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Sudan Tribune

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Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum

By James Gatdet Dak

October 16, 2009 (JUBA) — The partners in the 2005 peace deal between northern and southern Sudan have reached a breakthrough on the main outstanding issues in the draft law for the conduct of referendum in Southern Sudan.

Dr. RiekMachar shakes hand with Mr. Ali Osman Taha
Dr. RiekMachar shakes hand with Mr. Ali Osman Taha
The National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) agreed on Thursday after 10 months of heated negotiations to adopt a uniform requirement of 51% simple majority votes to declare Southern Sudan an independent country or confirm unity in the upcoming January 2011 referendum.

The co-chairs of the Joint Political Executive Committee of the two parties, Vice President of Sudan, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and Government of Southern Sudan’s Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, are consulting with their respective leaderships before they could initial the agreement.

Dr. Machar told the press at Juba Airport upon his arrival from Khartoum on Friday that the NCP had also dropped its proposal of 90% to 2/3 (66%) of quorum required from all the registered voters in order to recognize the outcome of the referendum.

SPLM Deputy Chairman further said that his delegation agreed southerners based in northern Sudan and abroad would be allowed to vote during the referendum. The southern Sudan ruling party had rejected their participation in a first time.

Dr. Machar who chairs the component of the SPLM Political Executive Committee, charged with implementing the CPA, briefed the Government of Southern Sudan’s Council of Ministers on Friday about the agreement.

He said the bill also gives the referendum exercise a period of three days from the 9th to 11th January 2011.

He said they have also agreed that the exercise of the referendum can be repeated within sixty (60) days in case the first exercise fails to attain the 2/3 voters turnout.

In the agreement also included several other issues among which are the qualifications of voters and voting centers in addition to composition of the referendum commission.

There are also disputed post-referendum issues including discussions on what to do with the liabilities (debts), assets, waters, Joint Integrated Units (JIUs), oil (production, transport and export), currency and international agreements in case the South would vote for separation.

Dr. Machar also said the NCP had proposed that all Southerners that reside in the north should automatically lose their citizenship in northern Sudan and be treated as foreigners if the referendum vote results to independence of the South.

The same fate would also apply to northerners that reside in the South.

He added the SPLM has refused to discuss in the referendum law the fate of southerners or northerners, saying the issue would also be discussed together with the other issues in the post-referendum dialogue.

The SPLM’s position is that the referendum law should not be tied to the post-referendum issues, he said.

The two parties should not only discuss what would happen to the post-referendum issues if the South chooses independence, Machar explained, adding that they would also discuss how Sudan needs to look like incase the South would vote for unity.

Dr. Machar earlier explained that such a post-referendum united Sudan would need re-structuring of the Sudanese state itself, saying all these issues would be discussed outside the referendum bill.

A special committee of the Southern Sudan cabinet comprising of different political parties was formed to study the details of the draft bill on Saturday before it could be initialed by the two co-chairpersons, Dr. Machar and Ali Osman in their next week’s meeting on Monday.

The bill would then be presented to the national Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) before it goes to the national Council of Ministers and parliament for final endorsement by the current last session before the end of the year.

On the Abyei referendum, Machar added that the two parties have also presented their respective proposals on the composition of its commission.

He further added that the two parties are as well working on the bills for public consultations for Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains.

The people of Southern Sudan shall vote in the 2011 referendum to choose between confirming the current unity of Sudan and creating an independent country.

The people of Abyei shall vote at the same time to either join the South or remain part of the North, while the people of Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains shall have respective popular consultations to determine their future political and administrative status within the North.



  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    I knew you southerns will soon go your ways, we also northerns wants to go our way and live our life free from wars and interference from Americans and zionists, southerns are christians we northerns are be muslims, but we can be good neighbours and have alot of tradings and exchanges of experts. Goods luck southerns in your new country but not forget us northerns.

  • Kur

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    I think the acceptance of simple majority by the parties involved in negotiating the referendum bill is a step in the right direction. But it does not mean that we have to loose sight of the other important parts of this process. We the People of the South will not accept devious voters, and we will not allow anybody to redefine who we are.

