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Sudan Tribune

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Khartoum’s Southerners laud agreement on referendum law

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Leaders of the Southern Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Khartoum today commended the two peace partners for reaching peaceful understanding on referendum law on Thursday saying it is big achievement worth supporting.

South Sudan Government Dr. Riek Machar announced yesterday that the SPLM and the National Congress Party have agreed the vote in 2011 referendum will require 51% simple majority votes to declare Southern Sudan an independent country or confirm unity as long as two-thirds of voters takes part.

They also agreed that southerners in northern Sudan would also participate in the popular consultation.

Speaking at Khartoum city center commonly referred to as Assuk Al-Arabi, Sultan Deng Mawien of Warrap State, said regained hope and trust that peace partners will overcome all sticking issues not yet implemented in the agreement.

“None of us in Mayo (an IDPs Camp, located in the suburbs of Khartoum) had hoped that these parties would reach an agreement on Southern referendum particularly after NCP raised quorum to 90% in the last discussion,” he said adding that he was expecting another shocking and impossible imposition of required percentage to 100% from NCP.

However, he said this agreement indicates NCP commitment to negotiate and implement the pending issues under discussions. “I wish them to start with the same spirit next on census and other bills on post referendum,” he adds.

Atem Agot, a businessman from Jonglei State, also echoed Mawien point of view saying he never expected NCP and SPLM would one day reach consensus on referendum because they debate over the referendum issue since the year begins.

“They should continue to use the same modalities to discuss other remaining issues so that discussions on all key issues are concluded before general elections are held,” he recommends.

Atem also appreciated inclusion of southern IDPs in the north and Diaspora in the referendum law saying it is up to those individual southerners to accept voting in favor of either continuation of their current situation or secession

Asked where and how he would vote at referendum, he said where and how he will vote are not the immediate concerns adding this is not the time.

I cannot tell you before 2011, I know where and how to vote, he said answering proverbially that he does not want to count his chicken before hatch. “Let’s wait for 2011,” he stressed.



  • Time1

    Khartoum’s Southerners laud agreement on referendum law
    SPLM/A will not rest untill south Sudan is independent, secure and free of all murderers and terrorists groups be it Arabs or any other. Let Southerners be assure independence is their god garanteed rights when time comes. We will take all our people in the north who want to return back to south Sudan when the time comes after independence.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Khartoum’s Southerners laud agreement on referendum law
    SPLM and NCP agree for the vote in 2011. Still we need to open our eyes and ears for the remaining laws.

  • ayuairech

    Khartoum’s Southerners laud agreement on referendum law
    Congratulations to Southsudan and Khartoum government. census results and and the the percentage vote required for referandom to call south sudan a separate country by 2011 was avery hot debate and was likely to trigger war between two partners had it not been handled properly.One reason of my fear was how the Abyei border dispute would be settled and I was very happy when I later learn of good news about Abyei over the internet. Now southsudan government must be ready for a cool was as southerners will be incited by Khartoum to fight against each other.we must be very keen specially on borders to avoid any iligal rearmament to civillians by khartoum.

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