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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report

October 23, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — An African Union (AU) report that recommended formation of hybrid courts and changes to criminal law to deal with right abuses in Darfur will face stiff opposition from the Sudanese government according to a newspaper report.

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki (R) hands to the chairperson of African Union Commission Jean Ping, the report compiled by the high level panel on the Darfur crisis, at the African Union (AU) headquarters in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, October 8, 2009 (Reuters)
Former South African President Thabo Mbeki (R) hands to the chairperson of African Union Commission Jean Ping, the report compiled by the high level panel on the Darfur crisis, at the African Union (AU) headquarters in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, October 8, 2009 (Reuters)
This month an AU panel led by former South African president Thabo Mbeki, that submitted its report on ways to achieve peace, justice and reconciliation in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

The pan African body formed the commission weeks before the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for the Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Many observers and Darfur rebel groups argued the Mbeki panel was established to shield Bashir from ICC prosecution.

The 148 pages report obtained by Sudan Tribune stated that the Hague tribunal will not be able to go after all those involved in Darfur atrocities that would “leave impunity for the vast majority of offenders in Darfur, including virtually all direct perpetrators of the offences”.

The findings of the mission indicate an approach where the ICC work would now be limited to the six individuals already charged by the court with hybrid courts to try other suspects.

Sudan will likely view the recommendations as contrary to the position of the African Union (AU) which harshly criticized the ICC and its prosecutor for moving against Bashir.

The London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted informed sources in the Sudanese foreign ministry as saying that “it has reservations on parts of the report and reject other [parts]”.

The sources further said that the Sudanese delegation to the AU Peace and Security Council held in Nigeria next week led by 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha “will strongly reject” doubts raised in the report on the Sudanese judiciary.

The Mbeki panel has suggested that the Sudanese judicial system on its own is incapable of carrying out credible prosecutions in Darfur and calling for further changes within the legal system.

“Currently, the criminal justice response to Darfur is ineffective and confusing and has also failed to obtain the confidence of the people of Darfur. It will therefore require changes to be introduced within the Sudanese legal system to provide effective accountability for the different levels of criminal participation” the AU report said.

The Sudanese officials told the newspaper that the final position will be announced during the Abuja summit.

If the report is true it comes contrary to assertions by Sudanese officials that they will accept and implement the findings of the AU panel.

The Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen told the Qatar based Al-Jazeera TV in an interview last July that Khartoum “trusts the intentions of the panel and its evaluation because it is African and not stemming from a colonialist mentality”.

“We are awaiting whatever the Mbeki panel….we are satisfied with what whatever results from its recommendations” he said.

In the past the Sudanese government has vehemently rejected proposals for hybrid courts made by the Arab league and other Sudanese leaders including ex-Prime minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi saying its judiciary is capable of handling the cases.

However, Sudanese officials expressed willingness to carry out reconciliation as an alternative to judicial prosecutions.



  • khamic Isaac
    khamic Isaac

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report
    It is true that Arabs do not accept the the truth like others in the world because the more believed on lies even though their prophet mohumed comes today they not him as he while he is a one that they belief on and if some lies and pretend himself to be prophet mohummed then they will accept him while they know him personally.

    There is some phrased of soical study book as saying, if you growing up in the community where there is no justice then you are more likely not to accept the truth and if you were brought up in the family where there is more violent then you are more likely to be violent, and if you were also brought up in the family where both father and are theft then you are going to be a theft.

    What I am trying to say that, Arabs never and never accept the truth even though is about to died because the their cultures and religions said do not accept the truth like others do then you will be bless. I think many of you have experience their belief during the 21 years between South-North where they turn their faith to war by saying if you wanted to go heel then go to South Sudan to find the way to heel and I am very sure those who came here never reached that heel and if it was case, all South Sudanese people would have gone.

    I think injustice of your government will tell you what is justice and if you do not know it then you will know it very soon.

    Going to heel is very near to Basher and his anus washer like Oshay and food lover like Riek Gai, Lem Akol, Bona Malual, Abel Alier, Joseph Lagu, Mose Machar, Gordon Kong and many.

  • tiomdit_maker

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report
    Dear Mr.Thabo Mbeki,

    I would apreciate if you would take this advice from me.Our late Dr. John once said the govt in Khartoum is too deform to be reform.If you gonna continued asking them of what they would decide you will have another 21 years we spent during war between south and north.

    My suggestion is this. It seem ICC is not willing to take action quickly.When warrant arrest is issued, I don’t see why more negotiation with khartoum.

    Sent the troop to get that criminal bashir and bring him before the court to defens himself if he is innocent.If you think ICC is weak of doing that,than forward this to the ICCJ(international criminal court of justic), which will included America,Uk and other powerful countries so that they should bring to an end this nightmiar.That the only way you can bring this criminal bashir to justic.

    Khartoum govt is know for cheating, if you don’t threat them they cannot implemented anything.Thank.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report
    Good AU findings and recommendations.

    But like the US new policy on the Sudan and the CPA,will be implemented only if Bashir quits leadership of Sudan.

  • Kur

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report
    It is possible that the regime in Khartoum will reject the AU recommendation on Darfur, but the fact is that the government will run out of space. It has rejected the ICC indictments and now the AU report is going to be rejected as well, however, the end of the story is certain. Some body has to answer, before a credible court of law, to those crimes committed in Darfur.


  • black-hope

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report
    it is good to help someone with understanding than ahuman who don’t believe the trust. it took almost two years for Al- Bashier to compile with law. It peaceful indicement has failed than the last resolution is to capture him like his cousin Saddam, this Arab muslim donot understand justice, peace, and humanright. to AU community donot waste your time to depend the murderer. My question to you which right do you respect ‘the right of person who kill or ‘right of person who is kill.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Sudan to raise objections against AU findings: report

    Its obvious that the Sudanese authority will never cooperates with it African nationals as long they dont back-up their denial of war crimes & crimes against humanity that were committed in Darfur in forming a block against the ICC & says Bashir & his affiliate should not go to the Hague.

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