    Furthermore, the referendum in Abyei needs to be looked at with care because the only eligible voters in Abyei are the Dinka Ngok, no more than that. In addition, the post referendum issues need to be completely negotiated in a different forum. But we the People of South Sudan are not ready to accept sharing liabilities incurred on the Sudan under the government in Khartoum. It makes no sense for us to pay for the tanks and aircraft borrowed by Khartoum to demolish our villagers.


  • murlescrewed

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Whether North likes it or not, South is going to be a new country. What both sides should be focusing on now is the future relations between those two countries. Both sides have something to learn from each other.

    We in the South won because of our determination to live in a country free from religious zealots. Nothing can change that reality. Americans supported North until 1989 but that was also our best period in the South because we were winning without America’s support.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    This is the result of the SPLM pressuring NIF Party through her keeness to engage with other Northern Major Political Parties. NIF fears the business between SPLM, UMMA, NIF Faction of Al-Turabi and DUP. SPLM engaging these parties including the Darfur Armed Movements forced NIF to back away from its craziest position.

    The fear of NIF about Northern Sectarian parties on one hand is evident at its leaders pledging and taking Oath on Qura`n on 30th June 1989 saying that these Sectarian parties will never ever be allowed to return to the political life again. Now the history, the situation and circumstances speak clearly whether the Junta leader was lying or not.

    However, NIF fearing SPLM is an obvious and a constant fear due to the fact that she knows SPLM in many fields including Dialogue, war, Diplomacy, Public supports and who has got right in the conflict.

    So, I can also conclude that; a combination of two elements namely; SPLM relations with Northern Sectarian parties and Unilateral Declaration of Independence in SSLA in the hand of SPLM which is right now in a Suitcase of Gen. Mayardit in his African Tours have forced the Junta’s Party to make a compromise. However, SPLM compromising to include Southerners in Khartoum and Diaspora to vote in 2011 referendum is not too bad at all.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Th answeers has been left for the nations of south!!!!!.
    It is remain for an individual’s choice after both NCP and SPLM agrees on 66% for south to be independent.

    But,the big remaining war now is “”democracy in south and stopping Nyagatts from claiming cities as theirs””.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    NCP and SPLM needed to adopt 51% for separation no more than that. The dropping of 90-60% for the recognition of the outcome of 2011 is the tricked that NCP want to employed aganist SPLM. SPLM must not accept that because NCP intention is to encouraged SPLM to agree for 60% for unity. I believed we should stick to 51% separtion and 75% for unity in 2011.
    I a gree that Southerners living in North and abraod should be allowed to vote in Juba and checked in Juba because Khartoum is full of fraud acts.
    Yes, NCP must denied Southerners in the North when Souherners get its own country in 2011. No doubt about that info.
    Riek Machar must understand that everything now is in written form ,and its need signature;therefore, there is nothing called periods for exercise;otherwise, NCP will think that SPLM agree for the exercise.
    We Southerners are ready for separation or unity in 2011.
    Finally, my brothers and sisters from Nuba Mt and Blue Nile, and Abyei;they will see what will benefits them. We like all of you brothers and Sisters to be in the South.

  • junuby

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear David Bior & Oshy

    I think it is time for both of you to stop insulting each other and other tribes. for your information there is alot of different tribes in northern sudan and some of them even do not like each other, but above of that they still live and repect one anther, brothers I think you have heard about an arab says ( me and my brother against my nephew , and me and my nephew against stranger), which means that they (arab) unite if there are facing southerners and when they confront you, they never say this is dinka and that is nuer or bari jur,they look at you as southerner. so why don’t you do the same.

    please guys unite now and build the wall before this golden opportunity past you otherwise you will never forgive yoursel for what you are doing. you know that blood never turn to water remember those who gave their life for your freedom.we are one blood, one nation. long leave southern sudan long leave southern blue nile long leave soutern cordufan

    God blass


  • Gatwech

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear readers,

    We should all congratulate Dr. Riek Machar and his team for the achievement of the unachievable! The same goes to Salva Kiir for entrusting such an important issue in the hand of these patriotic team led by his deputy!

    Bravo Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon,

    Deliver your people from the century of bondage from the hands of northern oppressors. May God bless you and your team greatly for achieving such a giant step in what many people thought would have been unachievable. Self-determination is the nucleus of the CPA as in the past Khartoum/Fashoda Peace Agreements. This is the future and aspiration of our people!

