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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei

By Philip Thon Aleu

October 26, 2009 (BOR) – Five National Congress Party (NCP) leading members and one other southern party’s supporter officially joined Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) today Monday in Bor town, Jonglei state.

Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk rejoices with SPLM supporters
Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk rejoices with SPLM supporters
Confirming their decision, the leading SPLM’s new comrade, surprised by hospitality, broke-down in tears and describes 19 years of serving NCP as “unappreciated work.” On it part, the SPLM says it remains the only Sudanese political party with readiness to forgive former foes and welcome new comrades with “open arms.”

The new arrivals to the state SPLM secretariat are Dr. Monica Simon Ngong, former NCP mobilization officer in Southern Sudan, Martha Ayak Lazero Kuol who heads NCP in Twic East County till her defection, Grace Atong Abor, former NCP, Ayak Philip leading NCP in Bor County, Susan Akuac Monychol (former NCP devoted member) and Elizebath Joseph Chan of USAP (United Sudan African Party).

Speaking at the tea party organized in their honor, Mrs. Simon Ngong, a medical doctor, first broke into tears, holds herself and described the welcoming ceremony as “I had not known that we [women] are important in our society after the long darkness.” Asked why she cried, Mrs. Monica told the Sudan Tribune that she witnesses a warm welcome from SPLM today but non from the NCP that she served for years.

“For 19 years, the NCP never appreciated me,” she said adding “there are no promotions for southern women after long services in NCP. That is why I cried.” Mrs. Simon Ngong talked about promotion in reference to the promotion of women former leader Susan Lith Aluong to Governor’s advisor on gender. Other arrivals attributed their decision to join SPLM to Mrs. Susan Lith’s inspiration.

But why did they join NCP? Mrs. Simon Ngong responded: “Because it was my husband’s party before his death and the only [viable] party before 2005 north-south peace.” Mrs. Atong, another new arrival, says she was not persuaded to join SPLM but that “SPLM has clear vision for Southern Sudanese” shaped her decision.

On their part, SPLM veterans say “we have received strong supporters…with open arms…because we need new energies for SPLM survival.”

“With SPLM, you have all chances of claiming any political position given our democracy,” SPLM state secretary Buoth Chuol says. “We need a long list of strong members like you,” Deputy State Chairman of SPLM Hussein Mar added to lobby for tremendous inflexion to SPLM.

Gov. Kuol Mangany Juuk, who doubles as State SPLM Chairman said: “SPLM is not for fighters only. If we stick to pioneers, SPLM will collapse. So, we need new people for SPLM survival from all corners of Sudan; regardless of religion and age.” Mr. Mangany then joked in Arabic: “Those who joined SPLM during the war and then defected to Khartoum were trying to understand why we were fighting then. They got it and are now strong members,” adding “be hard working because SPLM does not distribute money to win membership.”

Speaker of state assembly Peter Chol Wal, and SPLM ministers in the state including Timothy Taban Juoch of information and communication, Kengen Jakor Boya of finance, Rachael Nyadak Paul of social development and Deng Alier of land attended the tea party to confirm warm welcoming. Governor’s advisors led by Suzan Lith Aluong of gender, Oguto Ocham, several members of state parliament and other leading figures in the party were all present at the party’s headquarters in Bor.

Though it’s not immediately clear how many supporters are coming with the six heads but SPLM members jubilated in expectance of huge supports ahead of April 2010 general elections.

The new comrades have a lesson to learn – the SPLM Oyee slogan which is an equitant to NCP’s Allah Akbar.



  • Gatjang

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    This is great, thank you very much for joining the SPM. Please feel free to come, SPLM will never ask where were you during the war. We want men in the list too. People like Riek Gai, Bona Malual and many more need to join the SPLM.

  • thieleling

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei

    Shame on the “Butcher of Equatoria”, Kuol manyang who celebrates Dinka-Bor political prostitution between the NCP & SPLM. Where is Maulana Abel Alier & Deng Kelei, Mr. Kuol Manyang? You need to bring all the Dinka-Bor food-fighters from Khartoum, instead of violating international law, killing civilians in Jonglei for political & tribal reasons. Abel Alier is going to rigg the election on behalf of Al-Bashier soon!!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    So, did I understand that the Jonglei’s NIF/NCP was only for females unlike Northern Sudan NIF which is completely Males dominated Party?

    Some news, or the contents in this web are either unreliable or consist of a lot of errors.

    Anyway, deserting NIF Party is a wise move and deserve appreciation.

  • Gold

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    I had a great time reading around your post as I read it extensively. Excellent writing! I am looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    Welcome Sisters to SPLM. SPLM is the party that serve the interest of Southerners. Those women who serve NCP did their right choice because its is better die with your brothers and sisters. We know that women never kill our brother like those food lovers of Riek Gai.
    I would be happy if men join SPLM. Please we want more to join SPLM. For example, SPLM welcome Riek Machar, Paulino Matip, Lam Akol, Joseph Konyi,Koang, and many Militias that defected during the struggle.

  • dengdit

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    Very impressive ideologies prevailed by our ruling party in the South ‘the SPLM’ are much more better than expected. i am happy with the Jonglei’s Governor comment that SPLM needs hard working because they don’t use money to hire members. also forgiveness is another tool for development. i wishes all the SPLM members should adopt same modelity of valuing and encouraging people with knowledge, experience and energy to develop our young nation of southern Sudan. i personally the Hon. governor Kuol, deputy governor Mar and all the ministers in Junglei State. lets ignor tribal differences and work for common goal which New sudan and let win the second war by mean of working together.
    demographical sense is most vital, we have more women in Government which indicate democracy will be achieved in last than 5 years.
    discards your political ambitious and develop what you know most and its will lead you to public life.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei
    Its a great and very interesting news to hear, more special from the mutiny state Jonglie.

    I would like to thank these newly welcomed NCP members into the SPLM. This is very brilliant decision . I will be mush happier to hear such an event also happens in the other states of southern Sudan.My gratitude thanks also goes to the leadership of Jonglei for the kind welcome accorded to these members,especial the govern Kual Manyang.

    Southern Sudan has potential diplomats and politicians inside and outside Sudan, only poverty initiated and maintained by Khartoum government could not give them incentive to serve their fellow southerns, but instead serve the enemies of southern Sudan.

  • J.James

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei

    I didn’t know Dinka Bor was flooded by NCP supporters, I thought Bor are 100% pure SPLA supporters since they normally accuse other tribes for being NCP supporters.

    Just wondering young brothers.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

  • Khent

    SPLM welcomes former NCP supporters in Jonglei

    Your post informs on the inability of some to engage topical facts.

    You have undoubtably reserved such undignified venom for the Dinka-Bor, simply because of your foolish belief, that Dr. John Garang came from Dinka Bor.

    Dr. John Garang, Akuot Atem De Mayem, and Arok Thon Arok came from Dinka Twic-east, whilst William Nyuon Bany’s mother came from Dinka Twic-east;- confusing Dinka Twic-east with Dinka-Bor, would be akin to confusing the Gawar Nuer for the Lou Nuer.

    Dinka Twic-east is closely related with Dinka Twic-West (Kerubino Kwanyin Bol’s home) in Bahr el Ghazal. Dinka Twic-east resents being termed Dinka Bor.

    Prominent Dinka Bor politicians include Abel Alier and Kuol Manyang Juk.

    Should you feel compelled to rubbish Garang’s home, please address them by their proper name (Twic-east). Do NOT confuse Dinka Twic-east with Dinka Bor! Dr. John Garang is NOT from Dinka-Bor. Is that understood?

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