Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 26, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), after a series of meetings, disowned two third voters turnout required for South succession from North saying simple majority of participants at the referendum should determine the fate of southern Sudan.

Pagan Amum (Getty)
Pagan Amum (Getty)
The two peace partners, SPLM and NCP, struck a deal last week on the referendum bill accordingly the people of Southern Sudan would be allowed to establish an independent country by a simple majority vote of 50+1 percentage as long as 66% (2/3) of all eligible registered voters turn out.

The two parties agreed to discuss the deal with their respective leaderships and to endorse before to refer it to the National Assembly in Khartoum for adoption.

SPLM Secretary General, Pagan Amum Okeich, at a press conference yesterday at the premises of his party in Arkaweit suburb in Khartoum yesterday, denied any agreement with the NCP on the referendum bill. He further said that the vice-president of southern Sudan government Dr. Riek Machar would be soon in Khartoum to inform formally the NCP about the SPLM’s position on the bill.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune today, Pagan Amum, said his party in its last political bureau meeting in Juba, at Home and Away Hotel, brushed aside the deal and hence directed its members in the joint political executive committee to resume discussions with the delegation of the National Congress Party.

The deal was received by mitigated reactions among the southern Sudanese circles, and many rejected it because of the 66% voters turnout.

Pagan, who is hostile to the quorum of 66% turnout, in a press conference held at the SPLM premises said the referendum is a right for southerners and not an obligation.

Many southerners think it would be difficult to guarantee the required percentage of participation in southern Sudan, due to the lack of the infrastructures as well as the weak means to mobilize southerners and raise the awareness.

Asked what he thinks as alternatives to resolving this long contentious issue, he said, “Alternatives are resumption of the negotiations to arrive at acceptable compromise and not concession.”

“We might have in the past conceded other issues but not on referendum as this accommodates hopes of the southern people; he said adding that SPLM position is clear and simple,” he stressed.

“What we want, and remained our initial position at the SPLM leadership, is simple majority with simple turnout at polling stations and not two third votes to validate southern succession,” he said.

The Secretary General, who is currently included in the SPLM delegation to the joint political executive committee to negotiate with the dominant NCP in the upcoming schedules, has reiterated that what will determine the outcome of the referendum shall be based on the turnout majority at the polling day.

This comes following last week announcement made by GOSS Vice President Dr. Riek Machar that a compromise of 2/3 voters turn out to guarantee succession for South Sudan, has been reached with the National Congress Party.

However, he was quick to say the agreement he announced was still to be reviewed and endorsed by Southern council of ministers which out rightly rejected the agreement on Friday 16 October 2009.



  • murlescrewed

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Comrade Pagan should run for the presidency against Al-Bashir. No matter what part of South you are from, all of us who were in the red army wing of the SPLA back in the 1980s identify more closely with Pagan.

    After Dr. Garang, no one in the SPLM has more clarity of position than Cdr Pagan. May he continue to serve our glorious South. He is the only one who is above any petty tribal politics!!

    Pagan Oyee, SPLM Oyee!!

  • maumau

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Hon.Pagan Amum,

    you are a true politician who understand the politics of Arabs, go ahead and prove to them that Southerners have known their secret of blakmailing us. Who knows, you may be a president one day!!!.

  • thieleling

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    The SPLM is choatic and violating the CPA. There are no coordination of policies in the party. Too much jealousy among the party leadership. Dr. Riek is negotiating the referendum law in Khatoum while being stabbed in the back in Juba. When will SPLM be law-abiding party with the rule of law & discipline? Complaining all the time!! pathetic…..

  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    That is very excellent.We don’t want Arabs to fool us like in the past.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    And thank you our future president H.E Pagan Amum.
    We all love you as you do.

  • Allajabu

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Thank you Pa’gan Amum Okiech,

    You are a voice of voiceless people and we stand firm behind you. The Jellaba is working 7/24 to brogate every clause of the CPA while their stooges are announcing premature rubber stamp agreement.