    51% simple majority is the international known practice of percentages. It is very good that the NCP has accepted 2/3 for the voters turnout. We congratulate the NCP on this important move. We also congratulate the leaders of other political parties in the south for their strong stance behind the self-determination and its referendum exercise.

    I like the tactic of repeating the referendum exercise in case 66% of the number of voters would not turnout on the voters days. But I believe about 90% will turnout. The SPLM-led GOSS will have to workout mechanisms to make sure that a huge number of people turns out on the referendum day.

    Now it is time to initial the agreement and move quickly to national cabinet and parliament for final approval. Time is running out. The South should go and be a good neighbor to the north.

    Long live the people of South Sudan!
    Long live the SPLM!
    Long live all the other political parties in the South!
    Long live South Sudan independence!
    Victory is certain!

  • junuby

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear mohammed osman

    I don’t think that a broken egg can be fixed, and if you managed do that, then it won’t be the same. you arabs had chances to build agood relasion with southerners and make a unity of sudan more attractive from 1955 up to 1972,but you wasted your time by building a fence between two nations yes nations by forcing thom to do what they don’t believe in. anyway as it is in a nature of southerners they forgive you by opening a new page 1972.

    Between 1983 and 2005 you northerners had what I can call a golden chance.In that period you should have comforted southerners who were displace in northern sudan so that they can feel there is no different between south north and build one big communiy where there is equalty and respect a (real unity).

    But unfortunately arabs turn to those weak people who were looking for peace and security and started neglecting them by puting them in a desert where there is on a basic needs like water and so on, and even preveting organizations to go and help.when they see that place bagin to look beter after the hard work of those poor people,they send police to drive them a way and guest what they would give that place other arab (northerners).man if you do not respect me when i m in your house , do you thing that i would give damn when i get my own.

    So mahammed osman the broken egg can not be repair that easy. thank god for giving us southerners a blassing of forgivrness.

  • Manyok

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dr. Machar deserves thanks for this breakthrough. At least 66 percent is not bad for the turning up of voters. Political agreements are always based on compromise.

    Dr. Machar and his team have also done well by maintaining their stance for simple majority for separation or unity of Sudan. What impressed me the most is the fact that there is a provision for a second chance if the turn up does not reach 66 person at the beginning of the referendum.

    As I said in my article some weeks ago, Dr. Machar is talented in negotiations. What he cannot do in negotiations would be difficult for many people.

    I am happy that President Kiir recognizes this talent in Dr. Machar. A good administration is the one that people are assigned to do what they are good at. I still believe that Dr. Machar and his team will deal with the remaining issues in a successful way as they have done in issues that they have already accomplished.

  • paulos berhe
    paulos berhe

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    bravo dr. reik iam so prawed you , you did good job
    naw the rest is for the people naw the ball is in the penality area, the one who kick nicelly he will get the goal which is separation……………….. from jalaba

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Let them go,we are sick and tired of wars with this infidels in the south,but we can only have good relations based on fair treatments.northerns are going to ask for a new presidents not this killer of Ingaz who is only cares about himself while ordinary sudanese are sufferings everyday with no good services,this stupid man omer al basher.

    Let them go,we are sick and tired of wars with this infidels in the south,but we can only have good relations based on fair treatments.northerns are going to ask for a new presidents not this killer of Ingaz who is only cares about himself while ordinary sudanese are sufferings everyday with no good services,this stupid man omer al basher.we northerns are also marginalized not just southerns or darfur,Ingaz have killed our sons and deprived our daughters the freedom they deserve,they have sold Halaaib to egyptian and they commits the genocides in darfur,what is left of us the innocent northerns, can someone explain to me?

    we the northerns want developments not wars , corruptions and mismanagments that we see from Ingaz of Omer basher everyday.

    we northerns are also marginalized not just southerns or darfur,Ingaz have killed our sons and deprived our daughters the freedom they deserve,they have sold Halaaib to egyptian and they commits the genocides in darfur,what is left of us the innocent northerns, can someone explain to me?

    we northerns want developments not wars , corruptions and mismanagments that we see from Ingaz of Omer basher everyday.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Congregulation to Dr Riek Machar by saying well done and u to move yr vision successfully, u must pay attention to insecurity issue in the south by telling Nuer militias to stop that activist b,se it lead yr vision to hell.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    A bad brother is better than a good brother who does nothing to you.We have to forgive Riak Machar Teny but we shall never ever forget what he did in 1991 with Lam Akol.

