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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 24, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Southern Sudan Minister of SPLA affairs, Lt General Nhial Deng Nhial today accused Northern Sudan authorities of arming rampant tribal conflicts in the region.

Nhial Deng Nhial
Nhial Deng Nhial
Nhial, who led Southern Sudan delegation to the Ugandan capital of Kampala, where African Union Heads of State attended Special Summit on refugees, returnees and internally-displaced persons (IDPs) strongly accused Khartoum government led by the ruling National Congress Party of President Basher of pouring arms in border lines to further submission to the region to spark tribal violence.

“We know it very well that Khartoum and particularly the ruling National Congress Party is arming all Southern militias and Arab tribes in the North -South border as well as some tribes in the south to wreak havoc so GOSS is regarded as incompetent government in the eye of international community,” he commented.

He further said South Sudan does not manufacture arms and there are no arms coming into Sudan through the South; “hence wonder where fresh arms gets into the region in bulky, they are imported from the north.” .

The NCP which rule the northern Sudan and dominate the government of national unity denied these accusations. Also, UN officials in Sudan insisted on the important lack resource and infrastructures as well as rains shortage to explain this increasing of tribal fighting.

Minister Nhial said this is very dangerous but SPLM has launched an arms collection drive to make sure illegal arms are reduced in the population.

Commenting on some key disagreements of the pending issues in the comprehensive peace agreement that, he said census remains one of the sticking points the two parties are battling for possible consensus.

He said the results of the fifth census pose a serious impediment to the holding of the elections if the NCP the ruling National Congress Party does not withdraw those results.

“If we use these figures, the NCP using their majority in the national parliament will win in most of the constituencies and we cannot let that happen,” he stressed.

“A lot of people are now suggesting that there is no reason to participate in these elections because they will not be free and fair,” he adds.

Minister Nhial who is one of people, who greatly participated in the negotiation of CPA, is also quoted to have said that voters will choose Sudan’s president, members of parliament, state governors and members of state assemblies.

Similarly, in the south, citizens will also select Southern Sudan’s president and members of its legislative assembly.

These are clear indications and violations which undermine CPA crucial provisions contained in the deal, he said adding this creates a real possibility of going back to square one. If Sudan goes back to war, on top of what is happening in Darfur, it will be very bad, he emphasized.

He said that the absence last month of the NCP from Juba conference, which he considers as crucial meeting, shows how troublesome they are to the CPA. He further stressed the SPLM will not leave any stone unturned “to make sure that we have free and fair elections.”



  • oshay

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Why blame people for your problems? If the SPLM instituted a policy of reconciliation for all the disenfranchised and mistreated tribes like all the non Dinkas. Clearly the corruption and systematic abuses by the SPLA has awoken the fact to the Southern people that this so called “New Sudan” is a joke.

    Moreover, the 7 Billion dollars that have now vanished could’ve transformed the South, created jobs,put children in school and educated Southerners as whole, instead the SPLM is building a useless oil refinery with money it does not have.

    I do not believe the NCP has any part in the tribal conflicts, these go back before the NCP and Bashir was even born, and even if they did, it is the fault of the SPLM for not bringing these people in and making feel like they’re actually something in society and hence they would’ve rejected any meddling in Southern affairs.

    For as long as we have a tribalist government the problems will only continue and the SPLM will continue with its rhetoric

  • Pee-Funk

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Mr. Nhail Deng that is a good thing to accused Northern government, but where were southern government at? to let this such a violent happen in southern between tribal conflicts? I think southern government is weak because your governmentneed to know where those Arm ramping around in southern sudan where they came from. What is the work of SPLA Millitary they have to Secure whole southern Sudan. this tribal war in southern sudan will never stop because too much politics going on in southern sudan right now and that is not healthy for the non-politics.

    by: mr. P-funk

  • Deng Wel Deng
    Deng Wel Deng

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    These accusations have been going on for some times.What you need is the strategy to avert them. If You don’t want the criminal to walk around your backyard than you need to put a fence aroud your home.It is that no rocket science needed or foreign assistance.

  • thieleling

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Ministrer Nhial,

    South Sudanese need soundest, credible evidence that NCP or Jellaba sent a tank and smashed a child & a woman with it in Bentiu. The clashes between mundari & Dinka-Bor, Murle-Dinka, Lou-Nuer-Dinka-Bor or the LRA in WES are purely instigated by NCP. Present the soundest, credible evidence to south sudan public where & when NCP carried these out. I am not defending NCP, but south sudanese suspect GOSS/SPLM as well on the attrocities in south sudan.

    There is no doubt NCP is violating part of the agreement on south-north demarcations & others. But most of the tribal madness in south sudan now are done for political reasons by the SPLM/A. Let be honest about who is really behind these atrocities in south sudan.

    SPLA is arming civilians in Jonglei. The civilians have their relatives in SPLA and get most of their supplies through them. Kiir’s political mis-calculations and his anxiety over elections freak the hell out of him and he wants to wreak havoc against his most political opponents before the elections.

