Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM Secretary General visits Japan

October 28, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Secretary General of the Southern Sudan ruling party who is visiting Tokyo discussed yesterday with the Japanese state secretary for foreign affairs the implementation of the peace process and South’s development.

Mr Pagan Amum, the Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) is visiting Tokyo at the invitation of the Japanese foreign ministry.

Mr. Tetsuro Fukuyama, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Pagan on October 27 discussed southern Sudan development and the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The meeting comes two weeks after a similar visit to Tokyo by Mutrif Siddiq, Sudanese Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fukuyama and Mutrif discussed economic cooperation, the CPA implementation and Darfur conflict resolution process.

Fukuyama stated that the new administration of the Government of Japan would continue and strengthen the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) process and actively address issues faced by Africa.



  • Lawrence

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan
    Mr Pagan Amum is making the right choice of states where to visit, not like others who even go visiting countries which are on the list of human right abuse and mismanagement of their economies. Go explain to the Japanese the suffering which our people have been going thru not forgetting our roads, schools, health and toll buildings in Juba like the ones in Tokyo. Do not mention anything about food, because food can be produced locally, other factors constant.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan
    Pagan, Pagan son of Southern Sudan. May God almighty bless you and keep you safe for being the voice and eyes of little people of Southern Sudan. With you going to Japan, I’m hopefull that you will come home with good things. Good job and I salute you in the name of our fallen heroes and the name of our beloved Southern Sudan.

    The General Achinbenchien

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan


    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Pagan Amuom is a man of the people but we have to caution him in order not to be influenced by Lam Akol who is the second enemy to Southerners in Sudan.He (Pagan)is a freedom fighter like Kiir and the Late Dr.John Garang.

    It would like to tell him that a hunter does not fear thorns,we are for you please and never ever attempt to give up .

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Pagan Amuom is a man of the people but we have to caution him in order not to be influenced by Lam Akol who is the second enemy to Southerners in Sudan.He (Pagan)is a freedom fighter like Kiir and the Late Dr.John Garang.

    I would like to tell him that a hunter does not fear thorns,we are for you please and never ever attempt to give up .

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Time1

    SPLM Secretary General visits Japan
    I want to thank Japan for thier great contribution to peace and development in south Sudan, Japan has done alot since the signing of peace, they have build new port in Juba, they build new education training centre, they contributed in capacity building, election funding and many more. Thank you Japan and we in south Sudan want to continue work with Japan. Pagan Amum let the Japanese know we need more technological support and investment also.

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