    Well done Mr.Riak Machar Teny,your position is now clear though it is not 100%.We are going to be proud of you because of your participation in the Southern rather than being against Him.You have to do more please and we shall see your needs.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum

  • Jonglei Kuereng
    Jonglei Kuereng

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Hi Gatwech

    Thank you for analysis. I just want to add complement to your comment. I think 66% will not be problem to us, if nearlly 4.5 million turnout to welcome Dr John Garang in Khartoum so why not 7 million turnout at referendum. However, no matter what they do obstract the smooth voting we can still overcome that. I know that they are currently working around clock and invested in our people to use them as their weapon of choice because SPLA/SPLM can not be defected through baral of the guns and on round table as barriers to referendum. I don’t thinks southern sudanese will have change of heart again to accept their trick to vote for unity likewise they did back in 1950s.

    I know they arab will plan another tactic to attempt to fool the south again. for example the All parties Juba conference that was another dirty trick. The faces that were in charing the meeting were not new to the sudanese crisis. They said that they want get sudan out of the current crisis. Can you really believe that? These old folk are the same people who intensify the problem and if they would to do something to solve our problems why not they not do it during their times. Guess what Sadiq Al Mahdi was part of KOKADAM agreement and didn’t do anything. Hassan Al Turabi was ideological mentor of the current regime. So we want leaders especially Dr Riek Macher who is the chief negotiator and southern sudanese population to learn from the pass experience. Since you know that too many ageement are dishonoured as too CPA can be dishonoured if we are not careful.

    However, I don’t think the so called uniform 51% for separate and unity is favourable to us. What if the 51% is attain by both contest outcome who will be the winner or do you expect the win-win solution again? To me this is another tactic to buy time and get it out of the way and it not genuine decision. To be honest this will time be the lat time and if we don’t utilise well we will not another chance.

    My message to those who are pro Arab please look at yourself and deind identity. Look at how our people live their life in Khartoum. Is that what you want the next generattion to live. Those who live in the North don’t even have status. I believe that the division in south a long tribe line was planted and cemented by the arabs beause if we work with one voice they will not oppress us.

    I wanna thanks everyone for your contribution. Your comments are very crucial and will make positve impact to the aspiration of the people of South Sudan. Please leave your tribal differences behide and forge one voice. My wholeheartedly support to the south sudan aspiration for better future. God never forsaked you and He will look down when unite.

    Thank you


  • Jonglei Kuereng
    Jonglei Kuereng

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Hi Everyone

    Thank you for all your comments and analysis. I just want to add complement to your comment. I think 66% will not be problem to us, if nearlly 4.5 million turnout to welcome Dr John Garang in Khartoum so why not 7 million turnout at referendum. However, no matter what they do obstract the smooth voting we can still overcome that. I know that they are currently working around clock and invested in our people to use them as their weapon of choice because SPLA/SPLM can not be defected through baral of the guns and on round table as barriers to referendum. I don’t thinks southern sudanese will have change of heart again to accept their trick to vote for unity likewise they did back in 1950s.

    I know they arab will plan another tactic to attempt to fool the south again. for example the All parties Juba conference that was another dirty trick. The faces that were in charing the meeting were not new to the sudanese crisis. They said that they want get sudan out of the current crisis. Can you really believe that? These old folk are the same people who intensify the problem and if they would to do something to solve our problems why not they not do it during their times. Guess what Sadiq Al Mahdi was part of KOKADAM agreement and didn’t do anything. Hassan Al Turabi was ideological mentor of the current regime. So we want leaders especially Dr Riek Macher who is the chief negotiator and southern sudanese population to learn from the pass experience. Since you know that too many ageement are dishonoured as too CPA can be dishonoured if we are not careful.