    Professor Allajabu Hassan Surur Al Dinkawi

  • Kur

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    ” In the past, we made compromises on other issues, but we will not compromise on the referendum bill.” This is what many of us want to hear. NObody has the right to determine our fate on the basis of percetages other than us. It is not 100%, 66%,or whatever percent of our people who fighting for the right of self determine of South Sudanese people, but whoever turns up to fight. I think this time around, the SPLM is waking up and should wake up, too.


  • tiomdit_maker

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Pagan is a true patriote more than Donkey Riek Machar.Who alway used his stomach.Fuck you foodies Nuer mi liel gaach.

  • marial mach aduot mach
    marial mach aduot mach

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Nice moves by the SPLM, for the fate of southern Sudan is not to determine in Khartoum.

    long live SPLM


    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    “Being a poor person is better than to be rich”. A “poor person always makes a double thinking before making an attempt, but a rich person always ignore things”. “Is he ready to kill or is he ready to relinquished himself”? Guess whom do you think those quotations applied to him?

    By the way, who is a candidate from Southern Sudan to run an Election with Khartoum Government between Dr Riak Machar and Salva Kiir Miyardit as well as the rest of the other SPLM Ministers like Pagan Amum and so forth? Do you all believe that the SPLM will win the Election since they have never prepared themselves? How can they win an Election without a candidate? Salva Kiir is busy visiting other African countries while an Election is waiting for him. How is going to handled?

    By Augustino Deng

  • Gatwech

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Dear readers,

    Let us be very careful analysing these groups that want to destroy the referendum just to create a crisis. CREATE A CRISIS, HOW?

    These groups include 1) Northern Opposition parties, 2)internal SPLM unionists and 3) some internal SPLM separatists but who are jealous about any achievement to do with Dr. Riek Machar.

    1) Northern opposition parties:

    These are the hyenas in sheep’s skin. Notably Sadiq Al-Mahdi, Dr. Hassan Al-Turabi and Osman Al-Mirghani. I also refer you to the article on ‘southsudannation.com’ about their gathered reaction to the referendum bill. Also read about the reaction of DUP, the second largest opposition political party in Sudan. The Northern opposition groups said the bill has given too much to the South and the South is absolutely going to become independent.

    They also accuse the SPLM of betraying their Juba Declaration. To them, Juba declaration is about unity. They also asked for creating a crisis with the NCP by boycotting the coming elections. SPLM wants to boycot the elections because Salva Kiir and some members of the party in the parliament foresee losing their seats. They better boycot it. The opposition groups know that NCP wants the elections. But as northerners, they want to kill two birds with one stone. They want to lull the SPLM into false belief that the elections will be boycotted. SPLM will then be reluctant to prepare its candidates. In the last hour, the opposition in the North may surprisingly accept the conduct of elections. The SPLM will be left in difficult position and may be join the elections unprepared. This will be like what happened in the population census. The SPLM will then lose many seats in parliaments.

    The opposition also wants the referendum bill delayed until an elected parliament comes in to adopt it after the elections. Their strategy is to make sure that the seats occupied by the two partners, SPLM and NCP, are drastically reduced in the parliament so that the referendum bill can be aborted by the parliament. The opposition groups know their seats will increase in the parliament after the elections and may dominate it. This is why they are worried of any breakthrough now on the referendum bill reached by Ali Osman Taha and Dr. Riek Machar. They believe that the NCP will mobilize its members now to pass it in the parliament. They are on the political offensive to blackmail the SPLM’s weak leaders in the name of their Juba Declaration agreement.

    2)SPLM internal unionists.

    This group doesn’t see its future in an independent South Sudan. And they have two categories. Those who are southerners and those who are northerners. The northerners such as Yasir Arman do not have a future in the North if the South separates. Some are criminals waiting for trial if the CPA expires or fails and South separates by whatever means. He knows that the SPLM as a political party would not be allowed to exist in the North if the South becomes independent. It will be outlawed and its certificate confiscated. What he is looking for is unity with SPLM intact as a political party to protect him.

    A referendum bill like the one agreed by Dr. Riek Machar that would make the South become independent through the simple majority vote of 51% is something he doesn’t like. He prefers a crisis with the NCP that would fail the referendum and make the Americans look for other peaceful alternatives and make the country remain united.