    SPLM is to blame about the census issue in south sudan. The NCP didn’t conduct the census in south sudan. The SPLM did it and transfered their finding to north. The disarmaments would not be possible to conduct now among the civilians in south sudan. There is so much distrust for the GOSS. South sudan public has serious mistrust of GOSS intentions.

    The gov’t is not neutral in disarming the civilians equally. The best option is for elections to go forward no matter what!! South needs a legitimate gov’t to carry out the Referendum in 2011. The current GOSS is not really legitimate.

    If SPLM hijacks the election or rigg it, there may be chaos and anarchy in south sudan. Otherwise, south is in need of wise and fearless leadership to carry on with the up coming elections.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Thanks Lt General Nhial Deng Nhial for the great job that you adresssed to the public.

    Indeed, NCP has created the tribal confict in the South because they Smunggle guns such as GM3, AK47, and distribute money to bribes hungery individuals in the South.
    Apparently, Southerners witness new GM3 that were collected from dead militia of Checbetek Mabil in the Duk- Padiet attacked by Lou- Nuer militia.

    Minister of SPLA affairs Nhial Deng said truely that Southerners have no guns manufacturies. And SPLA is not distributing civilians weapons,but they get guns through North ration.

    My advice to Southerners is to reject any bribe from the North and coup up with the development in the South.
    SPLM knows this gameof NCP,but the foods lovers didn,t know that they are making NCP happy.
    I agree with the minister that NCP is arming the South for their self-interest.

  • Jok 011
    Jok 011

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds

    It was Dinka Bor who complain for being attack all the time, but now, it is a GOSS and I don’t know why GOSS don’t Arms the Northern civilian so that they can fight each other too. But happy because it is a Bar-el ghazal and Nuer rules. Beside that, I know you guys will not understand me, but people who use fighting as a mean of getting some thing done are always having less cridability on how to handle public situations, iam saying all these because I don’t like how GOSS is handling Southern Sudan. I was an SPLA officer at the war time, but not now. I know that, we didn’t fought for interest, we fought for Southern Sudanese diginity.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Dear readers,

    With due respect to the great father of this chicken called Nhial Deng Nhial, I can only spare some of my criticism against him just because of his great late father, Deng Nhial. This so-called Nhial Deng Nhial was the number one coward in the SPLA. I was in the red army and know his story very well. He never shot a gun in his life. He was unpopularly known as the “YES” man. He always chickens away even in the face of an imagined threat. He is a true symbol of jealousy. What he knows best is to sabbotage others’ efforts.

    How can this incompetent non-military officer, suddenly turned military, brag about issues that instead point to the GOSS failure to detect, capture and display the arms brought to the South always by the NCP, if that is really true?

    Nhial is a lawyer by profession and should have been made the minister of Foreign Affairs (Regional Cooperation) if he could not displace Makuei Lueth in the Legal affairs ministry. The Defense (SPLA affairs) should have gone to Oyai Deng Ajak. He could do best in that ministry. The fear is that Nhial might fear to face his foreign counter-parts and may chicken away as usual in the face of heated debates. Nhial would debate boldly in Naivasha or Washington where he feels more secure than in Khartoum.

    I thought the SPLM with its 70% of power misrules the South. The SPLA as an army is still influenced by the SPLM and is directly under the command of the SPLM ruled GOSS. The SPLA has a military intelligence (MI) unit that can intercept any arms coming to the South from any border areas. There is Gier Chuang who heads the public security unit that can also detect any arms movement. But what they do is complain helplessly! Shame!

    Are they really doing their job? If they do than I have never seen and arms from NCP being intercepted, captured and displayed to the whole world on SSTV as a prove of their prefered scapegoating accusations. This makes Southerners to believe that the SPLA/GOSS is just using the NCP as a scapegoat for uncontrollable insecurity in the South. NCP may actually play some role in this madness, but the bulk of it is squarely the making of the tribal GOSS government.

    Gen. Bior Ajang was reportedly once accused in the parliament of backing his Bor-Dinka against Murle by arming them and even reinforcing their counter-attack against Murle in 2008. The Bor-Dinka so-called cattle keepers are a bunch of ‘militias’ roaming Equatoria. They are reportedly under the command of a Bor-Dinka SPLA colonel who arms them and provides ammunitions to them to kill 7 Kuku innocent kids while fishing. Countless SPLA officers are arming their communities including Salva Kiir and Salva Mathok in Warrap, Lakes state by Paul Mayom and Deng Athorbei and yet they shamelessly blame it on NCP. Pathetic!

