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Sudan Tribune

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N. Bahr el Ghazal new speaker pledges to reshape legislative Assembly

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 21, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The newly elected Speaker of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, Lt. Col, Majang Ngor Kuany, today pledged to reshape legislative Assembly after years of unresolved misunderstanding between members and the former speaker.

Mr. Majang Ngor Kuany, news NBGS speaker, swearing in on Oct. 21, 2009  (photo Sabrino Majok)
Mr. Majang Ngor Kuany, news NBGS speaker, swearing in on Oct. 21, 2009 (photo Sabrino Majok)
Kuany was speaking at his swearing in ceremony into office as a new speaker of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Legislative Assembly replacing Angelo Marac Thiik in a disputed removal from the chair.

34 MPs of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State voted, for the third time, a motion of no confidence against the former speaker. Eight legislators were against the move. the State Lawmakers finally decided on October 5to nominate a new Speaker, Hon. Majang Ngor Kuany.

“I pledge my full support to the executive under his wise and able leadership of the state governor General Paul Malong Awan Anei, he said adding he has gotten the right man to help him develop Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

Malong has never gotten person ready to serve Aweil at will and as compatriot, he said adding he is the hard worker and has good records full of success back dated to days of liberation struggle.

Asked what he will do to reshape Assembly, he said will commit most of his times to listening to the members concerns and encourage participatory discussions to arrive at possible solutions to address assembly issues.

“I will encourage most of the members get solutions to issues that pop up from their constituencies, he said adding will emphasized on legislating bills beneficial to local people.”

The speaker who sounds optimistic to reshape assembly also added that he will seek means that encourages members’ capacity building. “Most of the members will be encouraged pay parliamentary visit to other states and beyond so as to go and learn new things worth importing to the state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal,” he states.

He also called on his predecessor to work closely with him saying Aweil is bigger than personal differences. We are all the same and one people,” he adds.

“I will be ready to hearing from him his positive advice as experienced member of the assembly,” he adding that his leadership will be opened to all doors both big and small.

The swearing in ceremony was attended by state governor General Paul Malong Awan Anei with members of his cabinets. He called on the parliament members to work together to help executive in the coordination, monitoring and legislation of the developmental plans bills.



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    N. Bahr el Ghazal new speaker pledges to reshape legislative Assembly
    Going to other states to learn how the other governors work is very important.This is what English people called ‘Organisational Learning’.We will be very proud of Southern Sudan Nation.Thank you very much.

    May God bless our beautiful nation

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    N. Bahr el Ghazal new speaker pledges to reshape legislative Assembly
    the newly appointed speaker of N .Bhhr el ghazal will be under probational period which will mark him as good or bad manager ,truely Majang is illitrate but the way he acts ,is like responsible person ,to be other hand advising you readers ,eduation is not the only way of survival ,other people waste their time in education but later come with empty hand, and others dosen,t waste their time but lucky bring them ahead of the literate person ,As we know all of us were in the war and we faught ,the resuorces are belong to all of us not only for the SPLA ,the positions are now adays not being advertised and just nominate ,if you were been a farmer during war you were also a fighter because you contribute in feeding the SPLA, as i am seeing something going on in NBG ,there is Exctly corruption but not like before ,for EG Ajal Deng Gai Brought his wife as dupty governor ,How about those who are not in high positions how will their wives come ,malong brought his wife as SSRRC secratary in Aweil east and he is still planning to bring her to the commissioner position according to the rumors ,as young people let us see how they are going to manage the present situition ,but let us be very care full not to ADMIT their children later ,they will behave like their fathers, as you know heyna hunt with it club ,itis because it wanted to teach the club the way it will survive in its Absent .

    I know our young people will be the usefull leaders of S.Sudan.let,s blame Salva of why his not nominating young People is it because they didn,t fight or because they are young or not responsible , Majang keep on eyeing on and under the desk ,don,t put all your interest on money like Marach thiik who was eating alone the money of assembly ,if you do so you will be like the theif who steal somebody property during rainfail ,and his/her foot print remains and follow to where he is going .

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