Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras

October 16, 2009 (MOGADISHU) — Somalia’s hard-line Islamist group Al-Shebab publicly whipped women for wearing bras saying it violate Islam by constituting a deception.

North Mogadishu residents said armed men from the Islamist rebel group had been rounding up any woman seen with a firm bust and then masked men whipping them publicly.

They order women to remove their bras and shake their breasts, residents told Reuters.

“They first banned the former veil and introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women’s chests. They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat,” said Halima a resident from Mogadishu which accused Al-Shebab of whipping her daughter.

The radical group which suspected to be liked to Al-Qaeda has banned movies, musical ringtones, dancing and playing or watching soccer. They justify these actions saying they want to establish an Islamic state in the country.

Men were not spared the’ moral cleansing’. Any man caught without a beard was been publicly whipped.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras
    The formation of International Coalition Force to protect Somalian Women is overdue. On the other hand, Muslim Women Coalition is also needed now to advocate for women’s rigfhts in Islamic societies; especially freedom and equality rights.

    UN Rights body was busy last night punishing the Israelis Government for hitting back on Hamas terrorist acts. But the daily deaths and abuses of millions of Muslim women is non of UN Human Rights business, what a world of terror are we in?

    May Almighty God stand with poor Muslim women Amen.

  • Kur

    Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras
    Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, LRA, and the like are nuisances the world must get rid of. It is completely unacceptable for these demoniacs to be allowed to torture innocent people everyday. They amputate the hands and legs of people in order to fulfill the dreams of their merciless witchcraft beliefs, but the world watch the innocents crying in agony for help, yet no response. What is left for these mad groups to do for the world to stop them?


  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras
    Allah akbar

    This is what we wants to see,any womans who defies islam will be given the appropriate lessons as per the holy book instructions.

    Islam will not allow public prostitutions which now is become a big problem even here in khartoum from our muslim womans,but we gave lubna hussien her lessons already for all the other sudanese woman to see that islam is not a jokes.

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras
    shut up and do not undermines our religion of islam.

    we are allows by the holy book to open and check the womans breasts,even her underwear we cans check if we waants.

    Allah akbar

  • Sojourner Truth
    Sojourner Truth

    Somali Islamist whip women for wearing bras
    God will punish Al-Shebab. Al-Shebab will see the truth of their error soon GOD WILLING! It doesn’t matter what the Quran, the Torah, or the Bible say… they were written by men, not GOD, and have been used since their inception to control and deceive the children of God.

    God has revealed this truth time and time again: There is no 1 true religion (sorry christians, muslims and jews) but only personal individual spiritual connection to our maker, God. All else is man’s creation to deceive and control his brother. All else is strife and evil. All else is suffering.

    God is on the side of the innocent men, women and children of Somalia. Their cries are heard and they will be avenged. God is going to send the evil fascist Al-Shebab dogs to HELL!

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