    Look at the incompetence of the so-called Majak Agot, the deputy director for National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS). What is his role in these? Does he know that NCP transports arms to the South? Does he report it to the GOSS? If yes, when does he report it? Is it always after the arms have already reached South, on the way or during the plan to transport them? Or does he keep queit? I can tell you brother, sadly the NCP’s NISS knows what happens every day in all the villages of South Sudan including the home village of Salva Kiir Mayardit, but the SPLM does not know what happens in its own towns and villages, let alone the towns in the North. Majak Agot, Gier Chuang and the one in charge of the SPLA MI are just eating money without doing their job well. They eat, complain and sleep. Period! Some of their personnel are even suspected by the public of turning into gangs robbing people at night. God help South Sudan.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    H E Nhia Deng Nhial

    Congregulation for yr wonderful speech,Ncp is the one arming the militias (Nuer)in the South throug Nuer Intellectuals.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Gen Nhial Deng Nhial

    Weldone but don’t attempt to resign again even if things become worse, u may lost yr Degnity before South Sudan citizen

    and Thank.


    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Dear Nhial Deng Nhial,

    If you accuse the Northern Sudanese Government about arming and causing a tribal conflict in the region as you have said, then why the Southern Sudanese Government don’t tried to arm and cause tribal conflict within the area of Northern Sudan instead of Northern Government to cause tribal conflict in Southern Sudan? This is because that the political there is no political strategies within the Administration of Southern Sudan.

    Omar Bashir was been tried to be indicted by an ICC, but you Southern Sudanese Ministers are not fully aware of what to do. If you all know what to do, then Southern Sudanese Ministers should makes a proposal on the decision made by the ICC on the agenda of Omar Bashir arrestment. As a result, you all fail and no one amongst of you have voiced out or buffered an ICC remarks. It is true that those tribal wars happening in Southern Sudan are being steered by Omar Bashir in order to derail the acceleration of the CPA between Southern Sudan and Northern. Many unremarkable things were done by the Southern Sudanese Ministers like giving warning to the ICC that Omar Bashir should not have to be arrested as this will cause or deteriorate CPA and corruption being made by the Southern Sudanese Ministers. There are so many things that I can not mentioned.

    When Dr John Garang die, did CPA collapse because of Garang?. Okay,if not, then why Omar Bashir should not face an impunity in which he is accountable according to the ICC. Omar Bashir was charged of 10 counts on the problem of Darfur. What about Southern Sudanese people who fought with Omar Bashir since the time when Omar Bashir took power on June 30 in 1989 during the time when Kurmuk was recaptured by the Northern Sudan Force? You Southern Sudanese Ministers, you don’t exactly know how to kill the rats. There are many different ways of killing rats like for example, you can kill rats by trapping it, poisoning, stoning it and so forth. Now, Omar Bashir is trapped by the ICC. Omar Bashir will never do anything to the Southern Sudanese at all. One example of the reason why I said that is because, no Country have ever been governed by one President and two Vice Presidents at the same time except only in Sudan were rules are hinded and bring forth what is call “gerrymandering”- a condition where oneself like to long and takes over-all necessities or build-up himself for the betterment of his own life rather than minding other people life. This is what actually happening now in Southern Sudan.

    To challenge you Mr Nhial Deng Nhial, since you where been selected to officiate the needs of your Southern Sudanese Citizens, you have never mentioned anything concerning about the relevance solutions with which the Southern Sudan Citizens should adapt. Tribal war happened in Warrap State. You didn’t said anything at. Tribal war happened in Lakes State. You didn’t substantially said anything. War happened in Unity State between the Force of General Paulino Matiip Nhial. You didn’t said anything. Three Dinka Ruweng Chiefs of BIEMNOM County in Unity State were killed in Heglig(Aliiny) of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom, but you fail to response . War happened between SPLA and SAF in Panaruu land in one of the place call Karassa and you where voiceless. By the way, what is your job description?

    Every politic protocols, needs to be “concise” and “transparent”, but if a politic is lack of those things which I mentioned above, then it could be term as a “Politic without Foundation”. As you are one of the Minister within the office of the Southern Sudan Government, do you and the rests of the other Ministers of Southern Sudan believe that Salva Kiir Miyardit will be an over-all President of Sudan instead of being a Vice President of Sudan and a President of Southern Sudan sometime? Mr Nhial Deng Nhial, when is the right time for you to be a president of Sudan? When is the right time for Salva Kiir Miyardit to be

  • Critic_Ngueny

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Actually Nhial is right but we should be the solution to all those problems taking place in the South?

    For me, tit for tat is the only solution to all those things happening in the South.Because when somebody is merciless you have to be merciless too.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • nyok k daw majok
    nyok k daw majok

    South Sudan army accuse north of arming tribal feuds
    Hi general nhial deng Nhial .Really you did Excellency job make sure that there is no malitia in long border from north bahr ghazal
    to North upper Nile,in that border.
    we beleve spla/m work hard with Arab regime in khartoum. now Abyei border and ruweng Biemnom border
    very dangerous to south . because the oil in west upper Nile bentue state Arab need that toor Allec but
    wiill not happen again this time around . GOD ALL Southern sudan . spla oyeeeeeeeeee
    southern sudan oyeeeeeee

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