    The other category of unionist southerners want to rule the South through mandate by the North. To them, they cannot successfully convince or administer the South, given their corrupt records and luck of development, unless they have a big brother in the North. They want to continue using the current power and wealth sharing mechanisms as a tool to control the South. If the oil money will continue to be divided in Khartoum, GOSS president to continue appointed in Khartoum, then the southerners will have no option but to listen to them. They were shocked by the referendum bill that would make the South independent. To them, independent South means freedom of southerners to choose good leaders. They are not prepared to be good leaders. Some of them such as Pagan Amum have built 2 million dollars worth mansion in USA. They know the corrupt records would continue to haunt them. They are not ready for it. They expected a crisis.

    The group also knows that the South is weak and can be controlled by the North if a full blown crisis is created. They are not happy with successful implementation of the CPA with the NCP that would see the South separate. They want to pretend that they are separatists and call for unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) that would make the South recaptured. They have stolen all the money and have not bought modern weapons that would deter air attacks by the modern fighter jets. They know the SPLA army is demoralized and not ready to fight because they don’t even get their salaries. They even dodge the LRA and don’t want to fight them.

    By creating a crisis with the NCP, they hope that the nation would either go back to war and the CPA destroyed in its final stage so that the South would be recaptured and forced to unite with the North for another 21 years or even longer. What they want to see is crisis, crisis, crisis out of CPA implementation.

    3) Other are internal SPLM separatists but jealous particularly about achievements by Dr. Riek Machar. Their mindset is purely on perceived power struggle. They are jealous that such an achievement on referendum bill will make southerners love Dr. Riek more and may want him to be their President in the elections. They are a naive group who compromising their bigger interest of seeing the South becoming independent just because of leadership interest.

    Now that the NCP has seen the weakness of the SPLM, it may drag on the referendum negotiations until January 2011. Surely, we will see a crisis. The devils have succeeded to drag the nation to war again. We will soon see a crisis!

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    TO; Gatwec(James Gatdet),Kim Deng and Thieling

    Please, somebody defending Dr Riek on this site is like a person who run crazy on street and tried to defend and suport Satan (Devil) at the Church forum.

    I really regret why i was born to Nuer Tribe

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    TO; Gatwec(James Gatdet),Kim Deng and Thieling

    Please, somebody defending Dr Riek on this site is like a person who run crazy on street and tried to defend and suport Satan (Devil) at the Church forum.

    I really regret why i was born to Nuer Tribe

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    pagan is better than None in South Sudan issue, go on, if U concede this time then we are Arabs Slaves in the nearest Future. Calculate Arithmetic Correctly with all decimal points, otherwise we will be the losers.

  • thieleling

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum

    We all know Gatwech’s superior minded and exceptionally genius. If Gatwech’s intelligent debate and superior-mental reasonings frustrated you, it is better you just simply put up a white flag and surrender. You don’t have to accuse him of being someone that he is not.

    How would you feel if I said you are Joseph de Tuombuk who wrote anti-Dr. Riek article on this website yesterday? That you are the same frustrated Zacheriah Manyok, and the same time murle-screwed & others? Now I know your hatred toward James Gatdet, Dr.Machar, Gatwech, myself or other Nuers. But there is no way fearless men like us would ever give in to cowardice, fearful and slaved-minded like you and your Salva Kiir. Leave Gatwech alone if you can’t win an argument with him. You cannot hate someone because he is gifted with GOD-given talent. The same reason Dinkas hate Dr. Machar.

    I personally know the most genius Gatwech. I couldn’t win an argument with him too. I don’t blame you at all. But our difference is that I recognized Gatwech is genius or gifted and treat him as such. But your jealousy can’t accept the obvious fact that Gatwech is mentally superior than you.

    Accept the truth and quit your burning jealosy against Gatwech. That is the reality of politics buddy. Give up!! James Gatdet is another superior-minded reporter who is superbly doing his job. He is definitely not your Philip Thon Aleu. Or are you going to accuse him too of being him? Philip Thon is a shallow-minded reporter and couldn’t be compared with James Gatdet anyway. Let not go there. Please get out of your delusions. Why are you intimidated by intelligent people?