    However, I don’t think the so called uniform 51% for separate and unity is favourable to us. What if the 51% is attain by both contest outcome who will be the winner or do you expect the win-win solution again? To me this is another tactic to buy time and get it out of the way and it not genuine decision. To be honest this will time be the lat time and if we don’t utilise well we will not another chance.

    My message to those who are pro Arab please look at yourself and deind identity. Look at how our people live their life in Khartoum. Is that what you want the next generattion to live. Those who live in the North don’t even have status. I believe that the division in south a long tribe line was planted and cemented by the arabs beause if we work with one voice they will not oppress us.

    I wanna thanks everyone for your contribution. Your comments are very crucial and will make positve impact to the aspiration of the people of South Sudan. Please leave your tribal differences behide and forge one voice. My wholeheartedly support to the south sudan aspiration for better future. God never forsaked you and He will look down when unite.

    Thank you


  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear Southerners,

    I don’t believe My eyes when I read it over this web,I thought it was Just a dream,But now I have believe the SPLM as a diamond in the Sudan that can break any attempt made by NIF/NCP.but remember, we should be careful of the khartoum dirty politics such as voters turnout of 66%,voting of the voters outside s.sudan,and NISS law to mention afew.SPLM oyei……
    Northern oposition Oyee…..
    Keep the struggle continue.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Why did the SPLM accepted the NCP’s demand that allows Southern Sudanese residing throughout Northern Sudan and those living in diaspora to vote in the coming referendum? Believe me or not the outcome of the referendum would turn out in favor of unity. This would happen whether the citizens of Southern Sudan vote for seperation.

    Northern Sudanese, particularly the members of the NCP are not completely stupid to agree on the simply majority of 51%. They have seriously calculated how to rig the outcome of the referendum result similar to what they did to the issue of population census. The politics of compromise is what will ruin the leaders of Southern Sudan.

    God bless South Sudan with all its tribes, small and big.

  • Tariel

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Bravo, H.E Michael Makuei Lueth,The SPLM official trusted Negotiator.

    you are a person of great and amusing competency in the leadership.You shown us how unshakable you are during cloudy days of Naivasha and recently in Hague for Abyei boundary issues and indeed now you did it again before the world!
    And of course,Dr.Riek Machar has to be awarded some credit in his leading the SPLM delegations in his capacity as SPLM Deputy chairman, he has really fit in Deputy Chairmanship and he deserves it! He is without doubt discharging his duties of this capacity as Gen.Salva Kiir Mayardit used to do when our hero Dr.John Garang was alive.

    Long Live H.E Michael Makuei Lueth…..Long Live SPLM/A!

  • Akuma

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dr.riek is a Spy Leader.

    If southerners put Dr.Riek Machar as their leader to focus on referendum for southerners, they are fuelling what they should not in future, how sure are you to select him to be a breakthrough for referrendum.

    All those leaders who are involved in that peace parnership including Riek and his triator mate Ali Osama are doing the same thing to block the referendum for southerners in 2011.

  • Khent

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Kim Deng:

    Your fruitless and continious attempts to misconstrue and potray the Dinka people as cowards, is perhaps the most laughable exercise in self delusion.

    Your posts are perfect examples of ad nauseum fallacy.

    Ad nauseum fallacy -> repeating claims as if repetition were proof.

    Hateful rhetoric ultimately depends upon such mindless repetition of irrational dogmas. You offer emotionalism in lieu of any substance at all.

    Muonyjang (like the Naath) have contributed to our collective struggle for liberty- DO NOT belittle our contribution.

    Child-like individuals seek to irritate people with their endless stupidity.

    This is the strategy the aptly (not ironically) named *Dinka Boy* pursues.

    Discourse should not involve disparaging other tribes. Disagreements between individuals should not be collectivized- confront Dinka Boy as an individual.

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Allah akbar

    Long live north sudan and south sudan as seperate countries, we had enoughs wars, we northerns arabs we just wanted peace now, nothings more.

  • thieleling

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear South Sudanese,

    If history means anything, this artilce should unite all South sudanese regardless of their perspectives to whom this credit belongs. Thanks to achievements like this, our south sudan is only some steps away from being indepenednece.

    We all should be proud and thanks Dr. Machar & his team for their cool diplomatic and skilled negotiations against a clever NCP in the person of vice president Taha & his team.

