Sudan is a thing of the past.

Luke Kuth Dak is former Juba-Radio anchorman. He can be reach at [email protected]


  • Time1

    Is the marriage over between CPA partners?
    Mr Luk

    Salva Kirr this man will lead us to hell if he is not force to fix his leadership by his close kins and advisors if he is not willing to listen to other people, he has to smell how things are going in south right now, i am an splm supporter myself but i have to admit things are not going well, any southerner who wants to dispute me is just being naive because things not not really beautiful on the ground in every state in south sudna right now, he does not understand that being a good person has nothing to do with being a leader or president, he is looking at things from an outdated ideaology of this is my men this is my brother lets just take it easy and not worry, but this is not how things work in modern world, because right now we do not know when he is going to reform the government system into a more efficient system capable of rendering services and protecting the civilians and the border of the nation against any type of threat internal or external, he like to point fingers and make accusations alot but he forgets that his accusations only falls in the deef ears of the enemies, so he has to wake up and do something and not hope that if he makes accusations the enemies will listen and stop, He seriously need to listen to the voices of the people and make a quick U-turn in his governing system before it is too late or he will become too deformed to be reformed if he is not careful.

    Look at the current wave of insecurity, four years he has failed to bring this people together and resolve misunderstanding between the different southern tribes, look at the corruption cases, even after the commison of anti-corruption was formed not one has been brought to justice for taking government money, look at the level of services, roads, electricity and water in Juba and all over the ten states, what state is the services situation in? so things are not looking good at all, If a democratic election has to be carried out in an independent south sudan next week Kirr would score zero in that election believe me in that.

    Why? because many southerners are now starting to doubt his ability to government but not to lead, he can lead well but he cannot govern well, many observers now and also people in south sudan and outside sudan all think the man is not capable as a strong political leader, he is a good person in heart and a tough military commander but he is not good in politics period, Let us junubin be honest with ourselves if we really want to progress.

    Salva has to stay untill after CPA and the independence of south sudan but he has to put alot of effort to make chance to peoples life on the ground.

    so pleae seperate SPLM/A from its individual leaders, like now the American democratic party has many leaders within like Hillary, Obama, Nancy Pelossi, Howard and others, if one of them cannot deliver the democrats will choose somebody else, because one person cannot say he wants to stay there forever if things are going well or not going well, The same has to happen for SPLM/A, Like now maj Gen Oyai Deng Ajak he quit his strong position as chief of staff of SPLA forces, he quite without any complain or qurell, because he knew he can do another job withint he party while someone else will take his place and do a better job also, so Kirr should vacate his position and move to something else if he cannot deliver, let the SPLM revolutional council meet and nominate a new person And Kirr can serve as defence or chief of general staff, this has to be discuss only within splm/a inner organization, the change has to come from inside not form outside. I do not hate Kirr or dislike him but he is just not fit for that position, he climb into the shoe of Dr John Garang, that shoes is too big for Salva Kirr legs.

    SPLM is here to stay but if a leader is not doing well he can be replaced while he can still be a leader in the movement but we cannot afford to keep someone who cannot deliver, the boat will sink with us all.

    For example you cannot let a owner of a bus drive that bus if he is not a qualify driver even if that is his bus because is will overturn will everyone and all will be dead in that bus, A professional driver can be brought to drive while the bus owner can collect tcikets and do something else because the benefits is going to come back to him anyway.

    So someone might have fought the war but that does not make him eligible for presidency of a country automatically, because now we have all smelled the consequences of appointing unqualified driver.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Is the marriage over between CPA partners?
    Dear Luke,

    Thanks for having your views available on CPA and the fate of relationship between SPLM party and the Racist NIF party.

    I would like to say that, yes, American Africans have done a good job through liberities movements led by Rev Dr King.

    Brother Luke, African Sudanese have done equally to what their counterparts did in USA. The only different is time, resources (Dealing with civilised enemy Societies), ethnicity pluralism and external forces.

    I would like to say too that, SPLM in particular has done a miraclous job. The small link between South and the north that we call it “Unity” is the efforts of SPLM, and all Northern political parties being Sectarian, racist or religious are trying their best to kill that samll linking wire.

    SPLM current leadership is the most manageable party leadership ever serve her supporters and natrional interest in the whole world and at the same time. I do not forget the statement made by our Lord Jesus that; “you cannot serve two masters at the same time”, but SPLM is managing a political situation. How, SPLM managed to serve the interest of both sides of politic in the South seperatists and unionists.

    You mentioned a very, very important issue regarding Omdurman’s Racist TV boycotting Juba Conference and I agree with you that, NIF and its political appointed TV’ Management Board need to answer your question by redefining the term “National” as well as redefining the roles of a national Television.

    SPLM is the most sucessful political party in Sudan right now, it able to manage NIF the most deform and racist political party on the Planet, it managed to draw clear lines between Old, and New Sudan, it managed to have relationships with the ruling party and opposition parties. That’s a national flatform SPLM has constructed, and it shows that National Television will be an independence Coroporation promptly after 2010 elections should SPLM win those elections.

    My believe in the SPLM capabilities does not meant that, it has no problems to deal with in the South and in national levels. In the South Security failures, corruption and lack of ideas to building infrastructure remain the most challenging issues for SPLM.

    In the national level, SPLM is very poor at engaging with northern society and small communities to plant the seeds of trust and better relationships badly needed to win those communities. Winning the hearts of communities in all geographical directions of Old and New Sudan is crucial to winning both presidential and parliamentaries elections.

    Upto now, SPLM and NIF partners have gone long way in their partnership regarding the CPA with all ups and downs we have seen dominating their relationships. Therefore, I do not see any evident showing that the relationship is over, or why they not finish off few metres of the long journey they have so far manage to come.

    There is only one indicator which indicate that the marriage will soon be over and that is the NIF demand of 90% voters needed to verify the independence of South Sudan.

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