    You can’t call every intelligent Nuer out there as James Gatdet or Dr. Machar. That may be you or Someone last week that called Gatwech himself Dr. Machar in disguise. And that Dr. Riek is depending himself on this website as Gatwech. Psycho-analysis!! What is happening with Dinkas? Is your recurring tribal-sickness really becoming chronic madness that is finally killing you people?

    Dude, you are seriously mentally deranged!! Please if you are not optimistic about the future in south sudan, leave it to real and fearless men like me, Gatwech or optimistic southerners. We know what to do with south sudan. Retreat to your most pessimistic world of Dinkas. That is how you guys become anti-democratic because you are too fearfull and hopeless.

    You are afraid Gatwech is too educated, knowledgeable and his high intellectual caliber becomes the source of your menacing jealousy!! “Jang” go away!!! I do love my dog & gun more than you!!

  • Bol Mabith
    Bol Mabith

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Hi my fellowers Sudanese,we are still in darknes we have to come out of that dark.We have right to vote for separation although we are ten in number.
    I hundred happy to Pagan about his speeches when ever he talks. No body can force us for unification when we don,t want unity.Our leaders,why are you treating us like this?.Please Pagan,I encourage you to keep on saying the reality instead of fails.Also talk to the elector committee to select the best people to conduct the elections not like before what was done by Abiel Alier and Lago.

    Bol Mabith Deng in Warrap State.

  • thieleling

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Dear Gatwech,

    The minority unioinists in SPLM seems to succeed in taking south sudan back to war. The calculation is to turn the negotiating of Referendum law a political campaign among the SPLM members such as Pagan Amum and Dr. Machar. Elements of SPLM Political Bureau are campaigning against Dr. Machar’s taking credit. The same way LRA negotiated Agreement was hijacked that did save innocent lives for 2 years.

    South sudanese think the faith or credit goes to Dr. Machar regardless of the jealousy. I do urge Dr. Machar or Matip to rethink their military or political strategy quickly in this current politically intense environment. Salva Kiir is dumb the war will break out in Juba. The SPLM killed Referendum Law until the next parliament as you said. But no one can be sure what is in the store from NCP. Now that Pagan is added to the negotiating team led by Dr. Machar against NCP, that is the end of Referendum Law being negotiated as we know it.

    Kiir is too weak and overpowered by Mansour Khalid, Arman & the co. I am supremely confident that we the separatists will win at the end. But the NCP has to bloody-nosed pagan & his likes first. The U.S and the rest of trioka understand SPLM’s tactics of instigating the NCP and then cry fault. The SPLM cannot trick the whole wide world. The world is watching the SPLM’s disillusions with upcoming elections. The worst scenario would be the minority unionists in SPLM ruining this round to win the Referendum.

  • Samani

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    May I suggest something !!

    You want to win this referendum ??
    Your Aim is to get the majority of whatever number you are 1 million or 100 million to vote.

    Prove to the WORLD that you want this truly !!
    If it was me and i felt strong about the future of my people and my Country, i would make sure my whole family was there voting.

    Instead of using these cheap, low, easy ways to insure a win.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    SPLM opens a Pandor Box,

    Remember that the NCP first demanded 75% turnout (quorum), then suddenly changed its mind and went up to 90% and then dropped down to 2/3 (66%) final. They have agreed to 51% to declare the South independent. May be they agreed to 51% because the SPLM agreed to 66%. This is what is called give and take in the negotiations. Do you think we gave the seat of referendum to Khartoum in the Naivasha talks for nothing? It was based on give and take. In this referendum bill, we got the most important provision which is 51% to declare the South independent. The turnout mechanism to achieve the 66% of number of people can be internally worked.

