Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UK minister launches South Sudan waste management

October 15, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – British International Development minister, Gareth Thomas, visited Juba today to launch a United Nations Environment Proggramme project aiming at establishing long-term waste management capacity in Southern Sudan.

A £20 million UK-funded programme meant to improve the sustainable use of natural resources in Sudan, implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) over the next three years, intends to start with organization of a clean-up campaign in Juba next month,

The cleaning exercise currently being organized in collaboration with Government of Southern Sudan, UN Agencies and local organizations, is scheduled to place on 23 November.

Juba Clean-Up exercise will mobilize 16,000 volunteers to tackle the growing health hazard caused by public dumping of waste in the metropolitan area.

With the rapid growth of the city and the absence of a sustainable waste management system, the people of Juba have endured repeated fatal outbreaks of cholera, waterborne diseases and malaria, Hillary Hakim, Director for procurement at government of the Southern Sudan’s ministry of health.

Hillary also added that the cleaning which will be extended into other state capitals of Southern Sudan couples a sustained awareness-raising campaign to encourage the citizens of Juba to adopt an environmentally friendly attitude towards the disposal of waste in the city.

He went on saying this initiative forms part of country-wide environmental programme implemented by UNEP to assist the people of Sudan to achieve sustainable peace, recovery and development by improving the management of natural resources.

.While launching the project in Juba, the UK minister said the clean-up exercise marks not only the beginning of an important project that will have concrete and positive impacts on the population of Southern Sudan – it also takes forward UNEP’s collaboration with Sudan to improve environmental management as a critical pre-requisite of sustainable development.”

He continued to add that in addition to the waste management project, the recently established UNEP office in Juba will provide technical support to the Government to manage its forests and other valuable natural resources in a sustainable manner.

The office will also work to build the capacity of Government ministries to address environmental issues affecting Southern Sudan and implement the 24 recommendations of UNEP’s Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment, published in June 2007, he adds.



  • thieleling

    UK minister launches South Sudan waste management

    Many thanks to UK Ministry for launching this important project in Southern sudan. I hope the GOSS imitate this to help its own citizens. This is how citizens willingly submit to the coercive power of government when the gov’t is giving the benefits and service like this public good in term of clean environment or sanitation.

    Citizens do not like being told what to do or being coerced into acting certain way by an incompetent government like GOSS. They need to trust GOSS is really there for the benefit of its citizens in south sudan. This way they may accept and surrender some of the freedom to the gov’t power.

    They already accept laws that state on which side of the road to drive. But there are more to do by GOSS. People need to understand what constitutes contract, how to dispose of human waste and how much they must pay to support of the gov’t that makes these coercive laws. GOSS cannot just exist in territorial terms. It must be more than that!!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    UK minister launches South Sudan waste management
    I hope the 16,000 Jobs created by this Project will go to the real Job Seekers, qualified and hard working folks.

  • Lokang

    UK minister launches South Sudan waste management
    It sound nice……but how?

    The generous will always share their belonging with the poor, but the poor will try by all mean to serve themselves first before they could extend that service to the ordinary people.

    We have both honest and hookers, respectful and disrespectful, loyal and disloyal.Very soon those twenty million will vanish along the Nile.

    But be aware, we got the fishermen who are watching those big fish. You better not be the one caught in the scouring hunger. Looter will always pay the price.

    Let free ourselves from the bondage of nepotism, tribalism, and Dinkanism or Equatorianism. We are all Proud Sons and Daughters of the South. Thirst for leadership, materialism and other human want should not drive us apart.
    Am proud to be Southerner.

    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeee…..!

  • Alouthuo

    UK minister launches South Sudan waste management
    I was disturbed by the wastes that hills up in the middle of the city in Juba without anyone concern. Thanks to British International Development minister, Mr Gareth Thomas for inversting that kind of money in wastes management in the South Sudan. I hope those money scandal-mongers hands be kept away, I am worried! lets project be run by the Uks and workers be Southerners. Can someone agree with me?

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