    We may not trust jellaba on these agreements, but I do trust my gun more than jellaba and we know this kind of news should be uplifting for south sudanese. If anything, the jellaba are digging their graves deeper & deeper through these agreements. They will only see for themselves when they decide to dishonor these negotiated agreements during the Referendum exercise.

    The 66%(2/3)voters turnout is reasonable & can be “managed” as Dr. Machar said, and 50+1 is a simple majority that cannot be a problem for those voters to reach on referendum day. The ball is on south sudanese court. The negotiated team delivered this to you in a “golden plate”. It is upto you to use it or ruin it!!

    Every south sudanese should recongnises the full importance of epoch-making achievement like what Dr. Machar and his team tackled today!! This is great news for south sudan. I chose not to commend against those who are suporting violence among south sudanese under this uniting article. And I thank those who have wrtten bravely and praised the unity of southerners in their comments under the article.

    Teny-Dhurgon, please bless your son who has this big impact on negotiating south sudan’s nation-hood. God bless Dr. Machar & his team!!

  • M.Zain

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    The news piece above stated that the required percentage for southerners is %51 simpleple majority” is %50 + 1 voter , which is arithmetically different from %51 .For example if the total number of voters in referendum is 1000 voters ,by applying the simple majority rule we need only 501 vote in favor of independent to grant it which represents %50 +1 vote . In case we follow the mathematical logic of the article’s author we need 510 votes in favor of independence which represents %51(nine votes additional). Accordingly the two parties agreed in simple majority %50 +1( not %51).

  • Time1

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    This is good achievement, Dr Machar and Mr president Kirr are all intelligent man and cannot be tricked by this empty head Arabs ever again. Lets ssure southerners full independence when the time comes. SPLM/A will not rest untill south is independent, secure and free.

  • Khent

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Kim Deng:

    The Dinka constitute the vast majority of the SPLA’s manpower- the manpower which re-captured 90% of southern Sudan, and subsequently expanded the theatre of war to the Nuba mountains, southern Blue Nile, Ignessa Hills and eastern Sudan; without our blood, the CPA would not exist- we will NOT tolerate some begrudged children in their attempts to efface our unmatched sacrifice.

    You reject our sacrifice because it contradicts you. You would think that with so many people correcting you on this… it would sink in.

    Of course, ideology overrides reason in your case and so it does not.

    It’s impossible to make an intelligent argument from a false premise, or to debunk a false argument by accepting its root premises.

    You have to destroy the root premises, so as to stop the poison that eschews from it.

    You are just an ignorant person, desparately trying to find an excuse for your ignorance, when you should be spending the time and effort educating your mind.

  • Controller

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum

    Dear Readers or Commetators.

    I think Dr. Riek Machar is doing very tremendous job on behave of our freedom. I think what Dr. Riek Machar is doing is what we have been fighting for.

    Nobody sould not deny the tremendous job Dr. Riek is doing on behave of sotherners, accept This damn fool called Dinka boy because of his jealousy to Dr. Riek Machar.

    My friends, without Dr. Riek Machar, the Greater Equatorians officials,Murles intellectuals, Shuluk officials and other tribes, the South Sudan would not be still existing today.

    Thank you all.

  • Controller

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dear Mr. Kim Deng

    Your response is always and will alway be appreciated by everyone.

    You keep up the good job.

    The whole tribes in Upper Nile Region, are sick and tired off this garbage and coward tribe of Dinka Bors.

    That is why they wanted to wipe Dinka Bors out from the map of Jonglei State.

    Thank you all.

  • nyok k daw majok
    nyok k daw majok

    Peace partners reach breakthrough on South Sudan referendum
    Dr, Riek Mdchar. you are a best you did very good job , now remain
    for people of southern sudan will choose the best
    thing peace or war . we had been borne in war for long time . when we will vote to unity maen that we vote war. when we will vote separation maen that we vote to peace because we had been in unity more then 50 years in unity and all 50 years was War . now late us try inpendent in this time when you go to North sudan and when you go south sudan is a big difference between the north and south . north look like other country and southern sudan look like poor country . southern sudan oyee spla /m oyee

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