    The tricky thing is what if the NCP now says they will go back to something like 80% turnout instead of 66% if the SPLM rejected the deal and opened the Pandora Box again? The NCP first accepted 51% as their part of compromise in the give and take spirity may be so that 66% is agreed by the SPLM. Now the SPLM is re-opening the pandora box. The NCP may jump up to 80% quorum and the whole negotiation would re-start for another year. I wonder why only 66% cannot be achieved even if there is logistical problem or insecurity as long as southerners are serious to vote and their leaders who worked out an effective internal mechanism to make sure that they vote on the three days of referendum. Again, there is an alternative provision which says if the first attempt failed to achieve the 66% turnout for whatever reasons, the referendum can be allowed to take place again within 60 days. This is a back up mechanism.

    What is the SPLM going to do if the NCP will open a pandora box again? Do you think Pagan Amum with his reckless behaviour will renegotiate something good with the NCP? He will create a crisis and will be running back to the South. Salva Kiir has abandoned the so-called Presidency and Nhial Deng Nhial is a chicken.

    If I were Dr. Riek Machar, I would not accept going back to renegotiate the referendum bill. Either Pagan Amum or Salva Kiir should re-open this negotiations and see what the NCP will tell them. Jealousy should not be entertained any more.

  • Khent

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum

    As usual, your contribution has been reduced to off-point personal babblement having nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    Since you obviously don’t understand burden of proof, allow me to explain.

    If the model in question were to read as follows:

    “This is a conspiracy against Dr. Riek Machar”.

    ^Then you are obliged to provide evidence.

    If you cannot provide requisite evidence, then you have no basis for asserting it.

    Those who do not assert it are under no obligation of proof or explanation whatsoever.

    The burden is on you to explain.

    If you can’t meet this requirement, then all you’ve provided us with, is a view that you want to believe in, but do not actually understand and so cannot explain.

    That’s a fair assessment, no?

    You respond with desperate off-point ranting, and outright hatred, but never actually seem to engage topical issues, without eluding to some phantom conspiracy against Dr. Riek Machar.

  • Adam

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    Hello everybody

    I read the article and all the comments. I am so sorry that I read these comments. It is evident that most writers are not good enough. I could smell anger, clash blood, war, tribalism. In short a devastation. If the Southern elites or (at least) the educated are so tribal and out of focus, then what is going to happen to our poor people? Who is going to rule and provide the services that are necessary to whatever South? I think, the future is loaded with blood and fire, if things continue like this. All parties including SPLM need to be reformed for sure. The vision is not clear. The system is not pronounced. The practice is full of faults and blunders. There are so many problems to be resolved, but NOT the way the comments suggest.

    I call upon all educated and experienced Southerners to work for building Human Resources, infra-structure and peace. The political arena should be shaped with freedom, tolerance and sincere cooperation. The sons of the motherland should be attracted to join hands. They should not be left to be assimilated wherever they are.

    By the way, I am not from the South, but in love with this part of the country and I hope the best for its inhabitants either way they decide

  • Diro79

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    i wonder what happened to that donkey OSHAY….
    Peace yo

  • Ali Ahmed
    Ali Ahmed

    SPLM disowns two third voters turnout for Southern Sudan referendum
    I am a Northern Sudanese who wholeheartedly support South Sudan’s right to self-determination.
    I don’t believe the 50% + 1 outcome or 66% participation is the problem. I mean if 66% of the registered voters come out to vote and if 50% + 1 (it is not 51%) of these 66% voted for separation, this will amount to a requirement of about 33% of registered voters voting for separation and the South will be an independent state.
    It is not too much to ask that 1/3 of eligible voters come out and vote yes, is it? How else could the SPLM justify splitting a member of the AU, if it can’t motivate 1/3 of registered voters to come out and say YES to separation.
    The second issue which in my view is a major one is the wishy-washy official position of the SPLM on separation. At this point in time SPLM wants to eat its “unity” cake now and have independence in days to come. It is true that the CPA stipulates that both parties work towards making unity attractive. However, if anything the SPLM and the NCP, through their continuing quarrel, made unity unattractive. So, I think it is time that SPLM makes known that their official position is for separation of South Sudan.
    There are chronic problems and separation may be our only solution. However, stability, in the North and in the South, is key to our future as neighbours living in peace.

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