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Sudan Tribune

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ICC trial for Darfur rebel to start next week

October 10, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The International Criminal Court (ICC) will start the confirmation of charges hearings for a Darfur rebel chief accused of masterminding a raid on African Union (AU) peacekeepers in 2007.

A solicitor looks on as the Darfur rebel chief Bahr Idriss Abu Garda (R) appears before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on May 18, 2009. (AFP)
A solicitor looks on as the Darfur rebel chief Bahr Idriss Abu Garda (R) appears before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on May 18, 2009. (AFP)
The hearings were originally set to start on Monday October 12th, but were delayed by a week in order to afford the prosecution additional time to provide to the defense Arabic translations of witnesses’ testimonies.

The ICC website says that the “confirmation hearing is held to ensure that no case goes to trial unless there is sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that the person committed the crime with which he has been charged”.

Bahr Idriss Abu Garda the leader of the Darfur United Resistance Front (URF) appeared voluntarily before an ICC judge last May in a procedural hearing.

The ICC judges issued a sealed summons to appear for Abu Garda, as an alternative to an arrest warrant after he agreed to appear voluntarily before the court.

Abu Garda said he is confident of his innocence and called on other suspects including Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to follow path to clear their names.

The ICC prosecutors charged Abu Garda and other unnamed rebel commanders with leading an attack on African Union (AU) peacekeepers that left 12 soldiers dead and wounded eight others according to court documents.

The counts include war crimes of violence to life, intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission and pillaging.

The ICC judges have still not made any decision on the other suspected rebels.

Sudan has dismissed the appearance of Abu Garda describing it as a “play” by the ICC prosecutor to pressure Bashir, also wanted by the court, into surrendering himself.



  • murlescrewed

    ICC trial for Darfur rebel to start next week
    You got to admire this rebel commander. He willingly went to The Hague to face his accusers. That is the real measure of a man. He is not hiding behind his borders like the spineless Al-Bashir and his minions Haroun and Kushayb. Justice will always prevail in the end.

  • Samson Shawel Ambaye
    Samson Shawel Ambaye

    ICC trial for Darfur rebel to start next week
    God be with ICC UNSC for protecting victims of genocide. Bashir must also appear before ICC court.

  • Amule

    ICC trial for Darfur rebel to start next week
    IS the so-called Al-Bashir in Khartoum or he is with his partners the Arab Countries?

    Is the ICC unable to take Al-Bahiri for trial for the crimes he has commited in Darfur and Southern Sudan.
    We now rely on ICC for Sudan to have a better future if Bashiri is put on trial and decisions taken immediately as of late Sadam Hussen.
    The more ICC delays to take Bashiri the more he commits crimes in Darfur and more preparing to interpret with the CPA protocals not following them well such the boarder issues still outstanding, 2010 elections on who to vote, the 2011 referedume still not certainity on it if Bashiri is still not taken for trails.

    ICC should decide so first that he is put on trial before is late for another war to broke out in the South Sudan.That would be great for the people of Sudan. But he left till 2011 then all sudanese should know that the wrtings in the Bible is true that God will punish Sudan so Bashiri is been use to finish all Sudanese messes.

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