Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Peacekeepers stop tribal fighting in North Darfur

October 22, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Troops from the hybrid peacekeeping mission deployed in western Sudan have successfully stopped a bloody clash in North Darfur between two ethnic groups in North Darfur.

UNAMID peacekeepers have intervened on Tuesday October 20 in a deadly ethnic clash, in an area between Jabel Moskul and Jabelti area, about 20 kilometers southeast of Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur, between members of the Zaghawa and Birgid tribes.

Two people died and six people from both sides sustained injuries during the fighting, four of them critically. UNAMID evacuated the critically injured by helicopter to El-Fasher for further treatment at a government hospital, and the others have been admitted into a nearby UNAMID medica.l

The immediate cause of the clash is believed to be access to water sources and as a temporary solution, UNAMID has made arrangements to supply water to the communities.



  • Time1

    Peacekeepers stop tribal fighting in North Darfur
    What is wrong with the Arabs tribes fighting eachother in the north, i hope NCP is not playing their dirty game with them. We though it was Arab killing Darfuris but now looks like everyone is fighting some body over there.

  • wang

    Peacekeepers stop tribal fighting in North Darfur

    Keep that good work up Mr/Mrs peacekeeping forces for safe those innocents life in that North corner. South Should dose the same things to find a another solutions that can stop those tribal conflicts in the region.

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